ITT: games that made you get a Nintendo Switch / games that'll make you want to get a Nintendo Switch (if not made yet)

ITT: games that made you get a Nintendo Switch / games that'll make you want to get a Nintendo Switch (if not made yet).

>tfw Persona 5 will never come to Nintendo Switch despite it being ridiculously easy to do so since it's a goddamn PS3 game

Admit it, Persona 5 on the go is making your dick go diamond just thinking about it.

It'll never happen, but I'd want a compilation of the Dark Souls trilogy to take on the go. I'd even tolerate "silky-smooth" 720p30.

I was going to say the latest Guilty Gear/Tekken/BlazBlue/KOF, but then I realized how scary it would be to let these fighting game jews jew me on another platform

Xenoblade 2

>PSP is console games on the go
>this is stupid no one wants this
>Vita is console games on the go
>this is stupid no one wants this
>switch is console games on the go
>based nintendo innovating what we always wanted!

I want one for Splatoon 2 and portable Sonic Mania.

You don't see how the Switch is better at executing that concept than the psp and vita?

why is she crying

Literally the same thing. Vita also had built in voice chat.

Remote play is dogshit.

Don't be retarded. Psp and vita were much further behind their home console counterparts. I love my vita, but it's a handheld and it's not trying to be anything else.

Not to mention the vita was pretty much the most powerful choice over Nintendo.


Native games. Vita and PSP were made so devs could easily make portable versions of games.

Oh you're just console warring. I'm sorry I gave you any attention.

PSP could play PS2 games and Vita could play PS3 games, both console counterparts at the time of release. Don't be a fucking idiot.

A good Wario Ware

Her hand looks like it got twisted.

But the switch is literally a home console you can take with you. Psp had select access of ps2 games, and I think you're talking about remote play with vita, which has a lot of drawbacks, like having to buy another console.

Not to mention the psp and vita were ruined for me because of basic design flaws, like proprietary memory cards. I own all these console and like all of them for different reasons, I don't see how you could possibly believe psp and vita are better at being a console on the go.

Why are you being so aggressive? Can't you just discuss things like a normal person?

My point is they started it, in a sense innovated it, but instead were criticized for it while suddenly ports are good on nintendo's handheld.

There was monsterhunter but that's pc 2018 so who cares.

I'm not aware of any big games on the way otherwise. I just googled it and they're getting pc/mulitplat games and a mario game and a zelda dlc? Big woop.

Then we're looking at a console that doesn't have a transferable account. Sounds like a fun way to pay into nothing.

Jigoku Shoujo S4
Physical assault, emotional trauma and raped by her own cousin (nothing was shown but it was heavily implied)

>told myself I'd never get one until I see AC or FE footage
>get gifted one, try out splatoon
>instantly drop 100 hours on it, love gaming again

what the fuck

Fire Emblem game
Pokemon game, if it is a mainline game or one similar to Coliseum or Gale of Darkness
But hey, i will rather wait for emulation then waste money on a console for 2ish games. Nintendo should also just release games on PC through their own store and have their gimmicky controllers work on PC as well.

No More Heroes 3. Oh wait, that's happening. Except it's not. But it also is.

And this is where Nintendo fails, they are trying to be both. They are so caught up in gimmicks at the moment, it is ridiculous. Would love a new console that is just a console like the Gamecube or Wii with less reliance on gimmicks

But the Switch is what the WiiU should've been all along

Its also multiplat like SMT V

Pretty sure it's a Switch exclusive. No skin off my back if it is multiplat though, I have a PS4.

you're an idiot, the switch finally is bringing back lost nintendo gamers. Never run a company, retard. Or at least graduate high school before you spit out dipshit opinions.

Demon's Souls 2

How do you define that failure? Certainly not sales.

I used to always go for Steam versions of games by default, for obvious reasons, but now I typically look at switch versions first. I'd rather have the comfort and convenience of the Switch, playing in the living room on the TV and then taking it to bed and playing for a few more hours is something that really appeals to me and exactly why its the ultimate portable console. I like comfiness. It's more important to me than graphics or even mod support.

Bloodborne's as close as it's probably gonna get.

You wanna know why? Because they are actually marketing the switch and lo abd behold, making games for it unlike the Wii U
Do you even remember seeing an ad for the Wii U in its lifetime? Or one of it's games? I don't, but in the 5 hours i watch tv a week at work, i see at least 1 ad for a Switch or a game on the Switch and i am in Australia
It isn't the gimmick that is selling, it is advertising that is selling the system which if it was a normal console with the same amount of advertising, it would sell just as well

Splatoon 2. I also bought Botw along with it

Advertising sells everything. And the WiiU was advertised, just hilariously badly. They generally put the controller before the console which lead people to believe it was an add-on.

Nope, multiplat.

I know. The point is that nothing would make me want to buy a switch except a sequel that will never happen.

A new Monster Hunter and Pikmin. That's it. Mario Odyssey is the only other game I care about that's actually been announced.