1) how do I git good

1) how do I git good

2) is there a multiplayer mode with only points and defeat, and not with the concrete blocks that you send to your opponet?

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>is there a multiplayer mode with only points and defeat, and not with the concrete blocks that you send to your opponet?
No. I don't think any puyo puyo game ever had a mode like that.

Gitting gud is mainly a matter of looking up tutorials online then practicing.

>is there a multiplayer mode with only points and defeat, and not with the concrete blocks that you send to your opponet?
No. Literally get gud

but you can play tetris only. thats all i play for, to play tetris only online

thanks though

You can play tetris only, but every multiplayer mode in this game was designed so that you could use either, and playing puyo without garbage isn't really that engaging.

If you want a mode like that there's probably some other tetris games that have it.

>If you want a mode like that there's probably some other tetris games that have it.

any you know of?

I'm more of a puyo guy so I have no idea. Nullpomino may have it as an option.

A lot of practice and hours into the game will help you get good. You only need two , maybe three things: Knowledge, speed and execution.
Knowledge is just knowing set ups and the like. Speed is gotta go fast. Execution is not fucking up what you know when you go fast.

i never really tried puyo. any tips?

who /risukuma/ here

I recommend grabbing JoyToKey aswell if you wanna use a controller instead of a keyboard.

Picked this up the other day. Never played Puyo before (other than in Mania's chemical plant zone boss fight) and atm having a lot of fun with practicing chaining.
Why did they add the voice acting and shitty, boring characters though? It has no right in a fucking tetris game.

I always suggest these to beginners.

Every Puyo Puyo game has voice acting (and no option to mute it). It's just how it is.




how did he sneak that T block in there at the 3 second? physically no room

Different tetris versions have different rules in terms of how rotation is handled

That the SRS (super rotation system)

how is this possible? poyo just hit a 9 chain combo, and still loses half a second later? its not fair

almost not fair

And tetris had a 10 chain combo going at the time. Before Either player gets garbage, they get a chance to do their combos/chains then neutralize or reflect it back.

i dont like these. it seems cheating and not pure. did the original tetris have this?

And the tetris player still took garbage from puyo. What I think makes tetris op is the fact that it can use garbage to fuel its combos.


why didnt he drop it immediately

He was waiting to see if his opponent would build up high enough for the perfect clear to immediately top him out.


how does he know how high it would be? how do i get good/ want to play?

that t spin is worth too many points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's worth as much as a tetris





Practice. Lots and lots of practice.

>tfw the bag fucks you over
