DOOM 2016 still has no real modding

>DOOM 2016 still has no real modding

Snapmapfags and defenders of this awful game on suicide watch


That's Id Tech 6, modders can't render supertextures since they don't have mega computers

how hard would it really be to convert old .wad files?

>cant change doomguys colors black and red and change the demons into nazis


Why mod a perfect game?

>Snapmapfags and defenders of this awful game on suicide watch
There is nothing to defend it from when it's lterally the best SP shooter made in 10 years. No modding and real multiplayer is indeed terrible, but sacrifices have to be made. We are not in the 90s anymore.

This. What would there be to improve?

It's ZeniMax's fault. When they bought id, they forced them to stop publishing idTech under the GNU public license. Which is unfortunate but why disallow all mods when you also own Bethesda?

>lterally the best SP shooter made in 10 years
Really the faggotest opinion right there

Snapmap is one of the best in game level editors, only second to the Trials series.

The biggest problem is limitations on chains and the low object count

nobody mods modern AAA games, they're too complicated and the graphics are too high def

Do any modern idTech even support modding? Maybe is just not even possible or practical for this kind of engines anymore?

>implying that wasn't the point of them to start with
Modders btfo

Says the most triggered sperg out there.

>not having a mod that makes Doom Guy yell "Pickle Rick" everytime a demon dies

I don't think anyone would want to bother with modding this game since the game play fundamentals are so fucking shit

Tell me there is pickle rick wad, please.

>It's not like muh classic 90s shooter so it's shit!
Off yourself nostalgia faggot, asking for a clone is the best way you have no taste at all and just want to play the same game over and over for your effortless instant gratification and nostalgia rush.

>the most triggered sperg
I'm not at all
Still go fuck yourself

There were technically mods, but only in the "warp around, a bunch of cyberdemons/spider masterminds into maps freely, infinite ammo, use multiplayer weapons" kind of shit.

D4 was so fucking closed down unfortunately due to its engine and Id not caring much for mods in large scale.

I think the update a couple months ago that integrated the DLC maps into the game and merged the SP and MP folders allowed you to make SP maps with no "limit" on objects, but still only a normal 8 monster limit outside of event hordes.

I don't want a clone but it should take on board the design principles of the old games, Doom 4 advertised itself like this yet only implemented them in the most superficial way possible
I'd say if you like this new game then you are the one with no taste.
It's just another superficial, hollow, disposable AAA "experience".

>It's just another superficial, hollow, disposable AAA "experience".
>good level design
>decent challenge
>top notch tech and polish
>solid gunplay
>extra-content like classic doom maps and other secrets

Faggot, please, if all AAA games were like this, there wouldn't be need for shitty indie crapshot shovelware games, Doom 2016 is AAA done fuckin' right, sorry about your irremediable hipsterism, people like me just enjoys both Doom game styles for what they are.

This tbph famalam.

NuDOOM isn't perfect but its as reasonably close to perfect as I can expect to see.

>good level design
>decent challenge
>solid gunplay
it doesn't have any of these things
>extra-content like classic doom maps and other secrets
waste of time and the classic maps are buggy and not even built right
>top notch tech and polish
performance is good even if there isn't much going on at any one time but it lacks polish in some maps and enemy pathfinding is complete shit. It also looks nice I guess but that doesn't really matter when everything else is kinda bad

>it doesn't have any of these things
It has the most non-linear level design in a shooter in probably 10 years with enough variety and combat arenas are pretty well designed, challenge is there, no savescumming this time and original Doom wasn't much harder than this, the gunplay feels solid and weapons satisfying to shoot.

>waste of time and the classic maps are buggy and not even built right
They are extra content for a reason, just a cool thing to include and they are perfectly playable and it's interesting to play with the new weapons in them, how many AAA games do that nowadays?

>but it lacks polish in some maps
What maps? All are detailed as the engine can do, have enough variety on interactive and decorative assets and hardly have any bugs or glitches, it's simply one of those games you can tell testers did their job.

>It also looks nice I guess but that doesn't really matter when everything else is kinda bad
Nothing matters if you have no taste, at the end you just wanted a clone, even a mediocre attemp at what the original thing did would be a good game for you as long it's ""oldschool"", go buy Dusk or something.

It doesn't need to be great, fuck off.

>using a linear map to prove it's non-linear

>It has the most non-linear level design in a shooter in probably 10 years
objectively false
>enough variety and combat arenas are pretty well designed
linear maps all the way through, arenas are entirely designed around running around in circles, no hand placed enemies (not that it would make a difference since they effectively ignore terrain), no traps of any kind, etc
>original Doom wasn't much harder than this
haven you even played the originals?
>no savescumming
d44m is literally built around unavoidable checkpoints, originals give you a choice and aren't designed around savescumming
>the gunplay feels solid and weapons satisfying to shoot.
muffled gun sounds, poor hit feedback and enemies glow instead of dying
>how many AAA games do that nowadays?
most of them do, in greater quantities than d44m does

You can't be serious. Even if you think D44m is perfectly designed (it isn't!) then surely you would at least want MORE LEVELS to play? More levels without the absurd limitations of Snapmap. Think about that and then tell me why the game wouldn't be better if it was moddable. Protip: you cunt.