> Started working
> Saved a lot of money for videogames and merchandise
> Now I can't think of something to get
> Start accumulating numbers for no reason
What the fuck is wrong with me
Started working
How about you save your money and move out of your mom's basement?
buy a motorcycle and fucking kill yourself with it
You're supposed to keep working until you can afford a house, and enough shares/dividends to live without working
then you can have both free time and a bit of money. The very best combo in life
Is that a boy or a girl
I'm already out, but I live on heritage, currently 19 and abroad studying
>oh no I'm getting richer where did my life go so wrong
Just save it until you really want something, you dumbass
Accumulating numbers is what you did in video games before. Now that you have that in your life, you don't need video games any more
I am free brothers, sayonara-da
Time to start getting into gunpla
Hmmmm might get one to try
i know this feeling too but its a good feeling. its nice having a big ol nest egg to sit back on in case of emergencies. if i was a smart person that knew a thing about investing i'd try day trading.
Big tip, get a new hobby that you do on weekends and play vidya during the week
Are you me?
I don't know if I should buy a PS4 or not.
I usually play PC but prices for parts are insane so I'm going to wait it out.
Until then, I need something to play The Evil With 2 and Wolfenstein 2 on.
What do?
Get ps4, no regrets breh, and wait for graphics cards prices to lower. OP out breh
Does it matter?
the penis only makes it better
>I live on heritage
ok then, so that isn't going to last forever. You need to work out how to use your earnings to supplement your inheritance so that you can ride the gravy train for life.
No idea how big your inheritance is but to receive any sizeable amount of money at that stage of life is a HUGE boon if used properly. Don't fritter it away, live modestly and do the things that have the optimal cost/enjoyment ratio.
If you can buy a place, you've already got a huge step up on others.
>If you can buy a place, you've already got a huge step up on others.
in terms of security.
Don't take risk until you have the security to afford it.
This isn't your blog. Buy a rope and hang yourself.
iktf. I'm good at saving but not investing, so I feel like I'm missing out by just leaving my moneys sitting in a bank account making a paltry interest.
Nothing wrong with that. Save up and invest, never know when you'll need a large sum.
>You're supposed to keep working until you can afford a house
I'm doing this OP it's fun
If I get one that doesn't kill me I just upgrade to a faster one
Do you have a problem with that?
Have you seen the price of houses?
Its so much cheaper to live in a apartment.
well not everyone on Sup Forums lives in the same city, and >house in that context is interchangeable with "a residence".
Anything you can live in without paying off someone else's mortgage will do.
and fwiw yes I have seen the price of houses, I intend on moving to the outer rural regions of a minor metropolis in australia where land is cheap and a small brick house won't cost a million dollars.
Why don't you spend money on my new Creation Club, user? You can get some amazing mods to improve the experience of Skyrim HD on Switch all for a little credits.
>be a retard
>make a retarded thread
>it's not really about the thread it's about the gif
>hurr hurr i'm retarded look at my gif guise
>wonder why no one likes me
invest bro
More of this girl please.
I don't have the money to but I wish I had the connections to get in on the investment of rebuilding in Syria now that the civil war is a few years away from ending. Whoever gets the contracts to rebuild there are going to make gangbusters.
The house is a long term investment if done right, while an apartment is just a place to live. I say that as someone who doesn't expect to own a house for a long time if ever