How many years has it been since you last purchased a videogame instead of pirating it?

How many years has it been since you last purchased a videogame instead of pirating it?

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Bought yakuza kiwami

July 21st

I bought 200% mixed juice for the character it unlocks in 100% orange juice

I wanna molest Mystia

I haven't pirated a game in like 5 years.

I never bought a game in my life.

Sonic Mania

I literally haven't pirated a game since I was 13, quit being an edgelord.

you're not some cool elite cyber space hacker cowboy, you're a cancer killing vidya

A few months. I've bought the age of decadence and prey. And I will buy divinity 2 once it's out.

>implying implications
Retards buying and pre-ordering unfinished buggy piles of steaming shit and undelivered promises is what kills the industry.
Why the fuck would a developer try and make good game when everybody will buy literal shit and ask for more anyway.

Been a while i don't do neither.

I don't really pirate anything anymore after landing a decent job desu

about ten years

Bought Grim Dawn this year and Subnautica last year.

I bought Yakuza Kiwami last week.

I can't remember the last time I pirated a game

I buy all my vidya.

I bought stardew valley for my friend yesterday

Very recently since I dropped piracy for a short while. Started it up again because I don't make much, I don't need to be wasting it on video games.

I bought Yakuza 0 a month or two ago. That was the last game that I got.

since steam added that refund policy i never pirate, dont need to

>implying there are games worth pirating or purchasing anymore

Yes and I regret it

Less than a day. I bought a titty game off DLsite.

I did say "a cancer", I know this isn't the late ninties. piracy isn't the bane of the industry. you can buy a game without pre-ordering, or falling for p2w bullshit tactics.

but if you pirate every game you play, theres no other way around it, that person is a petty thief.

Sonic Mania.

what did you get?

I bought Sonic Mania last month though

about 1/52nd of a year

What is this? Google image search just says it's anime.

Like 1/12th of a year, I bought a game last month, Shovel Knight, pretty fun.

I got

>people will respond to this

6 days ago.
I've already put nearly 35 hours into it.

How do you like Another Story of Fallen Maidens?
That looks pretty good.

>posting this twice within 2 minutes

Its a little nauseating but not surprising, fuckoff with your "shock value" shit

>but if you pirate every game you play, theres no other way around it, that person is a petty thief.

probably about 22 I think? Idk dude time flies

It's not bad. It's really just a VN, with no gameplay whatsoever, and some simple, albeit nice, sprite animation.

Of all things, the mindflayer scene was actually my favorite. I don't know if the game is translated though.

Sonic Mania a few weeks ago

>no gameplay whatsoever
That sucks, I was hoping it would be more like a traditional rpg with monster girls

Nah. You fall into some sort of trap and get lewded and transformed, then you rape the boy tagging along with you, then you're sent back to before it happened and avoid it. That's the general formula.

9 years.

You're a fucking retard.

15 years

Yesterday, huh? I don't use steam anymore, but I'm currently buying games only through GOG, DLsite and some asiandudes selling comiket/doujin games.

I only pirate Steam-only games, extra content/DLCs and some old as shit games that you can only find in retrogaming and torrent websites.

The last game I bought was Okkotos btw. And Berseria+All DLCs was the last one I pirated.

PC: yesterday, I pirated ribi rabi. Quite nice, will buy.
Console: I never buy. I only consider getting a console if it pirateable. So far have PS1,2,3, vita; xbox og & 360; Wii; DS & 3DSXL.
Hope PS4 cracked soon :)

I don't strictly pirate or buy games. Sometimes I feel like buying one and sometimes I feel like not paying for it. What alignment is this?

I'll buy consoles and games I can't pirate, but there's no way I'll ever spend a cent on something I can get for free with no inconveniences whatsoever, even with tons of disposable income I just don't enjoy the idea of burning my money just so I can say I was 'fair' to companies who don't even know I exist

I bought Grim Dawn last week

I bought the Sakura Bundle a few days ago

I just bought 2 games like a week ago.

I bought Sonic Mania and then pirated it because fuck putting the malware that is Denuvo on my computer.

Just bought 3 games this month, spent more than I would want but the games are good at least.

>people all around the world have weird delicacies

Gee, I never knew.

lol what a fag

I only pirate denuvo games, the rest that I want I buy. My backlog is so huge I could go years without buying anything and still don't finish everything.

That's amazing, but surely there's more efficient way to capture the mosquitos. Definitely will try.

A week.

In the capitalist world the only way consumer can vote and express his opinion is with his wallet. I despise modern industry practices of major publishers/developers like EA, Bethesda, Ubisoft and many more that jump on the bandwagon of jewery.
I choose not to pay them money, I vote against their shady schemes and shitty products. I pirate their games even if I end up liking them. I also buy games regularly from the developers that I like in order to show them my support as a customer.

It's not about money, I can buy all of my games, but I choose not to. It's the only thing I can do


overwatch because you can't pirate it

user, if people buy games with denuvo on them - regardless of if you install it or not - companies will keep making games with denuvo on them.

You shouldn't feel bad about pirating games that are made by cunts. My list is pretty short - EA or game that has/had Denuvo.

Also Bethesda I guess, but I haven't wanted to play any of their games in forever (or anything from EA, come to think of it...).

Thank you for supporting social justice

the last time I pirated a game was probably in 2004. I only buy games.

I don't know man, I just can't bring myself to pay for free stuff, not trying to be edgy or saying all companies suck but no matter how hard I try I just can't find a reason why I'd want to have $60 (or any other amount) less than I would've had if I simply pirated

Literally no one thought they would have managed to convince they korean devs to censor their version

I remember back when i was like 12 i was making fun of the ppl who pay for games on pc when it's easy as hell to pirate.
Now almost 20 yo and i haven't pirated a game for like 3 years straight.
Funny thing.

>want to support the Mania team for making a wonderful game
>but don't own a Switch, XBONE, or PS4, only PC
>the first is run by a full jew company, is fucking sold out and being scalped to hell and back
>the second has no games
>the third one cannot backwards compatibility
>the last one got delayed for 2 weeks 4 days before it was slated for release just to put Denuvo on it behind both the consumer and developer's backs
>supporting it by buying it on Steam/Bundlestars means that I'm support more of this kind of cancer
>not buying it means the retarded company that holds the franchise hostage thinks we DON'T want more of this

It's an abstract kind of hell.

Let it die, only then can it be reborn.


I'm polish and only buy online gayums, the entire 2000's I only bought 2 games - medieval 2 and dark crusade

I tormented all the witcher games even though I first read the books and loved them 20 years ago kek

Not myfault cdpr is too stupid or kikish to pay for denuvo

>Not buying your games and building up a physical library


no man, I'm not saying you're either a retard or just plain false flagging for this.

I'm saying you're a retarded false flagger for saying that you buy shit when it has denuvo lmao.

Everyone knows that denuvo games are getting cracked in one week at most, if you say you pay for games only when you can't play them on the second they're released because of denuevo, then you're either lying and false flagging for denuvo or you're REALLY a fucking retard who should kys because you're dumb as fuck and your justifications make absolutely no sense.

I'll go with faggy false flagger.

I bought nothing since Steam summer sale. In general, I never buy games outside of at least -50% sales.

Now watch good goyim imply that my sensible business practices are bad.

Under Night