Will any MMO top this compared to its prime days?

Will any MMO top this compared to its prime days?

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Hopefully not, that would mean another casual garbage came around for the braindead masses.

MMOs are a dying market at this point, no one is going to try to make another huge one outside of koreans since people there love grindy shit games

Name a better MMO.

>since people there love grindy shit games
No they don't. People love casual shit now where you can get to endgame easily. All Korean grinders are dead at this point (RO, MS, ToS, DnF, etc)

DAoC, Shadowbane

WoW rated arena is still the pinnacle of PvP in MMOs.

Even if that were true it'd be too depressing to accept. Fuck, WoW PvP hasn't been fun since classic, and I don't meant Tarren Mill vs. Southshore. I mean pvp gear and arenas fucking destroyed everything, every season was a new meme meta shitting on everything and there was just no fun to be had. Only just now in Legion have they taken shit somewhat more seriously and aren't just pandering to the .001% of the playerbase who actually enjoys the institutionalized autism that is arena pvp.

Please stop perpetuating the myth that this game wasn't kind of shitty.

Look I like arena as much as anyone else, but it's a meaningless minigame that exists completely separately to the actual game.

Maple Story 2

But I'm enjoying my time in Elysium.

Arena is trash, GW1 did pvp leagues better. The only reason arena gets any attention is because blizzard funds it as an esport.

Isn't that dead already?

>watch videos
>little to no music


People are unironically enjoying ffxiv too.

Blizzard only funds it because people were playing it without them.


Nah. What made Vanilla WoW (and TBC) was the community. A lot of Vanillafags don't play vidya anymore or have become very casual. And the Bieber gen would rather watch video games than play them.

Why can you see Argus from Outland?

>stealing ideas and making them worse



Uhh it already happened sweety it's called city of heroes good night underage bandwagoning blizzard shills

Sadly no.

The community part can be recreated. The game was what created the community, it can be seen when playing on a private server like Elysium. People act more or less like they did back in the days. Retail WoW actively discourages you from ever interacting with other people.

>Retail WoW actively discourages you from ever interacting with other people.

How so?

Genuinely curious, I played a little vanilla WoW back in the day but gave it up shortly after.

EVE topped it
UO topped it
SWG topped it

WoW has always been pretty shit. It was just baby's first MMO

They force grinding so they're afraid of making it annoying
They're also lazy, the entire genre is lazy simply because the size and scope wastes most of their resources

If vanilla content and gameplay would be released today it would go unnoticed or laughed at.
Vanilla lives on nostalgia, nothing else. Just like the rest of the expansions, that's why it's not surprising when someone unironically says MoP was the best. Fucking cartoon pandas and pandering to furrys.

Looking-for-dungeon/raid/BG/ whatever all let you sit on your ass instead of interacting with people for group content.
Phased zones basically mean you'll rarely see people while leveling up.
Cross-server everything means you'll never really get to know anyone on your server.

depends on the person and when they picked up mmos. I tried getting into ffxiv lately but the server lag and netcode completely drove me off. I'd prefer retail wow over it just because of that, plus I've had luck with finding fun guilds that kept me playing as well.

>prime days

pretty sure it's still the most played MMO

No, because those were there days I could lose myself in it and get lost and explore.


No, seriously.

i just started vanilla wow after only playing TBC's 7-day trial. i'm actually really enjoying myself. 35 priest.

>We didn't engineer the game and classes and balance around it, we just added it on, so it continues to be very difficult to balance. Is WoW a PvE cooperative game, or a competitive PvP game? There's constant pressure on the class balance team, there's pressure on the game itself, and a lot of times players who don't PvP don't understand why their classes are changing. I don't think we ever foresaw how much tuning and tweaking we'd have to do to balance it in that direction.
even blizzard openly admits arena was a mistake. the only reason they keep it around is because it now has a vocal minority who will start screeching if they dump it.

I've played WoW for well over a decade. Blizzard doesn't even bother improving the game unless there is competition. Every large improvement made to WoW was a knee-jerk reaction to other games innovations.

Ultima Online, DAOC, SWG

Ironically its the best PvP in any MMO. Even if you are playing a FOTM comp, you still have to be a top tier player to get Gladiator. The same can't be said for other MMOs.


Fucking mouthbreathers like you should not be allowed to live.

City of Heroes
Star Wars Galaxies
Dark Age of Camelot
Asheron's Call

DAoC, GW1+2, WAR, Ultima

None of those took as much skill and I don't think they even had arena.

XIV is objectively worse because it uses all of its parts without understanding why they work to begin with. Look at their squadron implementation, which is essentially garrison shit, and nobody cares for it because it's worthless.

Do not talk about that game in the same breath as classics who earned their keep.

Nobody cares about squadrons but I sure care about presentation and boss design.

Everquest died because it was built on ideas that sounded good on paper but were complete garbage in practice. WoW just copied what was good about it and unfucked the rest.

>the garbage they have churned out for 4 years, with only two completely original boss designs to speak of
But let's ignore how fundamentally broken the system is because it's shiny and cool and neat haha lol.

no such thing

he's completely right. you need in depth knowledge of other classes abilities and compositions - how abilities synergise with other skills, LOS, when to juke, when to kick, when to cc appropriately. hell, even proper use of spell steal is more involving than anything in 90% of other mmos

lazy thinking

Because you underage faggots have never played any other MMO, let alone one that's not carebear shit like WoW.


Are there any MMOs actually worth playing aside from WoW and FF14?

cant speak for the others, but GW2 literally boils around know when to rotate nodes and hitting not spamming your skills and even then you have so much leeway to mistakes, maybe with the exception of mesmer moa, which all you need to do is wait until your target dodges so you dont miss

Neither of those are worth playing either.

neither of them are worth playing, in fact none of them are in current climate, you either get pay2play cattle culture games with drip fed content or free2play(pay2win) korean trash where devs don't acknowledge you exist and instead make sexy suits for whales. only warcraft has a solid gameplay engine, the rest are rubbish

>aside from WoW and its retarded clone

good job refuting my argument you spastic

>dude game has mechanics you have to learn
>literally noone else does that
>it's the best

>these are the people who unironically enjoy bns and tera

it's over, bros......

>korean free2play trash where devs don't acknowledge your existence

your best bet is private server. i had fun on freeshards, not the warcraft ones though

can you name a better one and why? can you compare both for me? im not being snide, i actually want to know

Read the thread, there are several games mentioned. Go read up on them. You will not be spoonfed by me, I don't like stupid fucks.

We got arenas to thank for all the homogenization.

Just Real Life atm and even then it's a shitty grindfest with permadeath and a broken P2W economy

It's sad how quickly XIV commited all the sins of the modern psuedo'mmo'
>1.0 has open world dungeons,overworld mobs pose a threat, notorious monsters, instance dungeons that you must travel to the overworld entrance to enter, you can teleport but it's a limited resource, real-time boat travel with pirate attacks, hamlet defense that crafters and combat classes work together to complete, gear is mostly crafted putting the economy in player hands, no cross-server bullshit, no matchmaking

>2.0 has all instanced dungeon, soloable overworld mobs, 'NM's are a joke that get zerged by casuals, groupfinder for all content, virtually free teleports everywhere in already shrunk down world, crafting has no purpose because the best gear drops easily from dungeons or is bought with end-game currency

But hey at least in early 2.0 you didn't have cross-server bullshit other than dungeon finder. Dungeon Finder was unfeasible for the limited end-game boss fights because the playerbase was so so bad which meant you would get to know the decent players on your server and form bonds with them to clear content. The expansions killed even that sliver of social interaction.

>it's the 1.0 fag again

Fuck off retard.

specialisations are to blame too. I doubt Blizzard could balance 9-12 classes properly, let alone 3 times that number, but that's what happened thanks to specs. So things start getting homogenised because it's easier to deal with it

Specs also made hybrid classes play like shit for vanilla/tbc

Lineage II