Half-Life 2

This is a 6/10 game by modern standards.

Only the second half is actually fun to play. The gunplay in general is absolute dogshit, the game is only somewhat fun because of the varied gameplay and environments. The overreliance on scripted events, and so called pacing, and not-cutscenes, really hurts its replayability. There are also multiple frustrating aspects such as shitty environmental deaths like getting hit in the head with a headcrab mortar missile (instant death), platforming with outright bad jumping controls, and hitscan enemies that force you to take damage, a lot of battles force you to trade punches, not realistic and not fun especially not if you're low on health and there are no healthpacks around.

Not to mention HL2 is pretty much responsible for the "cinematic" shooters that came out ever since, it is really the proto-call of duty.

>By modern standards
Stopped reading
0/10 bait

its not bait though

you know what i mean, dont get autistic with me

>Born autistic
>Stop being autistic
If only it were that easy

there are ways to cure autism my friend

>Not to mention HL2 is pretty much responsible for the "cinematic" shooters that came out ever since, it is really the proto-call of duty.

nice b8 argument to tack onto the end of your overall b8 post

Video games have only been around for just a handful of decades. If HL2 didn't feel dated by modern standards then that would be extremely bad for video games on the whole

well thats one way of looking at it, except most newer games are even worse

>by modern standards.

i wont even bother reading your pile of shit thread

hl1 is better than hl2

FEAR was better

The first half is fantastic with a fair balance of firefights and engaging minor environmental puzzles. Linear shooters were a genre wide shift after a decade of maze shooters. Half Life was one of the few NOT doing the hallway > cutscene > hallway model. It's still linear but breaks up the tunnel vision with small bits of problem solving and activities beyond basic firefights.

HL2 released alongside proto Call of Duty. Which happened to be the original Call of Duty games. It showed them up then and it still shows the Modern Warfare line up now in terms of player engagement.

Fuck your bait and fuck you for knowing damn well it's getting easier to sell it as Sup Forums's demographic moves away from belonging to HL2's era.

>proto-call of duty

You shut your whore mouth

Your mom is a 2/10 by any standards.

hello plebbit gentlesirs, i see you appreciate the Half-Life series as much as I do, the thinking gentlesir's first person shooter! *tips crowbar*

>it is really the proto-call of duty.
stopped reading right fucking there

This post is basically how every Half Life fan sounds to me, regardless of what they actually type.

Because that's what they are actually like, they are bandwagon hoppers just like the cod crowd, only difference is that they consider themselves to be """intelligent""" so they picked the shooter on pc with the physicist protagonist instead.

It was a 10/10 game by the standards of its time, but it's basically a mythical offering of the gods by modern standards.

You're right about them being bandwagon hoppers. It's just like women all claiming to love Zelda.

>by modern standards
It was always average.

>it is really the proto-call of duty

>Call of Duty released in 2003
>Half-Life 2 released in 2004

Half-life 2 plays more like contemporary call of duty than the first call of duty game ever did.

How can a SHOOTER be great if the SHOOTING (the point of the whole game - shooting a whole bunch of people/creatures/whatever until they're dead/destroyed) is complete shit?

That's right, it can't.

Fuck contemporary standards, things are good or bad regardless of years. Ravenholme and the gravity gun are reason alone to give HL2 an 8/10 score.

why do people like Opp Forces so much here? As a shooter, none of the old half-life games were all that good

Fucking terrible bait

>This is a 6/10 game by modern standards.

Reminds me of a guy that told me HL2 is a shit game, because Bioshock: Infinite did everything it did better.

hl1 was a revolutionary game

>Gunplay is perfectly fine
Reminder never to bump these threads

doesn't explain why opp forces is fellated so much here

Because the early Call of Duty games felt like you were firing airguns

bioshock inifinte is garbage, but ironically enough most of its weak points are the very same for hl2, absolute garbage shooting and guns, way too many stupid cutscenes, stupid ai

half life is a meme game, its plebbit incarnate, and this place is a plebbit colony by now

and hl2 guns feel like toy guns shooting small yellow pellets

>and hl2 guns feel like toy guns shooting small yellow pellets

But only the SMG and pistol do this, which was intentional due to their small-arms fire?
>missing the satisfy SCHWUNK of each piece of rebar leaving the crossbow and violently impaling an enemy to the wall
>the crowbar bashing in skulls like nobody's business
>the gravity gun violently tossing any and all objects at terminal velocities
>the AR2 mowing down baddies with the right-click straight up disintegrating them

On what fucking planet are you on, m8?

Just replayed it, and it's still great.
The cutscenes only last about 5 minutes long. I don't know why people throw such autistic rampages about them, it's good for pacing breaks. Also halflife always was big on cinematics. Remember the tentacle monster or the big alien on the rails? It was always linear and cinematic.

>The cutscenes only last about 5 minutes long
>only 5 minutes

Yeah its a pain to play these days
The boat part is boring as fuck aswell

I disagree. Infinite fails on far, far more levels. The story is nonsensical, the writing is poor and falls apart the second you think about any one aspect for too long, the AI partner is beyond useless (At least Alyx would shoot at shit), there's an upgrade system rendered useless by the need to constantly swap weaponry, and to top it off, it has an entire setting pretty much ripe for social commentary that it does nothing with. The points you listed still stand, but HL2 at least managed to provide a decently well written story that holds up with scrutiny, set in a pretty well realized world with interesting/likable characters beyond the designated waifu/AI companion.

Dumb frogposter

They're not even cutscenes in the traditional sense since everything's always from Gordon's POV. In most of them even, you can move and dick around with shit.

Bioshock Infinite is the most polished turd ever made.
It's gameplay and story are shit. But it has nice graphics/spectacle and moves along at brisk pace and is quite enjoyable

Nothing really fills the niche that HL2 is in a better way though. HL2 is always going to be the game you go to for HL2. Like it or not, the physics bullshit is half the fun.

>modern standards.
The standards have dropped since this game came out, so I don't know what you're on about. The game changed many conventions and was a watershed for videogame tech when it came out. Acting like an angstlord who needs attention and pretending it wasn't a landmark is never helping your case.
Also it's hilarious that you're complaining about the game being too difficult. I can only imagine the spergmutant who posted this.

this is a good plebbit identifier

Infinite was trash because the rpg bits sucked, the powers were all the same, 2 weapon limit was crap, and mindless enemy hordes were a step back from bioshock 1.

HL2 and 1 did not have these problems.

yeah im not saying bioshit is better than half life in any way, id rate hl2 at 6/10 and bioshit at 4/10 at best. hl2 story is pretty stupid too when you sit down and analyze it but at least its not cringe inducing

thats why i said by modern standards you dumbfuck, it was a 9/10 game at release but time has not been kind to it, less so than to other games of that era, its the whole seinfeld issue

M8 I'm sure your enjoying getting all your brownie points for fellow newfriends such as yourself but badmouthing hl2 even just 5 years ago would get your ass unanimously chewed out on Sup Forums.

bioshock 1 was garbage too, for many of the same reasons as hl2 was

the basic gameplay loop is an utter snoozefest, worse so than hl2 because hl2 at least had very varied environments

Sup Forums was a plebbit colony even 5 years ago my friend

>thats why i said by modern standards you dumbfuck
And the modern standards are LOWER than the standards back then, you inane cockmutant.

It was also from 2006 my man and was trying out a lot of new things, most of which worked well.

Also the environments from BS1 were fantastic.

Keep digging your hole deeper my friend. Gotta make sure we're being as meta-contrarian as possible.

it didnt try out anything new, how fucking new are you? The whole game was just rehashed shit and badly so, set to a pretty looking backdrop. It's from 2007 too.

They're actually not when it come to this type of shit game, the average shooter on the market does most things better than hl2 these days.

It was doing a lot new. The way the plasmids, gene tonics and weapons worked together were very innovative for the time. Some of the things were being done in games before, namely Deus Ex and SS, but didn't come together in the same way it had in BS1.

Oh wait, I'm doing it wrong. Everything sucks, I've been posting since 1974, liking traps isn't gay.

>Some of the things were being done in games before, namely Deus Ex and SS, but didn't come together in the same way it had in BS1.

But that's wrong. Either be specific about your complaints or stop posting dumb shit for attention.

If you're not going to refute my point you're no better than the people you think just blindly like "x".

>this game made in 2004 was not made in 2017


>my point that is a completely unsubstantiated opinion

look in the mirror chap

Thanks for the insightful posts, friend. I have truly seen the error of my ways.

Nice bait, almost got me.


garrys mod

HL2 was a massive step down from Half Life but is good by modern standards.


HL2 was always and overrated piece of hot garbage.

>by modern standards
>responsible for call of duty
>game not realistic
>it's not fun when you're bad at the game
>hitscan is a bad thing

>all these contrarians shitting on hl2 just to fit in when they were probably around 5 years old when the game came out

I'll never understand why people hold these games in such high regard