So now that Junkrat is Meta, will you faggots finally admit he's broken?

So now that Junkrat is Meta, will you faggots finally admit he's broken?

>Instant picks with his shift + left click
>flys around like a fucking rocket ship, more mobile than pharah
>Insanely powerful damage

He needs a nerf. As he currently is, he's the most powerful character in Overwatch.

Other urls found in this thread:

>finally admit he's broken
>character needs buff
>gets buffed
>huh durr said character was always op and now people just realized it!

Why do you fags do this?

He was perfect the way he was. I'd get gold elims easily every match. Now he just seems cheesy to play kinda like I'm using cheats codes to win. Two mines. TWO

He was broken before. Now it's even more so.

Sure that's why he was used in SO much competitive play huh?

I swear you fags are incapable of understanding the concept of confirmation bias or something, this happens with every damn buff.

The next character that needs a buff is Doomfist.
His hitbox is garbage and you go straight through heroes like they aren't even there.
That along with the fact that his first should be more powerful than it is.
>Charge it 3 notches which is over a second wait time, hit Tracer into a wall and she gets right back up.
>That or she just teleports halfway to the wall even though she should be stunned
>his knuckles are worthless
>he can't do dick to turrets/shield gens/ teleporters even with a fully charged punch
>his secondary abilities are garbage to get away with now that he has to be looking downwards to get away
He's still fun to play, but he's not quite there yet as a fully fledged hero

It's called taking turns, OP.

>more mobile than Pharah

That applies to about half the cast and is one of the main reason this game is shit. Activision-Blizzard has never been able to balance games.

Doomfost was absolutely fine before and didn't get a chance to have people play him before they nerfed him to what he is now. Hes just a suicide bomber because his abilities are:
>go in
>phase through someone
>turn around and uppercut them
>if youre still alive, downpunch the ground on the same level as where you are now, but 20 feet away and die because everyone but you has bullets that do damage
>go in with your ult
>get no kills because everyone is at full health
>instantly doe because they turn around and kill you because you have a delay to use your "getaway" abilities that take 7 seconds each to cool down.
Hes a suicide bomber to take out 1-2 players and that's it.
He has no actual flanking abilities like reaper or tracer because they can both get away from the action, whereas Doom cant

I agree, Doomfist has to take way too many risks to get any good damage. You can't even aim his punch down off a wall, it only goes strictly horizontal. It would be nice if he had a regular melee attack with the fist. The worst part is if you ever miss you're getting filled full of lead since you're right next to them.

>>go in with your ult
>>get no kills because everyone is at full health
middle circle insta kill scrub

So what if I do admit it? You think I'm suddenly going to stop playing him?

Exactly, and they made it to where you have to hit them DEAD CENTER to even effect them, and when you do that, it doesn't even mean that you kill them, more often than not, they just pop up and kill you because hes meant to run in and get THAT kill, but it doesn't kill them unless you wait and charge his punch nearly two seconds to completion, and by then any herod you were going to punch are either dead or somewhere out of sight.
Or you could go in the middle and THEN charge, but youre dead before you can even move.
They need to make his hitbox like Reinhardts charge which pins you anywhere he hits you, and ALL his punches need to stun, not the split second bullshit when they hit a wall like it is, because they can either teleport as tracer, or freeze themselves as mei before they even hit the wall

Good, they need to buff Mei and Torb in the same way now

People getting all uppity that finally a defense hero is meta, bring more of them in and let low SR suffer for being unable to adapt, they deserve it anyway

That's if you hit them dead center, but when you use your ult and pull the trigger, it's not instantaneous and theres a delay. So yes, you can get ONE kill with your ult but you'll never get anything more than one because anywhere but the center does next to no damage

Junkrat isnt meta ur just bad

And when I say"trigger" i mean the button. I don't play with a controller, just using the expression

>finally a defense hero is meta
Mei was meta you shitter he ult was insane in high level play.

Not to mention rework bastion
shut the fuck up

If I was that worried about balance, I wouldn't be playing Overwatch.

>His hitbox is fair now, it needs to be completely broken again
>Also, it's too hard to stun enemy players right now so his stun needs to be easier and it should last longer too
These suggestions are awful and you should feel ashamed for making them.

>Meta for a second
>Kneejerk nerfed and left in F-Tier

Boy sure is fun living the defense life

>pick winston during beta
>fucking troll character
>now essential
>pick junkrat anytime
>fucking troll character


lmao fuck this community

Im not saying his hitboxes should be OP, but if Doom can stun Rein during his charge, then he should have the same type of effect as his charge.
His hitboxes should be that of his fist, at the moment, you can fly straight through people incredibly easily. Also, his punch should stun people the entirety of the knockback, not the split second they hit the wall, then they just get back up. The stun literally lasts a millisecond and it's useless, why even have it then?
Im not saying he needs to be OP, but they need to tweek him because he's annoying to play as because his abilities do jack shit against most of the other characters when he should be a good flanker.

Here's a little video showing off Dooms hitboxes and how bad they are

His hitbox got nerfed, silly. It's much more accurate now.

I really should watch the video instead of just making a dumb post based on the title.

It got nerfed to the point of it being fucking ridiculous. As i said before, you have to hit them DEAD CENTER MASS to even get a collision. It was huge before, but now its pretty much narrowed down to the amount of space the reticle takes up.

Yeah, I can see that now. I knew it had been nerfed but didn't realize that meant that the hitbox is now broken for the opposite reason it was before.

>can outheal most of the damage in the game unless it's an ult


Overwatchfags are truly the worst, no other community creates threads simply to complain about a single character being weak or strong, every fucking day

Like i said, Rooms abilities are incredibly fun to use, but the fact that pretty.much his only useful ability has now been nerfed to the point of being useless in gameplay is incredibly annoying. I will say though that ive been playing him as he is for a good month or so now and it's really given me a feel for the character, but as ive said he needs a bit of tweaking in regards to the hitbox and his other abilities. Because like i said, they are pretty much useless when it comes to doing any sort of damage. Rooms fist is the only thing he brings to the table and they made a good move making it cool down in 4 seconds, but the stun is bad, the charge is bad, and the damage is seemingly all over the place

Having two fucking 120 damage AOE projectiles that you don't even have to aim is too much. They need to nerf it down to 80 or some number that doesn't instantly kill 200HP heroes.

His ult is also absurdly powerful now, and it was retarded to make these changes and also decide to nerf Defense Matrix at the same time.

Doom's ult is retardo. He can use it underground, like where dat nigga go? I stuck him with Tracers ult once and he went into his ult in whatever plane that exists in and so didn't die from the bomb.

He was annoying but any one who could range him out dealt with him quickly
Mostly Zen with discord + 2 shots

I finally realized what the problem with this game is.

in tf2 you have 9 classes.
all of them have stock weapons and a shit ton of unlocks.

Now imagine all those unlocks as new classes.

thats the problem with overwatch. you don't see the best 9 classes and the rest as unlocks you see them as contesting classes that are simply better than you're favorite hero (unlock).

like people just need to understand that some heroes have to suck and be sidegarbs for this to work imo.

What the actual fuck happened with this game? Alright hear me out here. I stopped playing this shit a long time ago, like right after Ana came out fucklong ago. The problem back then was basically, too many tanks were needed, defense as a category was useless, and supports were kinda lopsided.

You're telling me they finally made some of these defense niggas good, and one that arguably deserved it, and people are complaining?

You niggas deserve this game. I'm so glad I dropped this awful MOBA FPS abomination as early as I did and got the fuck out, because it sounds like a wasteland now.

problem with this image is that valve actually balances really well and their "broken" is just making fights very short.

both tf2 and dota have very narrow balance.
The way things are balanced in that game are actually incredibly close together, most classes bleed together in a very interwoven set of numbers where essentially each fight can be summarised in 3-4 pips of damage no matter what class you're playing.

and in dota 2, holy fuck is the balance in that game simple and elegant.

I checked in on it recently and its way worse than you think.

Bronze or Silver?

This, 100%.
Doomfist is the worst character in the game right now and it will be at least another year before he is buffed because of fucking Golds and below that think because he has the potential to oneshot means he's broken. He has all the flaws of the Demoknight and none of the advantages. His Passive ability is trivial, his cooldowns are much too long to fit his playstyle, and both of his non-rocket punch abilities do next to no damage and don't complement his other abilities well enough to have cooldowns as long as they do.

this is why I fear for tf2.

the changes are essentially overwatch levels of nerfs. Like people are unironically happy that valve is balancing around comp.

>People complaining about the rat being op of all things
It's hilarious because he wasn't bad in the first place

we get it you like Rick & Morty


The only time he was broken in the past was back in the Beta days. Before the recent buff, he was near fucking useless.

He is pretty good, just wasn't noticed in the middle of the PharaMercy meta, so all he really needed was the extra landmine and the flying tire

You talk as if Overwatch is a game played on a level compared to say allstars in the NBA. You amuse me with your seriousness. Overwatch and video games in general are a meme and will never be taken seriously as real sports.

Her Ult is the same as always; the fuck are you talking about? the game is too fast in general for her to be able to do her best gimmick. Stall. They need to retool the wall so it's not hardcore situational (and able to troll people or get in your teams way because you're the fuck up) and she needs better CQC options beside only able to freeze people by sneaking up on her and then having to manage her immunity/wall escape options which are self defensive, not premetively defensiv. Straight up 1v1 against every other highly noble hero just ends in either her dying, being able to stall and than die, or stall and somehow manage to walk away with 1 hp

He's not that broken tbqh. Although he may need a bit of a nerf on his mines maybe just a bit less damage because fug I've been having a good time throwing two bombs at people.

>add 1 more mine

>buff mei
are you fucking retarded

All i think is that he needs to either die if he is in his own tire blast or not be able to detonate his tire within a second of using it

Junkrat being able to wipe a team just because he jumps in/behind and ults before anyone can stop him is fucking dumb and its such a trash way to play him.

It's even worse now that everything revolves around the dive comp.

Only counterplay to a dive comp is another dive comp, so every game is just a huge clusterfuck and whoever gets the first pick wins the teamfight.
Roadhog used to limit diving by punishing ill-prepared divers with his hook combo, but thanks to the wining of bronze/silver genji's they nerfed him into absolute uselessness.

Blizzard needs to stop listening to the single-main offense players.

>switch to phara or anyone else with decent range