He uses the same online name in every game he plays

>he uses the same online name in every game he plays
>somebody can type your vidya name into google and find your entire internet history of every site you've posted on and every game you've played

why would anyone do that wtf


>assumes I care if people know what games I play
>assumes I visit a bunch of forums where I have to have an account

>Implying anyone would care that much about me

>implying i play fucking video games

go google "mike" and tell me which account is mine

>says assumes and not implying

I have been using the same name amgtree for everything :)

This, mine is so generic that if you were to type it millions of other accounts are going to pop up.

>apply for a job
>So we did a quick search on you, and we see you played Princess Maker and once wrote some "yuh-rye" fanfiction for a game called "harvest moon"

>Care to explain?

that's why you don't have your real name attached to ur internet name and you don't do anything retarded

>use a single generic word as my username, or if it's taken, the same but with a second completely unrelated word after
>very few people use the first and i've seen no one ever use the second
>first is one word so you'd never find me but the second is really specific so you can locate it fairly easily
some of my normie friends found one of my posts using the second name somehow


>tfw my friend literally used his full first and last name + middle initial for all his usernames

>guy at work wants to friend me on steam so we can play some vidya
>o-okay I guess
>my steam name is super generic and produces millions of results if googled
>his name pops up on places like fur affinity and deviantart

how retarded are you to not have a separate email for all your work related accounts?

I use my initials is that bad? I've gone googling my username and I can't trace it back to me.

>tfw you forgot your old password and lost your old e-mail linked to roblox account from 2009

>tfw you know you old password, but microsoft locked you out of your live.com email that you have all your game/forum accounts attached to

>mfw just checked myself because of this thread
>only 3 hits on the first 10 pages were me; almost all the rest are the correct spelling since my name is misspelled on purpose
>3 pages lead to other people with the same name and include an inuyasha fanfic, depressing poem and toddler tier art
why god

Yeah nigga I'm really going to apply for a job with my steam username