About to start playing Tyranny.
Think I'm gonna go two-handed warrior type, what attributes should I focus and which should I avoid?
What should my second specialization be? Anything special I need to keep in mind?
>anything special I need to keep in mind
Yeah, the story, characters and gameplay are all terrible. If you can look past that you should be fine.
What would you consider a good rpg?
Not even joking, as booty blasted as this board gets about Pillars of Eternity, it's way better than Tyranny.
Should one play Pillars or Divinity:OS?
Haven't played either and want a CRPG to play
They're both pretty different. D:OS is turn based, but the combat animations are very slow and you can make them go faster. Likewise you can't speed up map navigation either.
PoE is your standard BG style Real Time With Pause deal, and it's got a pseudo-DnD ruleset that has a bit more versatility in the way you can build characters since there's no proficiency system.
Depends on what's more your speed
Which offers more content? Which is more engaging? Which ones World and lore left more of an impression on you after playing?
In DiV:O, you will say "Bullshit" more often in tactical mode considering armor means jack shit until way later. Meaning, most of your dudes will be one shot unless you play the CC game correctly. If your guys get stunned/frozen/tripped first, you will most likely lose someone.
PoE's combat is brain-dead, throw your strongest spell in the beginning. Put your meat heads in front, put your nerds in back. Automate it, turn your brain off until someone gets low on health.
I'm still playing through D:OS now but everything's played up as comedy and it's quite annoying because the comedy isn't funny. Pillars has a boring story, the world itself is neat but the way the main story is delivered is through a series of large infodumps and the twist at the end is not interesting at all. Overall i'd say PoE is more "engaging" but they both have bad writing in their own way. The one thing they have in common is they're both better than Tyranny though
Better lore:
DoS's lore is basic and cartoony fairy-tail stuff. Its basically a backdrop. So many "rules" are broken, it doesn't feel like there is a basis of power in the Divnity universe, which is important in establishing a solid lore and world.
I have agreed with everything said here so far :)
Played them all, and each one was eh, if I could take a piece of each and Merge them then that would be an awesome game.
Hows the variance in gear/loot drops in PoE? From what I've read it's bear minimum. I'm not looking for Diablo tier loot pinatas but character progression through unique drops is important to me. Looking at dropping 50 for console version and don't wanna be disappointed
Inb4 pleb
>What should my second specialization be?
just put both points in 2hander
>Anything special I need to keep in mind?
in character sheet there's these squares next to skills. tag all the skills you don't want, 1handers, dualwield, etc so you won't waste experience points on those.
Wuestion about these recent crpg games.
Do any of them have a tactics screen like DAO did? Where I can set up a 40 point action plan for the partry members and just focus on playing the MC alone?
Loot only looks different at higher levels, there are also 'legendary' items with special skills that are dropped by bosses or found in special places, regular mobs only drop crafting materials.
kyrios is your supreme master and overlord. support him/her/it in every way you can.
i played a rouge so i put most of my crap on agility, perssicion, strength etc. i liked bullshiting my way out of Everything or convinced people to kill themselves or kill others for me.
>Ask judgeguy if Kyros is a woman
>Drop the game
>good lore
the lore was ok but the story the game is based off on made me almost fall asleep.
Just use your bare fists and beat people to death. Looks good on your resume, trust me.
the game is Worth playing just to be a much of a dick as you can. it has halirous results.
>That one scene where you choke a baby to death
Pssh nuthen personnel..
You can murder infants? Guess I'm buying a new game today.
>not making the tinman do the baby choking
you not evil enough.
Does white march 1+2 add any gear to the game?
Yes, absolutely. It expands the level cap too.
Having never played the game before is it worth the 50?
I don't pay for videogames so I couldn't tell you
Every single time I read this as Tranny.
Id say yes if you dont have adhd and you can safely get through the walls of text
This is wrong. It's a great crpg. I think it really only lacks is story choiced customizablity- but even then you do get abilities depending on your stance the various factions.
This game caught a lot of flack but I'd say most of it is overblown shitposting.
>in character sheet there's these squares next to skills. tag all the skills you don't want, 1handers, dualwield, etc so you won't waste experience points on those.
Can you elaborate on how this works? I'm not seeing how some skills can siphon away from others without me choosing it.
Is there any point to dodge when I can just use "Arrow shield" to have my parry defend from ranged attacks?
>What should my second specialization be?
Something that can shoot arrows from distance.