Has anyone on Sup Forums played this...

Has anyone on Sup Forums played this? Haven't touched this series since the first game and was wondering if it's worth picking up.

>he is too poor to afford a 30 dollar game that comes with a soundtrack CD that is 10/10

It's legit trash. Combat is trash, story is trash, music is okay, graphics are okay. Fuck this game.

Look at the amazon ratings on both the US and JP site.

>story is trash

I disagree. The world building and development in Revolution is miles better than any of the other 3 games. Not to say it's a masterpiece, but that speaks more to how weak the plot in the previous games were. Everything else is still trash though, yeah.

story is okay too, you faggot
other than that it's just tit-staring simulator

>he believes in amazon rating
>where every CoD is 4+ stars
Hi marketer

Good amazon reviews aren't indicative of a product's quality, but bad ones sure are.

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>tit-staring simulator
sounds awesome

Better than the first game, it has actual cutscenes instead of talking heads and the gameplay is better too.

A while back there was some user that posted a pic and webm of every scene in the game that featured not-Selvaria and her massive boobage. If you had seen that thread you probably wouldn't want it because Brunhilde's tits are the only reason to buy the game and you can see those on Youtube.

If you're not a shitposting then you're a legit fucking retard.

It's actually really disappointing how fucking bad this game is

>Haven't touched this series since the first game
Just keep it that way

Story is fine. Everything else sucks. It's a 5/10 game at best. Watch a playthrough if one exists.

Is VC2 worth playing? I'm tempted to get it on my Vita and it's only ten bucks.

It's extremely shit.

I'll post the only reason people get this game.

She dies anyway lul

Its ok. VC3 is also worth playing.

>played the demo
>liked the combat
This is what I wanted FFXV to play like but I guess no one else enjoys it



Should've been flat desu modern men no longer desire big breasts


Okay, I'll buy it then. It's hidden pretty deep in the PS store so I don't think the price will ever go any lower than it already is.

>men no longer desire big breasts
Big breasts are only sexy if you never had sex in real life

They overdesigned her clothes but I like that it looks like she could crush a toddler with her rack.

Can someone repost this please?


Combat COULD have been good if they upped the difficulty and actually gave you a reason to use all of the customization options the game gives you. As it stands though it's so easy the only thing you need to do is run up to enemies and smack them. The menu should have at least been in real time to keep you on your toes.

There's almost a decent game there but it's clear they didn't really know what to do with it.

t. faggot

That is not a VC game. It's really bad.

So from what I've getting, the story is okay but the gameplay isn't worth it?

I didnt even know this has been out

It's worthless. Just listen to the soundtrack instead, they got Yasunori Mitsuda to do it, so it's the only redeeming quality.

It's not about the price, it's about the time investment.
I enjoyed the first half of the first game. Before it got all crazy and shit. Is this one more of the crazy bullshit?

>It's actually really disappointing how fucking bad this game is

this is not helping at all, it makes people think you are just mad for some reason. I mean bad gameplay is not a big deal if the story and music are good.

How much did they change the combat based on demo feedback? That always sounds like a terrible idea to me because players don't know shit about game design.

Why are they using sword, and why are they running directly at the enemy? And why is the enemy not all in cover?
The fuck did they do to this game? Did they just turn it into yet another generic JRPG?