Games Sup Forums wants casualized

>games Sup Forums wants casualized

I'll start

This is THE killer-ap for Xbox One X.

How did Sony drop the ball?

it's already turning into a casual shitfest with vaulting and other dumb shit

I wish there were a free roam mode with no gas/electric fields where you can just pop in, go grab loot and kill dudes and respawn

>more movement options makes it casual

>Sup Forums says it's too hard
>team unity can go back to back stadium status

if they can do it, you can too

"Casualized"? Are you shitting me? Do you really think this game offered ANYTHING unique? Does anyone ACTUALLY think that? What the fuck?

Are you triggered? Because you sound triggered.

"Triggered"? Are you shitting me?

It doesn't do anything unique.
It does everything better than every other game/mod attempting to do the same thing.

this game is very casual already

This game is Call of Duty levels of cancer


Whatever happened to calling people butthurt?

>$0.02 has been deposited into your account

Posts like this is why this board is trash.
Sup Forums is the only place I know that has people who think it's cool to shit where they eat.

What is escape from tarkov?

Actually its nothing like that. At least in tge beta. Fucking russians cant program for shit

It only does one game mode on large scale that other games do better, but worse. But hey it's on large scale.

>shits up board by spamming the same fucking threads brainlessly praising the same game 500 times/day with 6-word OP's, ensuring at least 3 are on front page at any given time

>gets called out for viral marketing on one of the most popular video game discussion boards on the internet

>"no u"

dayz 1.1 wow so great, literally the dark souls of steam greenlight survival crafting FPS games (besides what all the other ones that were last month)

it's already casual as fuck, it's what every other shitty DayZ copy turned PvP game wish it was.

Learn to fucking sage

But I don't want to sage, I made a post and I want to bump the thread and see if people agree with me