OMG this game is so good because it gives me those sweet ass twitch donation money

>OMG this game is so good because it gives me those sweet ass twitch donation money
>and i also love cock

Every single positive review in a nutshell.

I feel the exact same fucking way. This game is trash. I have no idea how it even became so popular.

Why are you obsessed with a game you don't like?

It's not me who's obsessed

So wtf is this anyway? Can anyone give me the gist of what this game is/plays like? I assume it's just another meme game, but don't want to go looking on youtube to confirm my suspicions because I don't want to give those fucking streamers views/ad money.

What's wrong with playing a game if they like it? Making angry posts on Sup Forums so you can pay each other on the back like "us real gamers huh? Us real gamers" is pathetic.

Is this game not infested with bots now?

You're looking at the next call of duty

I'd expect a dlc any day now

Like the hunger games but with guns and with russians

It plays like a much more streamlined ARMA. Which makes sense since it was originally an ARMA mod. You and 99 other fags drop anywhere you want in a giant map and a circle begins that slowly forces players to an increasingly smaller area to fight. On your way you loot what you find and kill who you come across. Theres hazards and shit and crate drops that people swarm too. Last player/team alive wins.
3rd person scrubs can get fucked. First Person only servers are the true way to play

try battle royale in GMOD same shit but cheaper.

also no teaming up with strangers or you get banned

Also not shooting streamers or you get banned as well

Yesterday I was playing squads with a friend and since the other two teammates disconnected on the plane we decided to wait for the auto drop, kill the afks or get killed and leave the game, but surprisingly thete was only one guy afk

but you have to understand, that was Sup Forums is about.

also remember, no honking

At least i'm creating board related threads and not shitposting about waifus, nintendo and other weebshit cancer that infests this board.

>normies flock to this game like stupid sheep
>next thing you know pubg 2 comes out
>it has paid dlc
>you have to pay to join a game
>if you kill a streamer you get permabanned for sniping
>you're NOT allowed to play alone
>you HAVE to play in a squad
>fun with friends!

Thankfully I refunded it in time.

hello newfag

>a-atleast im not doing ur shitposting!

wew lad

Honestly it's a solid tactical shooter, reminds me a lot of SOCOM with a little MGS, but holy shit is it a rough game

Feels like it chugs more dicks with every update

Squad mode is genuinely fun.
Nothing like a jeep filled with bros and guns.


Unreal literally falls apart at over 64 players, since they though "who the fucks gonna go over 64 people?"