Those we could not protect


i can feel myself getting baited


How did that furry break his legs

i stopped playing when he died

The middle of this game is really dark.

Weird because both endings are reasonably happy.

inb4 Malik

>only way to save them is to use a shitty mod



aaawww what did they do to jenny? [\spoiler]

>you couldn't protect this smile



Ilias go and stay go

Step it up, senpai

Below Earth Fable

>i stopped playing when he died
Not a bad move, that's pretty much where the game goes to shit.

What are some games like cave story where I can save cute talking animals from genocide?

Why do you remember this to me?

>that constant gay attitude
>"hey, why dontcha wear this skimpy pirate outfit I made for this mission? :3"
Was it sexual harrasment?