Why didn't anyone tell me they remastered Patapon

Why didn't anyone tell me they remastered Patapon


This is awesome, but not also for I love my Vita?

You can play the original on Vita

It looks good. I was hoping they'd have all 3. 3rd was my favorite as it was more of an rpg. 1st more pure though

I would say some things dragged the first down, such as only being able to do marching levels once and bosses just got increasingly stronger until you couldn't do them anymore.

Patapon 2 perfected Patapon 1's formula while Patapon 3 twisted it a bit but was still really good.

I'd buy it because the original game looks pretty old when emulated, but I don't want to play the first game in HD, then have to go back to the PSP for 2 and 3

Gib Patapon 2 remaster.


Because it's as bad as the Parappa remaster - they just made HD assets and didn't consider how different TVs output signal with different latency, so the game can be quite unplayable, considering how often you can be off with you timing.


Would you a Patapon 3 except the shitty multiplayer vs mode onry Dark Hero mode was nixed and instead they were just more classes for the Super Hero Patapon to use

Only thing that made 3 bad was how cheaters could infect your save file by freezing your drops if you play online. That being said I would rebuy 3 if they remastered it for vita.

In fact, you can play all of them on Vita.

I was about to aks this, I didn't bought the Remaster because when I played the demo for Parappa the delay was horrendous.
Patappon have this problem too?

People also didn't like the shift from commanding an army of weaklings to overcome a giant monster to commanding 4 really strong guys, one being really really strong.

Sad part is they probably won't remaster 2 or 3 unless the first sells well

>Patappon have this problem too?
Yes. The original Patapon was just made for PSPs screen, so they didn't give a shit about other TVs etc. The remaster doesn't fix it at all, so you're kinda stuck with being off beat all the time.

Shame 3 was so bad

If you use headphones it plays 100% fine.

t. platinum trophy owner

Grinding for more resources or whatever was painful as fuck, as was the requirement for perfect note hits

This. Why did they even do Patapon 1 when 2 is basically the same thing but with more stuff?

3 is only good if you have friends to play with.

Patapon 4 when?

is the remastered just the 1st game?

nerf pls

>use a Jamsch with a set-up that has a ridiculous fire rate, it's basically a rain of notes constantly
>have to stay off beat on purpose to keep from going into Hero mode because Jamsch's is kind of mediocre unless you're doing something specific with it

still love the mushroom fucker

Well, time to buy a PS4 now, I guess. Dissidia NT, Patapon Remaster and Persona 5 are reasons enough for me.

>its a patapon thread
post your PEGs

Oh shit, thank you, user.
Glad I dodged that bullet then.

>Cannassault an Charibasa are classes that ride Chariots
>Cannassault actually attacks with his since he's a melee type class, while Charibasa will almost never because he tries to stay at range
>Charibasa is the one that gets the Chariot Attack skill and it's impossible to level because he always backs up to avoid staying in melee rnage
>Cannassault doesn't get the Chariot Attack skill at all

this shit is gay. Also I don't understand why Cannassault is even a Yarida class because it doesn't use spears at all and uses Axes, Clubs and Greatswords like a Taterazay type class.

fug, so the remaster is shit?

Only if you don't use headphones.

Becasue they should have made Ape Escape 4 instead