Uh oh

Uh oh...

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Uh oh.
More twitter drama for teenagers who're bored out of their fucking minds.


Can someone explain the drama please?


Racist piece of shit should have everything he has taken away from him. He should be banned from youtube and twitch and never allowed to stream again for being a humongous bigotted piece of trash.

Pewdiepie said nigger while playing PUBG.


>video games aren't video games

How is this dude capable of getting away with so much shi-

>rich, successful parents

pewdiepie said nigger

so literally shit no normal person cares about but of course sjws eat that shit up.

This guy sure has a big mouth for being the dev of a non-descript walking simulator.

Shoutouts to illegal abuse of the DMCA system that is probably going to end in a lawsuit that Pewdiepie will win because this developer is a dumbfuck.


>youtube celeb redpills himself
>redpills his audience
>devs get buttmad
>file false DMCA takedown
>don't file DMCA for others

This gon be gud.

wow that's fucking nothing.

ppl are truly cry-babies today.

Who cares. The videos are already old, and all Pewdiepie has to do is file an appeal on YT to get his videos back. After that, all this Walking-sim dev can do is take him to court, and there is no way they are going to take him to court.

>saying a bad word is ""redpilling" now

Sup Forums you've sunk very low

"oh no someone said something I don't like, everyone please help me try and ruin his life because it's the only reasonable thing to do!"

Their steam page is getting flooded with negative reviews now

As if him obviously browsing /gif/ and /wsg/ YLYL threads wasn't bringing enough kids here already.

>those comments
Sup Forums has ruined the internet

You can't DMCA people at random

PDP is not video games

>pewdiepie gives massive exposure to his shitty movie
>massive increase in sales
>probably made over 1 million from people who wouldn't even find out about the game without Pewdiepie
>Pewdiepie uses a bad mean word, calling some anonymous person a ''fucking nigger''
>dev tries to stab Pewdiepie in the back
These people are sick fucks.
If he wants to take down the videos he should also send Pewdiepie back the money they earned because of him.



gd this guy is master of publicity. he's just a less creative version of filthy frank at this point but he gets SO MUCH FREE ADVERTISING it's insane

Prove that you're not an SJW, Sup Forums, say NIGGER.

>dude who made ONE walking simulator.
>Getting high and mighty.

hes part of the problem not the solution fucker made one of the LOWEST form of vidya imagineable and expects people to take him seriously.

I don't think you know what the word ''ruined'' means.

Yes, good.

Stop trying to get away with the n-word, crackers.

oh no
someone vexxed at a game has a outburst of cursing
must mean racism right and we should paint it as dark as possible

Not that maybe he just uses the word on a day to day basis with his friends in a banter context

Not only does this go against their own TOS, it also feels like a big abuse of DMCAs, doesn't matter what Pew said.

>>Sup Forums

God I love upskirts so much

>siding with a let's player over a developer
I'm in bizarro Sup Forums!

I don't need to prove anything to you, prick.

No, i'm not a bigot

caught one

correct it's not a videogame, it's art not that you are in any capacity qualified to understand that

And this is why you never advertise or Let's Play any walking simulator in the existence, their creators are mentally ill and ready to bring legal trouble to all LPers everywhere if one of them says one profanity he doesn't like.

Sean Vanaman sounds like a jew
Can anyone confirm?


you mean t_d

Sup Forums-celeb board when

Who was the victim

>a "bad" word
jesus, faggot


Tell us about the last gaymes you played user.



Oh yeah, that exists.

At least he has the decency to admit making money off of him might be a big imoral too.

Oh no he said a bad word.

I bet this will seem so fucking puritan in decades time.

He said it so naturally that it's safe to assume it's a word he commonly uses when not on camera, meaning yes he is a racist. Unless you think people just happen to shout out racial slurs that aren't a part of their everyday vocabulary.

he said nigger in anger during a PUBG game and everyones reeing about how he's being racist or he's being censored

>considering poor walking simulators vidya
nu-Sup Forums in full force today

I don't play games with female leads. Best proof I got.

Nigger Fantasy

You should see the FireWatch page on Steam.

Red reviews all the way.

leftypol actually

That's baby mode, I'll call you a transvestite.

We consider JRPGs to be video games, right?

Nigger is right. Pewdiepie is HELLA racist. He is a real nigger. We should gas him like a dirty kike and deport his ashes back to Sweden like we deport shitskin spics.
Racism is bad.

But it's a word

i say nigger on the xbawks live on a daily basis since i was a 14 year old playing halo 2 you stupid nigger

ive never said nigger in any other context other than vidya and when some dumb nigger cuts me off in traffic.

also black people do not always = NIGGERS you stupid turbo nigger

You can on Youtube.

I hope they take it to court in 2 weeks time when the counterclaim reinstates his video, its a win-win situation. If they win then there will be legal precedent that lets plays go against IP rights essentially fucking over all lets player cancer and if he wins the butt devastation will be glorious.

Like I said, a win-win.

You mean reddit

That's something I was thinking about, it's not even like he is American where that swear is more common.

The tone of voice when saying nigger doesn't determine whether the guy is racist or not. The way the word is used is. Nigger by itself is not racist. Its a profanity for sure but you're not racist for saying one mean word.



I'm removing Firewatch from my wishlist and I'm sure many more people will boycott that shit dev for attacking Pewpew-chan.

A YouTuber other than iDubbbz said nigger.

Pewdiepie was /our/ guy all along. It's a shame he's so damn annoying.

>Still waiting for actual black people to be offended by PDP

If you're not willing to take it to court when the person files a counterclaim, DMCA just goes away

Of course they can. I know a liberal girl who accidentally shouted nigger at a video game once.

>Prove it with a word, because that's how proof works!
>You're with us or against us!
centrist king reporting in, brainlet :^)


"we", as in you and who else?

Thats true, one way or the other the Firewatch devs will become Phil Fish 2.0.


Ill do you one better. Traps are gay.

>*gets banned from event.

Never said I sided with that idiot Swede. only that the guy is full of himself and thinks that his actual opinion matters from somebody so smalltime.
Are you really slamming me because I consider Firewatch vidya even though I called it the
"LOWEST FORM" of vidya ? Chirst man.

I'm absolutely embarrassed that these are the fights wrong up people choose to fight.

how can these fags be so mad about this

The outrage isn't proportionate to the act, only the amount of people who saw. Anybody defending this literally who doesn't know how the internet works.

>what a fucking nigger

Aww, yisss. This is death penalty in 2017. But, he's Pewdiepie. He gets away with everything.

it's shit

If you didn't see racism as a fun endeavor you would understand.

Reddit, Sup Forums, and youtube comments section are all full of the same people.

kill yourself

Sure, but you think he's actually going to do anything about it? He's preemptively preparing for people to call him out on it, nothing more.



Stop laughing it's not funny

>I'm white and feel offended by the word nigger
Jesus, this is pathetic.

then you're the "HIGHEST FORM" of nu-Sup Forums, i guess?

I'm pretty sure Pewds did it on purpose because he knew the shitstorm it would create. Lo and behold all the cucks are coming out of the woodwork to condemn him and get free brownie points for their SJW clique.
Pretty smart if you ask me.

LMAO Hes Backpedaling
