>so many games i want to get into and play
>just never have the motivation or energy to play it
>i dont enjoy anything anymore
Am i just growing old or am i depressed?
>so many games i want to get into and play
>just never have the motivation or energy to play it
>i dont enjoy anything anymore
Am i just growing old or am i depressed?
I've realized that the stressing over other things in life can make video games less enjoyable. The unhappiness can start in one area, and make other things look gray compared to what they used to be. What helps me sometimes is going back and playing a game I remembered enjoying in the past, but not one I've played too many times. That way it can still have that touch of fresh air you need sometimes, but it will also be familiar and comforting.
that's depression. get some vitamin D supplements.
Fuck off.
I was similar boat OP
Mainly when I started browsing Sup Forums all the time, these days I find a game that engages me and I either 1) stick with it till completion 2) find another game that engages me more or 3) (2) but come back later at some point
also you might want to look into prozac, or just getting outside more... ive been in my room playing pc all day for a while as a NEET and life has never felt so meaningless
I was like you once.
Then I got a job and I had no time for video games. So I got into speedrunning and now I enjoy my games again. I'm currently learning DS3 routes. None of that glitchy shit for me though.
Just force yourself to play and you'll enjoy it. It's like going to the gym, you force yourself into it then you're glad you went.
A good solution also is to never discuss games on Sup Forums while you're still playing them. Never. Every game will get trashed, spoiled and spat on while you're trying to have an earnest discussion. This can actually influence your opinion of the game since you're starting to notice the flaws more.
After you finished it it doesn't matter as you've already had your enjoyment.
>gf keeps hassling me for sex
>just want to play video games
>stare at my backlog without the energy to play anything while putting her off
>ive been in my room playing pc all day for a while as a NEET and life has never felt so meaningless
Having a reason to live is important. Find something to love, and I mean REALLY love. Something worth fighting through life for. NEETs usually lack that so they wither away.
You're realizing that videogames are a low-skill, shallow form of entertainment that take up a ton of time.
If you don't gave the "motivation or energy" to play fucking video games, then you're depressed.
Start doing some exercise. At least go for a walk - pirate an audiobook of a book you were meaning to read and listen to it while walking.
I train 5 days a week.
You just have to pick one and fire it up. Just pick any of them and force yourself to play for a couple of hours. If it really doesn't grab you move on. Or just stop thinking about games. Eventually you'll get the urge to play something. You'll catch some cool gameplay or something.
I can't take Sup Forums seriously.
Most of the time if Sup Forums tell me a game is shit its actually good. Mario and Rabbids is a good example of this. And its still fun even after most of Sup Forums told me it was shit. Because I also know most of Sup Forums don't play video games so their opinions on them is irrelevant to me.
Shit games can still be fun
I just don't respect their opinion. Occasionally I see a dude that articulates him well, but most posters on her strike me as teenagers.
Kill yourself frogfucker
It doesn't help that most video games are shit these days. So your best shot is finding something you missed from before 2006 or just play some ancient game that doesn't satisfy completely due to how limited/short it is. You will never play a great game again like the games you love and the thought is depressing.
The game is actually pretty good.
It has absolutely no right to be but im glad I never take this place seriously and picked it up. People here like to call it shallow for removing the bullshit like 65% chance to hit at point black range with a shotgun but im enjoying it alot more then I did war of the chosen.
You can tell most of the posters here are underage.
The constant ecleb threads and hardware sales threads should have been a dead giveaway.
Vitamin D deficiency. get more sunlight or buy a UV lamp
Games are released all the time that are still great.
Name 10
Not sure why I'm bothering because you're just going to shit on all them.
Recent games I enjoyed were: Dead Cells, Nioh, Total War Warhammer, MGSV, BloodBorne, Dragon's Dogma, Dragon's Crown, Vermintide, Helldivers, FF14.
Note that you implied all the good games were made before 2006 so I just picked some games I enjoyed past that point off the top of my head.
well some of them are shit yeah. But none of these games will ever come close to the old games I like. You kinda proved my point here, if this is the best you got from the last 12 years then I was completely right.
What's possible is maybe you're oversaturated. Lay off vidya for while.
Nigga he says he doesn't even play vidya anymore
You've realised that video games actually haven't done anything new in the past 20 years. Get a different hobby.
Ok. I've been playing games since the early NES and while I still play classics all the time, that's not the same as thinking all new games are shitty.
Sup Forums just thinks it's shit because they hate the rabbids
Honestly I don't like them either, but I wouldn't let that stop me from enjoying an otherwise good game
I never found them annoying honestly.
I even enjoyed them back they they first started back in the rayman days.
And their games like Rabbids Go Home were for the most part pretty good.
You had a whole period of twelve years and you come with that sorry ass list of games. Will a list for games you enjoyed from 90-06 look like that?
Hang yourself fucking moba baby
Similar yeah.
I'm not really sure why they bother me
I think it's something with how mass-marketable that kind of character is, comparable to something like minions
depression is a meme
probably both user
I never understood this. As im getting older im seeing myself play more and more vidya almost to the addiction point.
>go to work
>come home
>vidya till late in the night
>then vidya all weekend
Im wasting my life.
Protein is a good supplement. Serotonin and dopamine are made from the amino acids, which are even purchasable online.