>lost the #1 spot to PUBG
>people shit on their newly announced derivative card game instead of being excited
>ex-employee leaks plot summary to HL2EP3
>Source 2 is dead in the water, Garry's Mod 2 will be using UE4

how can anybody still respect this company at this point?

Other urls found in this thread:

>some guy asked me why people rag on valve so much
>give him a laundary list of reasons
>yeah but you gotta admit people are over reacting, give them the benefit of the doubt

like they're a fucking company that wants money from you. They tried to play the "we're actually trying to be good" and then they thought they were in the clear and tried to turn good will into prophets. now they're out of good will. Fuckem.

>how can anybody still respect this company at this point?
Because unfortunately, as shit as they're becoming, pretty much every other major company is significantly worse.

For example, they at least backed down on the paid mods bullshit after wide community lashback. EA or Activision probably would have just gone ahead with it anyway and ignored the consumer; Bethesda certainly did with Creation Club.

The fundamental problem with Valve is that they hire 10x less people than is normal for the industry. That's why they're so slow.


When would you say the last year they were any good was?
Whenever Portal 2 released for me, I think 2011. They already had a monopoly on pc gaming, but at least they still made games and actively updated their preexisting ones.
After that it was just downhill from there.

why do you know so much about what plebbit likes? you should go back there

>there's a bigger evil
>therefore i should normalize this evil
There's plenty actually good companies out there. CDPR for example. Even Sony is probably morally above Valve at this point.

>single player game with co-op had a hat shop

it really was the point of no return for them.

god I would kill for a polished game by them, like I might even play artifact.

>For example, they at least backed down on the paid mods bullshit after wide community lashback.

user, paid mods are just community cosmetics like hats.

they never "stopped", they only stopped raping skyrims mod community.

>>people shit on their newly announced derivative card game instead of being excited
I remember how everyone shat all over CSGO when it came out

>how can anybody still respect this company at this point?
Because I understand that a business would pursue the business avenues that make them the most cash, which is apparently not video games for the most part
Also Steam is pretty good

>Even Sony is probably morally above Valve at this point.
Nah. Still paywalling online play without actually improving the services like namechanges or refunds. Never mind the minute M$ drops from the industry Sony is going to ram a DRM dildo straight up the asses of their customers. Valve is still evil but they don't have contingency plans to completely fuck their customers in the ass once the biggest obstacle to fucking the customers in the ass is out of the way.

At least it was an actual good game instead of the multiplayer crap they started pushing out after it. You could tell they already wanted to try and capitalize on TF2's hat/key success but had no clue how to do it yet.
Please don't play Artifact, oh god. The last thing I think anyone wants is for that to be sucessful.

they even released sprays, a previously free feature in CS 1.x, as microtransactions
these fuckers know no shame anymore

>tfw mods are dead and valve essentially killed the last bastion of community content with skyrim

seriously is there any hope left for mods?

>reddit is the only place of losers that play vidya
Sorry nigger, but most of this board uses steam. Take your dank memes back to ledit.

I have already accepted that they're not going to do shit but I keep using Steam because they have the biggest selection of bideo james available for purchase. Its like "hey why do you keep using windows if microsoft is so worst?" well because I have no choice okay.

>CDPR for example.
They are not a good company. Never forget the graphical downgrade at the launch of the witcher 3. It doesn't matter how good their games are if they pull jewish tricks like that to sell said games.

>Also Steam is pretty good

It is though
Sup Forums hate circlejerks are the worst because all the rational arguments get drowned out by retarded memes

steam is probably the worst client now.

>paywalling online play
I knew this reply was coming. I thought that as well but when i think about Sony, that as far as i can go to "doing evil shit".
Really, they dont kill devs, on the contrary, they even helped other jap studios like square back then. They maintain groups like Team Ico who barely makes a game per decade.
I mean, i dont agree with all they do but it's not really bad at all. And to your point about M$...the console industry went haywire the moment they stepped in. So dont worry, there were great games before and there will be great games after/if they leave.

Elaborate on those severe changes that brought this development

it isnt
if we're talking about the client it's outdated
the store is clogged with useless meme simulators and early access shit (curtesy of valve)
steam support is shit compared to anyone else in the industry
0 QA on what they sell

Valve have been siphoning money off people through steam, steam isnt any good anymore, its just been flooded with tons of shite are starting to lose the monopoly on the online platform

>Valve have been siphoning money off people through steam
what does this even mean

>Really, they dont kill devs,
kys shill

Name a client that let's you download and organize games plus provide community interaction and easy multiplayer access better than steam does

>Inb4 some esoteric bullshit literally 5 bitter neckbeards use
Valve stopped being anywhere near a major game dev years ago

not a PC player, what other alternatives to Steam are there? Origin?

I imagine you guys wouldn't want to leave all the stuff you already bought, what is there to do?

Are you retarded, valve loves taking community made assets and making people pay for them, that's what most of ''''''their'''''' games are
Fuck valve, fuck gabe, fuck steam

These werent good games studios though. They are no Bullfrog, Maxis, Bioware...

gog is pretty good.

kys you dumb slint eye cunt, Sony suck fucking balls

Why is Gurreila there when they released HZD recently? Don't tell me you think the Cambridge branch was relevant enough to keep afloat? They just moved all the important ones to Europe. You're pretending they shut a whole studio when it was just a small time branch

>DRM is good
I hate nu-Sup Forums so much

>what other alternatives to Steam are there?

>babby needs a client to find his games
Do you also use an iphone?
>provide community interaction
idgaf about "communities" I just the play the fucking games
>easy multiplayer access
They doesn't provide the servers, what does steam have to do with multiplayer?

>putting cosmetics behind paywall

>putting all online gameplay behind paywall

>morally above Valve

The delusion is real.

Because the company still makes a shit ton of money and losers like you throwing a shitfit over nothing is always a good company

>can no longer buy games on sale and store them in inventory for future gifts
>can no longer trade with friends without using their phone app
>can no longer choose not to update games
>sale events are dead

i haven't really respected them or gaben since the early 2010s, it's been obvious for a long time now that they're just taking advantage of the easiest ways for them to generate profit without having to do anything difficult like make games
at least the cult of valve on Sup Forums has mostly died down over the last few years, they're almost as insufferable as consolewar fags

What better digital provider of video games is there hello are you retarded

Yes, digital distribution and an incredibly convenient centralized platforms with plenty of features such as cloud saving is in fact good you meming faggot

Not the guy you replied to but the only reason no one has tried to bring online paywalls like consoles have to PC is because they couldn't get away with it, not even Valve.

>Sony should be forgiven for this bullshit because they have a monopoly
This is you. This is what you are saying.

I never said they are perfect and never did any wrong. In fact, the only reason i havent bought a ps4 is the pay for online.
But, even after that, it's safe to say Sony has done less harm than nowadays Valve.

That is in fact not what he is saying
Try again, this time start by reading his post instead of projecting your own thoughts into his post

No it's not. Paid online trumps everything Valve has done combined.


>Portal 2
It was a six hour game and significantly dumbed down compared to the first one.

i love it redditbro

>graphical downgrade at the launch
blame the limitations of consoles, not the company, shill.

I'm not saying what Sony does is right, I'm saying Valve isn't a more "moral" company because they'd most likely do it if it was a good business decision

Reminder that valve also killed private servers in csgo/tf2/dota because the pc playerbase is too autistic to know how to use the server browser.

You're judging someone for crimes they have not committed.

>normalization of early access
>paying for mods
>no fun allowed esports
>legal troubles over refunds policy

I would rather pay for online that every game coming out have microntransactions bullshit desu

But that's wrong

>when a plebbitcuck posts on your board

Valve and Gaben were beloved by Sup Forums before reddit existed, you stupid newfag

>m-muh mindless circlejerk pls stop posting dissenting opinions!
worst cancer of the site

>When the good guy turns out to be the villain

>let me suck cocks in peace!!
yea sure but please go somewhere else

>normalization of early access
I don't see this as a grave crime.

>paying for mods
It was cancelled. If it survived, that Skyrim thing, yeah, it would have been possibly worse than paid online.

>no fun allowed esports

>legal troubles over refunds policy

Valve games I play are TF2 and Dota. I never needed to buy anything in former, since vanilla loadouts are so good, and in latter only cosmetics are microntransactions.

Are you really dim enough to miss the irony
You're telling me to go somewhere else so that you can continute jerking off your buddies who have the exact same trash opinions as you do without anyone else interfering
Which is exactly what you supposedly dislike about rebit

>>normalization of early access
EA games are a retard filter
Stupid people buy games that are shit and get burned
Not stupid people pirate games that might be good and buy them down the line
The advantage of the system is tons more games coming out, with some of them being good, that wouldn't necessarily have come out without the additional funding

no, what i dislike about reddit is that unpopular comments are hidden, and nazi big business moderation and administration

>>Source 2 is dead in the water
wat i thought cs go was being ported

fuck valce dude

Mount and blade was early access and is GOAT

Praising HL2 is a good redditfilter.

You mean the game quality being a piece of shit because they focus more on making cosmetics than fixing and developing the actual game?

tf2 is dead now, the announced an update more than 1 year ago and they still have not released it since there are only like 1 or 2 people working on tf2 right now

dota 2 devs are a joke at this point since they can't bother to fix their game

Valve won't make things that doesn't make them money, thats why all their games are infested by cosmetic cancer.

It's a shit taste filter for sure, the game aged like bread

Don't see why you're telling me all this. Yes, Valve is not handing their existing games in the best manner, but all this is nowhere near paid online thing Sony is doing.

Left 4 Dead 2 was the beginning of the end for me. They claimed that the first game would receive long-term free content updates like TF2, but we only got one before they decided to shit out a glorified expansion pack that was priced and marketed as if it was a full-blown sequel.

It's also one of the main reasons why we never got Episode 3. Since some idiots managed to convince Gabe that making a "sequel" within only a year would be a good idea, they had to draw people from different cabals (including the EP3 one) and go into crunch to make it happen. As a result, a lot of people got burnt out from working on big AAA games.

They used it for dota 2 and the whole thing about it was allowing users to test cosmetics before you buy it, sad thing is you can't even test 2 at the same time.

Skyrim thing was an attempt to bring Valve business model to that game. If you havent realize, paying for cosmetics modifications is exactly how Valve makes money on their games. So the model isn't dead, it's alive and making money.
And if you dont think the flood of early access is bad and how the Valve refund policy came to be thats on you.

"To prefer evil to good is not in human nature; and when a man is compelled to choose one of two evils, no one will choose the greater when he might have the less." Plato

>Reddit(And according to this thread some Sup Forums faggots) would defend this man

>early access is bad
>Its okay paying full price for a literal beta

remember that old as fuck video where gabe talks about the development of hl2 and he says "we are making innovate games for our consumers that our consumers will love and appreciate from us, because its all to benefit them and years on they will look back at our achievements and be thankful for that" and then you look at todays valve and think wow...they completely 180'd.

Dota, cs, blue shift, opossing force

>pursue the business avenues that make them the most cash, which is apparently not video games for the most part

I too like videogames

At least I don't have to pay twice to play online consolefags.

There are more than two companies in this industry to choose from Plato.

Activision do free Mods for Call of Duty zombies to let people build their own maps. Granted it isn't popular and no one would pay for it but seriously Activision isn't even bad at this rate.

they still killed them, doesn't matter that you don't like them

I know dude, it's sad as fuck to see. They felt so cool back then, so based. Now it doesn't fuckin matter. They make CSGO and DoTA and run Steam, that's it. Even pipe dreams about HL3 are gone now.

Killing a studio implies ceasing activities of devs who had worth to them. Who cares about literally who that made mediocre shovelware.

yeah until they started doing stupid shit.

Sup Forums is a fucking hivemind sure, but they sometimes know what the fuck they talk about. Gabe has steam and all the money in the world so of course make a fucking card game instead of counting to 3.

seems like being racist and being shutdown for it is all the rage these days. Maybe gabe said something racist would be a shame if that leaked ;^)

haha ebin xD

but no, seriously, kill yourself you corporate cock sucker

>implies ceasing activities of devs who had worth to them
you're being subjective again, you have to realize some people like things you may not

check out this toss

I just want them to make something. Anything except multiplayer competitive garbage. At least release the fuckign Source2

>game aged
holy shit get out underagefaggots

>ex-employee leaks plot summary to HL2EP3


and they were right, what's your point?

damn you missed a bunch
by marc laidlaw himself (edited names to match HL2 characters)


>create hype and tease a sequel for 10 years
they talked about it maybe 3 months after episode 3 and shut their mouths ever since