Post your toons boys
Post your toons boys
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It's what they're called
Hope this doesn't turn into another FFXIV autist gathering thread.
Fuck, I forgot that's what we used to call them...
That anyone would spend time to dev this option.
And that anyone would use it.
They always do mate.
Fine by me, it's actually my main game. Doesn't gotta be mmos though, post custom rpg character or anything
>tfw dead game
If only they focused on the content over the selfie cam...
I haven't played in a while, but rate my transmog anyway
I know. Here's my ugly evil looking slut before it all goes down.
I am so fucking triggered by this. It's like the Chad-tier nomenclature
Why there are still peole who don't understand that this thread is always just bait?
Don't hit on me, silly boys
>want to post an image reply of my character telling you to hang in there
>start trudging through my screenshots folder
>profound sadness
h-hang in there
good hair choice.
People don't care.
What don't you like about it? I like how it kinda masks the ugly transition between chest and legs, if you use a regular belt it looks like shit
Am i supposed to be aroused?
Because it's working
Why though? Drones seem to like it.
So marketting wise it was a good call to dev that kind of shit instead of real content.
>Years of Wow screenshots were erased.
Tauren has always been the best choice.
Guild Wars 2
i hope homecoming encourages enough housing autists to keep the game alive.
is wildstar even worth it if you just want to explore crap and have fun to transmog your character ?
Fuck selfie cam made me drop wow.
Actually yes.
During my raidlogging days I spent most of my free time just wandering.
Your mileage may vary but I found a lot of care and charm in the corners of the world. Continents are all one big landmass and adventure is always rewarded.
The combat system and character progression of wildstar was designed for mouthbreathing retards.
If you can get past that then sure.
Thank you reminding me how dead the game is to me.
Fug. What should i play bros? Vanilla or Tbc?
game? seems fun
Haven and Hearth.
Expect to die to russians a lot.
It's great for exploring, but just like most other MMO's you're gonna have to level up if you don't want your shit handed to you when out and about.
Nice mog.
I started playing this again recently, found a moose carcass yesterday and pilfered it.
Is housing accessible if you're not looking to pay for whatever the premium sub is?
Colours are less vibrant in shadow form.
Is this Elysium?
shit's fun, you'd be surprised what a standard 2x exp modifier would do to the endless fucking grind of earlygame wow
Damn extensions
Well, at leaks blacks will finally have a place in GW2 with Path of Fire.
>when his ilvl starts with 8
>Players Online: 698
Is it? I remember I redeemed that HB key so I have the game. No point in playing?
yeah, you just have to reach .lvl 14 which isn't too hard.
i didn't realize elysium had almost 8k online
regardless, i wanted to play a BC server, not vanilla, and i've got a small guild already with people on my discord
I'd play 2D if it was still being updated, but the legacy server is pretty much dead, the only people who still play are a bunch of russian gods who can punch down brick walls and just kill everyone for fun
I miss Age of Conan.
it isn't dead but it isn't doing as well as it should. It's still worth playing if you don't rely too heavily on guilds and parties.
>All these wowshitters
When did people stop calling them toons? I always called them toons, but the last mmo I played was pic.
What do people call them now?
>legacy server
Wait what?
Last time i heard something about 2D H&H it was some rumors about subscription.
What compels people to use the word toon? and why does it piss me off for seemingly no reason?
Considering how NCsoft treats its failures I think Wildstar is just waiting for the chopping block.
Everyone has seen a blood elf in slutmog, not gonna post my char
Because Pavlovian conditioning exists and it happened to you after spending enough time on Sup Forums without resisting or acknowledging it. Congratulations on being a well trained animal.
Did they ever update that games engine and graphics yet? I remember it being talked about like 10 years ago and never was when I reinstalled for shits and giggles.
You just need a verified account to play on it, but good luck finding the legacy clients.
>Being aroused by a cow.
lol retard
smol attorney-at-law
I love how the heroic Nighthold set looks on my panda.
more like coons amirite
That's look sweet/ Moar please
Probably because "toon" has no relative meaning to "character".
Easiest way to spot a shitter or gurllgamer
People used to call them characters, at least on EU side. I was always under the impression toons came from normies that tried out toon-town.
I can tell from your "toons" that most of you people are desperate assholes.
That mog is good shit, user
>science is now fedora
This is amazing.
>Not slutmogging
Why though? It's not like WoW gear looks epic or cool, it all looks over the top and over designed. So you might as well go for funny or slutty.
Good thing about it is that it works on any class.
>Running around like this on a BG
>Niggers all like "wtf is that a warrior???!!"
I love me some cat