Times when Nips tried making a sexy female character and fucked up hard

Times when Nips tried making a sexy female character and fucked up hard

ok, start

ashley from resi 4

99% of characters using anime artstyles.

Bayonetta isn't suppose to be attractive.
She's supposed to be so over-the-top with sexually attractive cliches that it's no longer remotely attractive.

>She's supposed to be so over-the-top with sexually attractive cliches that it's no longer remotely attractive.
Yeah, it's too bad they fucked that up and she's sexy as fuck.

Was hoping someone got it

Fucking this. The game acts like she's stunning when she looks like a goblin in a wig.


I disagree, goblins are actually sexy

I blame the voice.

>Sexy as fuck
I mean sure in theory but her in game model is disgusting spider leg proportions.

>The game's theme is "sexiness", and that the characters were designed to be "fashionable".

Yeah to bad she looks ugly as fuck and not even remotely /fa/. This is why she never took off like DMC.

Especially moeblob trash.

You still don't get it do you? She not supposed to be sexy to the player.

>She not supposed to be sexy to the player.

>To "her femininity and sexuality", the developers made Bayonetta bleed rose petals instead of blood when hit, and used butterfly imagery as part of her moves and outfit.[34][35] Her giant boot, fist, and monster attacks reveal some of her body—her hair is magically formed into clothes but must be temporarily reallocated to forming offensive weapons—and when the player targets an enemy, red lips mark the enemy's chest;

Yeah man, totally not trying to get me appealed

i bet you chose pearl over marina

t.low test dude who dont like dark haired sexually aggressive women

Bayonetta could very well just be a parody of sexy female video game characters.

She's got a long, slender body with really long legs. She wears librarian glasses and likes to use BDSM techniques to finish enemies. She's even got a skin tight outfit, one that drops every time she uses a super move. It's easy to believe that she's just the sexy FeMC taken to extremes for the purpose of parody.

Or maybe Hideki is legit retarded and thinks this abomination is attractive.

Pic unrelated

The black dot or whatever its called makes ALL women look ugly if they have that in their face


I like Bayo because she's a caricature and untouchable because she was designed by a woman

nope. its meant to sharply contrast with all these holier than thou angels she refuses to treat with respect

depends on where you are from,in europe its considered sexy

So many fags in this thread, wow

I might if I knew who you were talking about

people still complain a lot about bayo sadly


Sorry, i just prefer non dykes.


>tfw Bayo is on the top of your favourite character lists and because she isn't as popular she managed to avoid the FUCK YOU bullet

Well Bayo 2 ever be on Steam?

I like to think it confuses feminists

Wii U only
Emulate on Cemu

Lol... no never.

But you can just emulate it right?

No chance unless you emulate.

>This is why she never took off like DMC.
Ironic, considering DMC is nearing Onimusha levels of dead while Bayonetta is most likely to continue

>only time she has appealing ass is when she is black
what did capcom mean by this


>Expecting Jewtendo to EVER release one of their exlusives on another platform, not to mention PC that they hate more than anything.
Are you retarded?

low test beta


who's that girly boy?

Women rarely know what men find attractive. They seem to think men find the most ugly shit hot for some reason, hence why females designed by females often miss the mark

Only exception I can think of is skullgirls

Times when open tried not being gay and fucked up hard

Not as good as bayo 1 so who cares

what retarded logic

100% agree

Her proportions are all fucked up, her hair is fucking hideous, her costume is awful and everything about her personality is grating and forced. I can-t think of a game that makes me roll my eyes as much as shitnetta

>things underages say

>He says as he posts one of the least attractive women in all of vidya.

Her alter ego was a massive improvement, but of course they had to fuck that up.

>her hair is fucking hideous

I've never found her "sexy" either.

NIgga are you serious? It's contender for worst hair in video games. The one in 2 is massive improvement and actually manages to make her look cute if you stop looking past her neck.

>worst hair in video games
