*push to talk*
*push to talk*
>push to talk
>shit to post
>makes this thread
I.. I fapped to semi-realistic porn of Sarah, I'm so sorry, I'm a degenerate paedo
>baby crying in the background
>Push to talk
>pust to talk
>massive bong rip
>push to talk
h-h-hello? hello? hello? ..........
>when you mix up push to mute and push to talk and think you're muted when you let go of a huge damp fart but everyone on voice heard it
>guy joins voice call unmuted
>immediately goes afk
Why bother at all man
>CykaVodka has joined the voice channel
>CykaVodka has left the voice channel
>Guy joins voice channel
>Mutes and deafens
This little series is eh. If it used Blender instead, maybe.
>join voice chat
>immediately leaves
>you leave as well
>"hey man why did you leave"
fucking cunts
>*push to talk*
>*sharp breath*
>doesnt say anything
I don't understand people who insist on PTT. If you want to grow together as a team, you have to listen to your teammates cough, listen to their clacky keyboards, know the sound of them eating chips and cutting a fart. These are the small things that make us undeniably human, and bind us together! Open mic is where teammates become a team!
>voicechat constantly on
>*heavy breathing*
>guy talking really really quietly
>tell him to speak up
>says he cant because his computer is in his bedroom and his wifes sleeping in the bed
it does look pretty much the same as real CP
it's literally SFM child porn
Naw, rather not want my team know that I'm still living at home at 29 years of age. If I had open mic they'd hear my parents shouting at each other over me all the time
Should I bother buying a headset with a mic
I've never had a mic and I'm not sure I need one
>Join server
C-can I lick your feet?
A real team would still accept you
>Girl joins server
Fuck i'm a retard
>push to talk
>mom yelling in the background
>"Anybody got a mic?"
>I breathe
>My mic is on and I didn't set push to talk
>"Oh hey man what's good"
>I gotta make small talk with this other guy I don't know for 10 minutes until I can waddle my ass out of the lobby
I don't understand why I try playing games with randos. They're mostly all boring.
>Girl joins the server, but doesn't say she's a girl or has any obvious indication that she is
>She talks on mic ONCE to point out an objective
>"a...are you a girl?"
>The entire team decides to stop focusing on the game and become spaghetti spilling beta orbiters
how do you know what real CP looks like?
called the police on you
>*push to talk*
>You fucking nigger
>join server
>furry ERP going on
>*push to talk*
>*beer can opening*
>Playing in small party with coworker and his daughter
>join team chat
>daughter tries to speak
>chat devolves into orbiters treating the girl like a princess
>she's fucking 12
>*push to talk*
>other player
>Girl joins the server, but doesn't say she's a girl or has any obvious indication that she is
>She talks on mic ONCE to point out an objective
>"a...are you a girl?"
>The entire team decides to stop focusing on the game and shit on the girl like a cool user kids
i honestly agree
>*push to talk*
>Spanish in the background
Because anything more than what needs to be said is a distraction when you're trying to focus on the game. Also because not being in physical proximity means you don't have visual cues and body language to understand who is trying to speak, so PTT gives you some ability to virtually raise your hand and avoid people randomly talking over each other due to audio latency.
What server for what game? I need to know so I can blacklist it.
>visit friend's house
>he's streaming vidya
>points facecam at me
>girls on voice chat complements me and asks me questions
this is retarded
I'm fucking ugly
>push to talk
>can hear a man audibly cum
>push to talk
>missile lockon sound
>dudududududu duuuuuuuuuuuu
>wont stop chasing me
>Voice Activated Mic
>Can hear literally everything going on in their house
>Kids crying, woman bitching, dog barking, loud ass music blaring
>Guy playing just yells "shut up" at the crying kids instead of being a responsible father
Niggers are the worse to play online with.
>push to talk
>loud nigra starts playing and shatters everyone's eardrums
>Somebody has an echo
>Hear your own voice
>someone in a group has voice activation
>mic picks up his keyboard and mouse as loud as his voice
>local mute and play with the group like the guy doesn't exist
>new guy joins group
>complains that we're all using voice activation and insists on push to talk
>everybody turns on open microphone
>deafening sound of 7 mechanical keyboards
It was some TF2 server.
Don't remember the name, nor do I wish to.
>push to talk
> push to talk
> deep voice
> "Hey, kids!"
>open mic
>dog(s) barking in the background
>wont fucking stop barking
>voice activated mic
>some asshole's kid is screeching in the background
>open mic
>*vacuum cleaner*
this but
>mfw my group consists only of 2 people, the keyboardclicker and myself
wat do
The same, or set his volume so low that you'll only hear him if you really try.
>push to talk
>push to talk
>but in the end it doesnt even matteeeeer
If you dont sing with your bros in VoIP you are a faggot and a nigger
>can hear loud typing noises but nothing besides them
How do they do it?
>push to talk
>porn noises
>instantly recognize the porn star's voice
>push to cough
>push to talk
>no one responds
>10 seconds later they continue talking
>guy joins GTAO lobby
>sounds like he grits his teeth and groan/growls in a frustrated manner each time he dies or whatever
My brother does this shit. It's fucking annoying
God I hate this shit so much
>talk to push
>join a 4 player team in PUBG
>everyone has voice activation and they say there's basically no difference to PTT with a modern mic
>they say this as 2 people have a baby crying in the background and the third one is constantly huffing and puffing into his mic like he's holding in a shit
>deliberately get killed in the first firefight and go play with someone else
>push to talk
>push to talk
>bong rip
>babbys first day on 4chin
>open mic
Found the autist.
That's a pony
>push to talk
>c-can anybody hear me...?
>join game
>hear 13 year old brit kid
sounds like the furry pound or whatever
people shill it here way too much
>push to talk
>hear skins slapping
he didn't even do this in the books, he even made sure she would rule in the case of his own passing.
>push to talk
>black dynamite theme song starts
maybe he should go to bed at a normal time with his wife.
>Screams with audible pubescent voice crack
>push to talk
>someone is actually fucking their gf/wife
Where is this from? Did they finally add the single player models to multiplayer? Is there a particular reason why multiplayer has literal whos running around killing each other?
>push to talk
>someone is actually fucking their gf (male)/wife (male)
>raid member talks on RC
>very loud turbines/airplane noise on the background
>raid member talks on RC
>annoying fan noise everytime
The first one was a flight controller (I think that's how it's called) playing during his shift, and the second put the fan to keep the PC from overheating. Good times.
>push to talk
>watch out they're flanking us
>they aren't flanking us
>push to talk
>puts his mouth in his mic and starts talking
>push to talk
>burp loudly
>dominance asserted
>push to talk
>burp loudly
>someone else does the same thing back at me
>burp louder
>the match turns into a big 15 minute burping contest
>push to talk
>loudly eat chips into microphone until I get kicked
>push to talk
>puts his mic in his mouth and starts gaging on it