>Code Vein looks boring and blan-
Code Vein looks boring and blan-
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can we create our own character or are we forced to play a character that the game provides?
It does and they haven't even shown off the russian loli.
Code Vein is shaping to be the best soulslite game out there.
You can create your own character, male or female.
as expected
whys every fucking cancer media outlet mention dark souls with this game? fuck off. it actually looks legit interesting too.
nice, will probably buy the game then.
Thanks for the shill thread OP
Because it's literally a dark souls clone
Because it's literally Dark Souls with a new skin.
What are the chances of it pulling a Bloodborne and going completely nuts halfway through?
oh okay fuck I opened the video god this does look shit and even the item loot looks like souls WTF
>Dark Souls-y
The environment does look bland and boring.
Another souls clone and it will have the same boring ass environments and look, all these trailers showed the same fucking enemy already, can't wait for no variety again
>why does media mention dark souls with every game?
it just looks so bland and boring WTF were they thinking. even the sounds are all off, the animations look stiff especially the falling attack animation. what the fuck is this D list shit
shitty anime designs and bad gameplay dont make the game good
"It's like anime dark souls"
Anime designs instantly make this better than Dark Souls' ugly textures. You can at least see more than one color at a time in Code Vein.
>charges claw
>attacks enemy
>enemy clips through the wall and glitches out
>player quickly turns away camera and proceeds to avoid it
got u senpai
i like the visuals and setting although the anime character really feel out of place
not sold on gameplay just yet
>take the game with the most cancerous playerbase
>copy it and add a anime filter so weebs and waifufags jump in too
Can't wait to see the threads for this piece of trash.
Code: Vein is to Dark Souls what League of Legends is to Dota 2
Someone post the screenshot of the "artist"s Facebook
You know the one
At least Nioh fucking tried and was good. This Code Vein is just fucking garbage.
So...the same shit but marketed different?
Fucking end it bros
how can you like the setting
it's fucking awful
So, is this the dark souls of weeb games?
Looks slow and boring just like Souls.
>was good
Besides the combat, nioh was dogshit everywhere else, terrible levels, terrible enemy variety and worst of all, terrible forgettable OST .
Yes, with an anime makeover.
>Anime characters that all have this weird lighting effect
>Grey ass environments
>Gothic ladders everywhere is apparently the only environmental decoration of note in this preview level
>Shit enemy designs, the equivalent of the shit in LotF but weeby
>Completely ass weightless combat
>Barely even notice when an enemy is dead in the gameplay clip
>Anime designs instantly make this better than Dark Souls' ugly textures
its a weeaboo dark souls, lets not beat about the bush and the only reason you think it's refreshing is because we've had so many souls games. Don't be fooled, this weeaboo style shit is a step back.
i think a modern post apocalyptic setting can work quite
but i respect your opinion
the hitboxes aren't even syncing right, then animations are all awful. god its just an abomination.
>See IGN
>give it a try
>"dark souls like game"
>closed video player
when will this shit "dark souls like game" meme end?
>generic twintail anime girl with big ass weapon
Bamco published Souls games for From but now that the series is over they want to keep it going with their own brand.
Dark Souls have the most cancerous followers in any videogame saga I've encountered.
As long as they push the "le hard and cool and original game" the media will pander to them.
It's baffling that they're putting out so much gameplay footage when it's obvious the game isn't ready to be shown off.
Hey guys, Destiny 2 just came out, it's a Half Like 2 like game
>tired of hearing "muh dark souls of-"
>the game is acutally a legitimate DeS rip-off
alright, anime character with a "realistic" graphical world but edgy anime outfits
shitty slow as fuck combat but with animu moves
your attacks seems useless but they remove 1/3 of the monster's HP
back to generic gray brown world we tried so hard to avoid back when cod was popular
looks like shit alright
It's literally meant to be a Souls clone. It's Bamco doing it on its own now that their deal with From is over.
Yeah, it's shit to use "souls-like" with every other game but here that's exactly the point.
>0.01 cents was deposited into your battle net account
>bamco asks From to keep making the souls games
>they say no because they are burnt out of the shit
>"well fuck you we'll make our own Souls games"
I'm going to make a qt brown girl
It's the Soulslike Dark Souls of the Soulslite genre.
it's called a fucking RPG
>more souls shit
Hey, whats up my dudes
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite is coming out, it's a Street fighter like game
Which part of Souls-like did you not understand?
>you get to choose a companion NPC like in dragons dogma
I am going to make some gay shit with this.
>Darksouls invented dodging attacks and striking when the enemy is recovering
why does she wear the mask?
Honestly in soulsborne games the npcs that fight with you are more of a hindrance than a help. The only reason you'd want to have them is probably to distract the enemy long enough to get some hits in but honestly it rarely works out well on bosses because if they are even mid sized they can hit you with that long ass reach and its hard to tell its coming most of the come with them aiming for the npc.
RPGs are fucking shit and they have been for years now.
For (You)s
I'd rather anime Dark Souls than another PUGB or some free MMO with microtransactions
IDK but it makes them look like anorexic Immortan Joe's
tell me then dumb cuckposter. Who did it first?
Basically never. It's a godsend to hack journalists and reviewers.
They finally have a thing that normies know about that they can point to whenever a game doesn't baby you and/or to explain away their lack of skill or basic cognitive function like deductive reasoning. They no longer have to explain or go into detail about the game's challenges (that they probably couldn't because they didn't likely didn't get very far into the game regardless due to a lack of time, effort or skill) or explain away their lack of ability because the game is just deliberately hard like Dark Souls even if it holds barely anything in common with it.
It has bonfire like save points, a corpse run mechanic, you have to commit to your attacks and you avoid those of enemies by dodgerolling, you have 5 healing potions every time you respawn, etc.
It is a moderately fair comparison to make.
Disregard the other part of my post because it makes me look like a hypocrite.
>Dark Souls invented dark fantasy
This looks worse than even Lords of the Fallen.
> Dark Souls-y
Western journalists needed Dark Souls. if they give a good score to Dark Souls or praise it they get respect from normies
"Wow if they like Dark Souls they are real gamers"
Unfortunately it's how people think
At least it looks better than Dark Souls. I didn't see a single enemy run off a cliff to its death.
my biggest complaint is that the sound effects sound so fucking loud compared to everything else.
No hitstop and none of the animations of swinging dont look believable.Straight from MMO or button masher cuharyzees.
And people think this looks good?
my biggest complain is that it looks like SE designed the outfits.
It's supposed to be like Dark Souls.
>dark souls-y
ah yes the unholy trinity of vidya
There is no sound in the game other than sound effects. The when weapon hits the blood sound is literally clipping
Disgusting someone mail them to stop doing this
Too ostentatious. I hate that shit and it's even worse for a game that's supposed to be about combat and not cutscene combat.
I hope the levels gets diversed. Never liked wide levels, or plains. Needs more vertical structures.
That's because the bosses' AI is scripted for only one dude and once the aggro splits the bosses go apeshit. As I understood on the video, your NPC should be going along with you all the time so the bosses should use more AoE stuff to try and take both characters down.
I mean its not like Dark Souls or Bloodborne didn't have its fair share of silly armor or outright decorative armor. Like I get what you mean as I think the masks are a bit much but overall i really don't think the costume/armor we've seen are that bad.
>Dark Soulsy gameplay
Every time. If it's like Dark Souls, why not just play Dark Souls?
Will this have a barebones Dark Souls plot or big spanning jrpg plot?
It will have waifus.
>cute girl
not how it works
>Enemy swings
Looking good!
>Player swings
Lots of games have waifus. But I am curious as to how the lot or story of the waifus will be.
its the Dark Souls of the Dark Souls genre!
It was the same with their last game, God Eater. Monsters had decent animations but the player was just standard hack and slash with no weight.
Wrong! It is merely a Souls-like of the Dark Souls Soulslites of the Dark Souls genre.
Candlejack abducted th-
Reviewer sounds like a fucking pokemon.
>Souls souls souls DARK SOULS souls dark dark souls souls dark souls souls soulsborne souls bloodborne souls dark dark souls
Does he really do this shit for almost twenty minutes?
That's exactly how it works though.
I really don't understand how the developers think this looks or feels good. I'm not asking for LOTF/Surge levels of weight, but give the character's swings something.
>he doesn't even get it
Not that guy but the personality is what makes the waifu status actually obtainable. Cutest bitch in the world is still just a bitch until she starts to exhibit waifu personality traits.