It's over

it's over

these headlines are comical

Post his gf plz OP

>calls a black man nigger
So they pretend there was a victim here, great

How do you even tell if the guy he's shooting at is black with that shitty quality, jfc journalists need to cram as much shit as they can into a fucking title these days.

Will crossposters throw a tantrum again?
Will this thread get deleted again?

Next time he should just say white boi, no one will bat an eye

>pewdiepie calls a black man a nigger

How exactly is it over for him?Toby said nigger and he's still getting paid by Valve to cast Dota.

Literally nobody gives a shit, how many subscribers has he lost by now?





what's that?

Oh shit, a noname dev from a bottom dollar company is threatening in public to break the law. This will not, in any way, backfire on the dev. It's not like there are lawyers on twitter right now calmly explaining that this is illegal or anything.

>In February, some of his videos were found to contain Nazi references or anti-Semitic imagery, which resulted in Disney cutting ties with him

>Live in Bumblefuck, Nowhere.
>Old women talk about/avoid the nigger parts of towns.
>Guys nigger-rig their lawnmowers to work.
>Some youtube guy getting digitally crucified over using nigger once.

I'm confused. I understand that it's a racist term, but it's not worth throwing such a huge shitfit over.

A walking somulator

>During a 2012 broadcast, TobiWan made the following comment in chat: "have you heard the expression..lame as a niggers baby?". He later apologized for the act of racism.[9]


Bet everyone who doesn't have a problem with it is white.


based pewds!


Anyone regardless of their race would realize how idiotic this situation is. Even blacks. Oh shit! He said a word. The new KKK is rising and the Nazis are coming back. How is it a problem that he said nigger?

Kinda glad some youTube celeb isn't getting a pass desu.

>say nigger in kf2
>game license gets revoked
>pew says nigger
>lol just free speech brah

>The new KKK is rising and the Nazis are coming back.

This is true though. Trump's victory has blatantly emboldened white supremacy, and no it isn't just some white guys who are proud of being white. It never is. It's always the scum of the fucking earth

americans are literally children
>oh my gosh he said the F-word!!!! whaaat???
you'll only hear shit like that on a school playground, yet it's the same thing with 'le n-word' for murricans



how's ahmed doing?

What did John Carmack mean by this?


Southerners and non cuckservative right wingers couldn't give less of a fuck.



woah the word nigger is offensive now? the SJWs have gone too far, it never used to be like this

>SJWs are so butt bothered about identity politics becoming popular with young white kids (who can't vote, yet) that they blame Trump

>The world's highest-paid YouTube star, PewDiePie, has used the "n-word" during an online broadcast.
It's hilarious how the BBC can't even bring themselves to write "Nigger" in their own news article.

Friendly reminder that there is nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade.

Likewise Sup Forumstard.

something clear: that he uses nigger on the regular


pewdiepie changed so much

frank and ian really got to him