When exactly is this game supposed to start being fun?

When exactly is this game supposed to start being fun?

When you start spamming tornadoes

Get to the big city, take the quest to recapture the fort. If you finish that and still don't like it then it's not for you.

when you become a mystic archer

or when you jump climb stab something to death like the hydra snake boss

Moderate fun upon leaving Cassardis.
High fun when you fight Grigori and do some Everfall.
Turbo Jizz Fiesta fun when you do BBI.

It ain't, yo

Generic as fuck

it only started to being fun to me on the 3rd character

When you realise that this is it, this is all the game has to offer and you switch to an actual good game.

>Rush to Daimon room is fun
Sure thing

when they finally buff the warrior to make them viable instead of being shit

Recurring threads belong on /vg/

Please revive /ddg/ and stop posting here :)

Dragon's Dogma took two or three tries to work its way into my heart. Now it's one of my favorite games and one of the few I've played annually since its released.

As soon as you start playing.

Why would I get it back? I'm virtually immortal and no hand of man can befell that beast.

faggots belong to /lgbt/
Please start posting there

>being a bitch ass boy

Not a bad point. Pic related and his sidekick Babbles seem to have a pretty good deal going. Spending eternity in a comfy cave reading about dragons sounds like a good time to me.

>Ah, he who knows that i know that he knows that i know that i may not know that he may not know who i know who knows not what they know

Why fight it? I can just hide away with my waifu and live my life or give away my waifu and get power and riches beyond imagination. Once you kill the dragon you are just cursed forever.

It doesn't get fun, it's a boring game.

People love to hype up the combat but it's barely better than Souls-shit. The world and lore is extremely boilerplate and generic with one exception that doesn't come until lategame. It has good ideas but it never comes together.

It had the potential to be a good game; but hey, so did SPORE.

When you git gud

spore is good

>Souls shit
>Bored by Dragons dogma combat
So tell me my friend, do you like videogames?

>baiting bait
user pls.

By not playing Warrior or mage.

F-fuck EA
I still play it sometimes

Yeah have fun with that for the next dillion years, you definitely won't get bored of life within the first hundred.