Will this game continue being exclusive or not?

Will this game continue being exclusive or not?


Nah. Menus with Xbox inputs already surfaced around and online store keep putting a Xbone version up for preorder.
The PS4 version doesn't even say "Playstation exclusive" and the devs have been purposely sneaky when people asked them if the game was exclusive.
You will have to wait one year thopugh at least.

Nah, will come here to see Sony Bitch Baby Tears when it comes to Xbone and Switch.

Fuck... We can't afford to lose another exclusive fellow sonygros... how do we stop this?...

Delete this.

I hope this means there'll be a PC version


No fucking way.

No? When it was announced, it was announced as a timed exclusive. Why people forget this, I don't know.



I will sell every Crash game I own and never buy another if they port it to PC. Those thieving pricks don't deserve it.

Better start looking for buyers, then.

>Sells great on PS4
>Activision wants to continue the Crash franchise
>gets ported to Xbone and PC
>sells like shit there
>Activision decides to shelve Crash and make him a Skylander forever

probably not, I don't understand why people are so autistic about exclusivity

you're all just stroppy children angry that other people get to play with the same toys it's pathetic

Er, yeah.

Delete this

[Spoiler]it will come to switch[/Spoiler]

Exclusives to these autists are the only way to "justify" spending a few hundred dollars on a console. A lot of them are also too poor to afford more than one system.

Is it my or the level under pressure in crash 3 is bugged in the collection? I break all the boxes and always end up 91/92

>release content over a year late
>oh no! It's selling worse!
No shit. At the very least the movie industry realized that releasing a movie to the theatres half a season late overseas drastically impacts sales.

But second run theaters/dollar theaters make a killing off movies released 3-6 months ago? These theaters are more crowded than your average AMCs and Regals. Too bad they're full of noisy and trashy poor people.

>switch port actually happens
>switch port actually outsells the ps4 version thanks to portability
Can you imagine the state of Sup Forums if it happened? What could it even compare to?

Crash Bandicoot is not much of a portable game

You're the angry child

Touched a nerve?

>Switch port happens
>720p/30FPS with dips in portable mode
>hailed as the definitive version of the game by Nintendo fanboys because you can play it on the bus for 2 hours and will have some shoehorned in touchscreen gimmick

Sup Forums will surely be in flames

There's no such bug.

Post yfw Switch port happens

Nathan Drake is in it, won't happen

Can the Switch even have touch screen gimmicks? Wouldn't that ruin the nature of seemlessly switching from handheld mode to TV mode?

just emulate them. theres virtually no story and all three games can be beaten within 10 hours.

>Switch port get the "Mobile Version"

Yes, just as alternative control schemes. LA Noire will have it in that regard.

The Switch really is the most entertaining system we've gotten in recent times.
Sup Forums always gets so heated whenever anything related to it happens. It's beautiful.

It gets a game and Sup Forums blows up.
It doesn't get a game and Sup Forums blows up.
A game is different on the Switch and Sup Forums blows up.
A game isn't different on the Switch and Sup Forums blows up.
A game sells good on the Switch and Sup Forums blows up.
A game sells bad on the Switch and Sup Forums blokws up.

>Switch gets the PS1 classic versions

Crash running on anything outside of PlayStation will have sonygroes crying endlessly, even a shitty mobile version.

Kinda funny how the ps4 has no games until you want one of its exclusives.

But the game isn't exclusive though.

>but portability

Right now it's only on ps4, so yes it is

You just described consolewarfaggotry in general

They would have to severely dumb down the visuals and reduce the filesize footprint of the game for Switch.

And possibly fix the fucky physics.

>have to severely dumb down the visuals
Now you're just being stupid.

Why would you ever buiod a pc?

Switch can't run the game.

>Handling good visuals

Honestly, no one outside of Sup Forums even cares about the Switch. The only time I see it mentioned outside of here is port begging on Twitter and such. Otherwise, I don't know a single person that has one or wants one, nor is it even hard to find.

>playing Crash without a dualshock

I pay other people to do it for me :^)

exclusive in the same sense that FFXV was
meaning we're getting it for PC about a year later

XV was never exclusive though.

console exclusive was what i was getting at, my mistake. sorry man