TFW Irma passed over yesterday but you still have power and can play video games

>TFW Irma passed over yesterday but you still have power and can play video games

Who the fuck is Irma? Your ex? Your mom? Your electric company? Why should I care? How is this video games?

Same, listening to the mandatory evacuating notice was a waste of time and energy.

>tfw when don't live in a hurricane raped shithole

>he probably lives with earthquakes
>he probably lives with massive tornadoes
>he probably lives within blast radius of an active volcano

No matter where you live the planet will try to kill you.

None of those, just the desert wasteland.

>tfw live in the Midwest
Who's laughing now?

Irma got downgraded to cat3, so bad, but not that bad. I'm not surprised. Enjoy the months of clean up, though.


I had no face when Harvey fucking swept away my PC xbone ps4 and wii u among other older systems. I haven't been without a video game since I was 3 years old I Dont know what to do with myself

But it passed Tampa at a category 1?

>largest quake that ever was recorded was in 2004 it reached 3 on the Richter scale
>nearest volcano is in Italy which is 2,500 km away
>biggest windspeed reached was 55km/h(irma is 65-120 MILES ph)
Feels good living in a hospitable area

Worst we ever get is mildly aggressive thunderstorms tbqh senpai.

Not everyone lives somewhere that tries to kill you on a regular basis.

>no natural disaster
>no winter
>summer all year round
Feels pretty good man.
Too bad the government sucks dick.

Did it? I guess national news forgot to mention that in the 24 coverage... How very odd and unprecedented. Anyway, I guess no clean up even. Keep buttering your toast, op.

where? australia? that's worst than hurricanes.

Nah, Singapore, land of no freedoms.
>tfw new president will be "elected" (no actual election)

was going to mention tsunami, but it looks like you guys are pretty safe from those. grats, I guess.

I always find it amusing when claps freak out over the smallest quakes

>tfw live in Singapore
>no natural disasters

it's you user, you are the natural disaster


who /northflorida/ here?
