Am I the only one shocked that this is a full priced game?
The last one was very mediocre and this doesn't look much better.
Am I the only one shocked that this is a full priced game?
The last one was good though.
Way too easy but overall a great video game adaptation.
Yup you are.
Now fuck off.
>Am I the only one shocked that this is a full priced game?
Yes. You'd be an idiot to expect it not to be.
It shouldn't be
Its low quality
It comes with Stick of Truth
The last one was far too easy but was also their first foray into the whole idea AND despite how easy it was it was also super fun to playthrough.
The South Park game was funnier than the last 4 seasons of the show. This one looks good, too.
>not pirating the game
They literally have an episode where they praise pirates and make fun of digital copyright enforcement. Give'em hell bois.
In terms of what?
Gameplay, plot and everything else important.
Also the childish humour for tweens.
Nah the first one was a nostalgia trip. I'm looking forward to when the new game drops.
OP's first day on Sup Forums. You have to give a reason why you think it's low quality.
>why does this new game cost the price all new games cost
Why wouldn't it?
first game was a lot of fun, but too short and too easy. also, this game is on the pc, so just steal it if you don't want to pay the $60.
>i dont like the humor therefore its a shit game
Ahh yes I see we have an intellectual.
Look dude it's a South Park game for fans of the show if you already don't like the show you wouldn't like the game. This doesn't deserve a thread and you're an embarrassment
I did with their first game.
at least it is not the nintendo switch port of binding of Isaac, that shit is 60 fucking dollars
I can wait for Christmas when the game is 19.99. Videya games are the new movies
Little incentive for high prices games that are just an episode long.
Pretty sure those jokes are not for kids. Have you not heard of South Park before? It's kind of a waste buying it if you don't enjoy the show.
I'm hoping it's longer than the last one. Looks like they really revamped the combat though.
After the travesty that is their mobile game "Phone Destroyer" I will most certainly be pirating it. They are actively embracing business practices they used to mock.
I got the first game for $12 at release. I hope I can find a good deal for this game.
What's wrong with it?
>The game is free to play. Everything can be earned in the game without paying, but you can choose to spend real world money if you wish. The game is designed so that nothing is ever locked behind a paywall. Everything in the game is available to all players as they progress, whether they choose to spend real-world money or not.
Think of it less like a game and more like an interactive South park movie.
Because that is pretty much what the first one was, an interactive south park movie
and it was technically a Great TV series based Game because of one simple fact
>they took barely any jokes Straight from the series, and those that they did reuse from the show were usually mixed up in some way, where as most other games based on cartoons and shit just lift voice lines straight from the episodes they didn't for the first south park
>The last one was very mediocre and this doesn't look much better.- 26 posts and 2 image replies shown.
its the only good game made by Obisdian
OP confirmed underage b&. He has to pick tweens to find a group younger than him to criticize
>Complains about a shit game being full priced
>Promotes the game by making threads about it
Gentlemen i give you marketing in 2017
Wait, it' s out?
Let' s hope it' s longer than Stick of Truth, maybe with a post story dungeon.
Leftist propaganda
It comes bundled with Stick of Truth.
The stick of truth wasn't the first South Park game.
>The last one was very mediocre and this doesn't look much better.
I gotta say, if you're into south park the first game was really good. It was just okay if you didn't like south park.
Didn't play the last one and won't be playing this one either. They can charge like 200$ for it if they like.
I really wouldn't mind a switch version of the fractured but whole.
Rather it's the version I'd probably get. Doesn't look like it'll happen though.
A real fucking shame about the whole denuvo+uplay cancer of the pc version though.Fuck that. Really.
>Game isn't even out yet
>It's low quality
And here I thought it had stopped being summer...
It was, however, the first to have any input from the actual creators of the show.
>when you still love this game but everyone else hates it
>childish humor for tweens
>browses Sup Forums
Denuvo and uplay didn't stop me from playing far cry primal and it won't stop me from playing this game either.
everyone else hates it because it's a pile of shit
I've noticed something strange when I go on Sup Forums, Family Guy has the exact same style of humor as Sup Forums users eg edgy racism and sexism and yet Sup Forums hates it, meanwhile South park uses SJW type humor like people making fun of George Zimmerman or defending transgender people for 10 episodes and yet you love it.
Can someone explain?
they don't like to like what they think people think they would like
Personally I only like old South Park. I lost interest a couple of seasons ago and it had been sliding even before that.
Ridiculous claim...for a South Park fan the first game was nearly perfect. And that is even after a long troubled development process. So what the shit are you on about?
Fucking what are you talking about?
>for a South Park fan
In other words someone who with very low standards who will praise a 5/10 game as if it is a 9/10 because it has south park skin.
I still like both but SP put a real damper in my enjoyment with the whole Islam censorship drama. That was an embarrassment for anyone involved and badly handled by Matt & Trey.
they're both garbage "adult" "comedy" shows who use shock value as cheap attempts at "jokes".
family guy just manages to be worse because they throw "jokes" at the wall hoping they stick at a much faster pace
>family guy
When? Legit curious. Do you write angry emails to the network about that show too, or are you only a complete faggot on Sup Forums?
You serious?
Most of it is towards Asians and Arabs but sometimes black people.
>low standards
Dude did you watch South Park in the last decade? It's juvenile humor, offensive and low budget. Stick of Truth was exactly that. Maybe it was too easy and has no replay value but hell if I didn't piss myself multiple times over it.
As a side note...I played SP games since the N64 days and nearly all of them bottom of the barrel junk.
Actually here is a better video
If you criticize that then you might as well go full Nazi on all forms of satire and offensive humor with weekly book burning.
u wot m8
You asked for some racist jokes in the show and a gave you some, if you actually watched family guy ever you'd know this isn't it there are racist joke it pretty much every episode.
That is not racism. That is not hate-speech. It's entertainment, it's humor, it's satire and it's also critique on real problems like ethinic wars, mass murders and know the stuff the actually happens and matters.
That is the joke, you just don't get it