Post your weaponfu motherfuckers

Post your weaponfu motherfuckers

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Shit taste.

Claiming my weaponfu. STR > all.

what the fuck is that?

>doesn't post his



Fite me

Looks gay


>silly tentacle man xD



wish it came with a unique animation of hitting you on the surface then flattens the enemy

A mace.

Yeah, just looks like a gay version of this

>people say a weapon sucks
>it does like 84 damage on a critical
>you move lightning fast with it

God I loved this pistol.

That was a really well composed webm

Also fuck dude I have too many to choose from. Gonna give it to Tonitrus or Burial Blade


I'm objectively the best user of the weapon in PvP in the world.

Frostmourne Hungers.

pls forgiv me senpai ;_;

This is probably the single best pistol in video gaming.

It's a two-hit kill reasonably close. 3-5 hit kill at range. Accurate for the most part. Very satisfying to use.

I literally had like 57,000 kills with it and every single load out I used revolved around it.

Its ok

Vanquisher's seal and MAN FISTS>>>>pussy ass weapons


I just love BRs and DMRs myself.

I don't care if it's a FAL, G3, Mk14, SVD, or Famas G2, if it's long, semi auto, accurate, with a cute 10-20 magazine, a lovely scope on top, and and goes BANG! BANG! BANG! then it's my raifu.

Bonus points for adorable silenced lips and cute bullpup butts.

Neat ass electro-mace.

Shit design/10
My niece can make better design.

>shoots down snipers, Banshees and God

Great swords are great fun especially moonlight but stupidly slow.

The most satisfying melee i've ever had in a game

Rape instrument.

Shame the 2h attacks are bugged so they don't hit confirm like every other weapon in the game and it's still not fixed

Made me drop Yhorm's Ass Cleaver in PVP because against anyone competent, you won't get a second hit unless lag is on your side, which results in a net loss of damage and a big disadvantage

Went back to butcher knife, my weaponfu

Well you have to compensate for the increase in power.

Yeah this was a really fucking good pistol as well. God damned, the only game really pumping out nice pistols is Destiny right now...PIstols are legit awesome. Stop fucking making them last-ditch options, developers.

Yhorm is god-tier in one hand though, and at max range cannot be parried.
It's so good i was rocking an offhand yhorm + main hand longsword for quite a long time and it worked perfectly.

>not even finishing him off with trick attack
thanks for wasting 23 seconds of my life



You can keep it

Beast hunter saif, Church pick, pizza cutter

>tfw bullpup disappeared without a trace in BL 2
Randy, you fucking hack.

No guns detected


Undeads better fucking watchout

Complete with weebkilling hinge feature, so once you swing this thing the blade half pivots back straight into your neck

*hovers behind you*
Nothing personnel kid

Can someone turn this into a loss edit for me please? Thank you.

Oh right offhand greataxe still hit confirms
Maybe I should dust off the regular big machete and use that offhand since it matches with the butcher knife

Blood for the blood god