Who was right here?

Who was right here?

No means no.

Me for not playing WoW

>not wanting to be raped by a naaru

>sometimes the hand of fate... must be forced
>wtf dont force my fate tho my destiny is my own
xera did nothing wrong

Xe'ru was always wrong by virtue of being able to telepathically communicate but insisting I speak to it at the class hall between missions instead of letting me do its bidding around the island remotely. Xe'ru obviously has a perverted relationship with control, and it's no surprise that it's a rapist as wel.

Never trusted those Naaru

hated that windchime but illidans a fag and should have been a sick ass light demon, so that all the faggot demon hunters can get it and i can get metamorphosis on my lock back

He's a night elf so he would have had the demon half peeled off.

this is wow, he'd have feathered wings and a halo


She pretty much said that would happen herself.

>Turalyon calls Illidan "Betrayer" despite being totally absent from all of Warcraft Lore between WC3 and now


Illidan did nothing wrong, Xe'ru was pure dick.

>caring about (((warcraft))) lore

Illidan's always been about using his personal sacrifices in order to avoid losing himself to higher powers
He was a bit understandably wary about just having all of his pain wiped away to gain power from a being that grants strength to those that have unwavering faith in them

Mr."I am my scar".

Illidan wants to keep his demon blood which been established to regularly and actively screws with the wielder's head while Xe'ru couldn't take a hint
But in the end, its bad writing that's in the wrong

You couldn't trust her in LotR, and you couldn't trust her here

Yeah, that is pretty much how the vision went.

I haven't played the game but Illidan. Illidan is almost always right and the game always shits on him.