Was this supposed to be a big game when it launched?

Was this supposed to be a big game when it launched?
It seems to have done worse than alan wake

For (You).

Yeah, it was suppose to be intertwined with Xbone's TV focus

But they reworked it into a smaller title & released it with little marketing on a poorly selling console, it was DOA

I thought Little Finger was dead.

It was all part of his master plan.

>Xbox One exclusive
>big game

Ya no.

>Quantum Break
>Ryse: Son of Rome
>Project Spark
>Sunset Overdrive

What do all these games have in common?

They all failed?

good graphics?

All of them are fucking awful?

Loved QB, loved Ryse.
Sunset was meh and forgetable.
All were published by MS


Were instantly forgotten after release?


So how's the actual game? Should I pirate it? I mean it's made by Remedy it can't actually be that bad right?

it's supposed to be pretty _fun_

Yes, all the answers were correct.
the graphics are great, you shithead

It was so fucking bad. Nothing redeemable. Also lol no motion blur toggle, I love that smeared vaseline shit look every camera pan.

>I mean it's made by Remedy
That doesn't mean anything anymore. Alan Wake was terrible and QB is an even bigger pile of shit. They should just make tv shows. That's obviously what they want to be doing.

>Alan Wake was terrible
Nice bait faggot. Alan Wake is their best game.

When did you find out you were gay?

Quantum Break and Sunset shitdrive looked decent. The rest looked fucking awful.

>to be a big game

Nice retort, faggot. Doesn't change the truth though.

Speaks for itself

What about max payne 3

nigga...somebody tell him...

>Alan Wake is their best game.
max payne 1


Max Payne was just a fluke. It was released back in the time when developers were forced to make tight and responsive gameplay due to technical limitations. Now they just go for the most godawful sluggish gunplay.

I bet you couldn't make max payne if you tried

>Dr. Pavel, I'm Quantum Break.
>You don't get to bring gameplay.

Neither could they now

I wanted to try it but I think the download was fucking massive.

I couldn't make Max Payne but with a proper team I could make a game with better gameplay than their modern games.

It's a simple concept isn't it

This was a fun game
The live action scenes were actually not bad too

Get on Kickstarter then boy