why is it that white people constantly break their controllers when they're mad? other races don't do it but white people do it consistently. calm down son, just a video game. shit.
Why is it that white people constantly break their controllers when they're mad...
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why is that black people constantly break the law when they're mad? other races don't do it but black people do it consistently. calm down son, just follow the law. shit.
this is racist
this is not racist
why is it that white people constantly shitpost when they're mad? other races don't do it but white people do it consistently. calm down son, just a twitter post. shit.
Because we can afford to replace them.
Well, I would hardly consider that trash white but I suppose technically he is.
I don't think anyone shitposts harder than blacks on this site, all the notorious tripfag shitposters are/were black, Onsomakaru, Lanced Jack, Climaxia, Cooltop, Krager, Rugarell, all niggers.
Saw this coming before I entered the thread.
witty observation
buttmad racist. l2internet
That fight stick is stolen anyways.
McFucking kill yourself, cuck.
Because we can afford a new one.
i never heard of any of them, guess im not a faggot
you are clearly mad because you make this thread every day
you filthy racist, I'm sick of you nazi fucks flooding outside of your containment zone
No, it just means you haven't been here very long.
You should at LEAST recognize Rugarell, and Onsokumaru still posts regularly.
you're worse, you're a newfaggot
>derivative shitpost
you're not doing much to help your case
Why do people even play games that make them mad? Clearly not a good way to spend your time.
they are under the impression the law does not serve them
kinda like all the SJWs assaulting innocent people because of words
It's fine, the white kid would need to break ten more controllers to make up for the money the black kid owes him.
nah you fags just wasted your lives and you know and hate the names of the people who wasted their lives better
but the law is racist so it's okay for blacks to break it
No sense of responsibility and empathy. Also: low IQ contributes to their inability to consider consequences.
Not always white.
An asian/greek heritage friend of mine flipped out quite spectacularly once when playing Tekken.
He got schooled by another friend after talking himself up for about a day beforehand (he played Eddie, so you can kind of guess his personality).
Other friend annihilated him, then changed his gamertag to NOOB (or similar) when he was taking a piss.
He comes back, picks up the controller, sees his name then flips his shit. Throws the controller as hard as he can at other friends face, then kicks the dude in the side of the head furiously about 5 times.
Sad part is the asian friend was a more respected member of our little friendship circle, so the other guy left.
its sad that i believe this to be a thing now.
humans no, americans are fucked.
>Throws the controller as hard as he can at other friends face, then kicks the dude in the side of the head furiously about 5 times.
my wife is black and she's thrown the controller a time or 2 when she gets upset.
what about you're wife is son ?
>wear shirt displaying "black people is da best!!"
>proceed to murder a whole white family
>get suprised when some black cop arrests me