Are you looking forward to this?

Are you looking forward to this?

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First one was so boring I couldn't force myself to finish it, so no.

>looking forward to modern shit

I'm looking forward to this semen demon

it looks too clean and sterile compared to the first game that was nonstop gore and dread filled. also that gameplay i saw with the guy strolling through the town didn't look that compelling. why go pseudo open world with this style of game?

Quick question, have you seen the hour long gameplay that was just released? It's got annoying commentators but it's gritty and dirty

>chromashit aberration
When did this meme start

i don't know, saw some gameplay from some kind of gaming website with a fat guy and a girl iirc some days ago.

Probably with one of the Gears of War titles. Depth of field blurring became more widespread once those Little Big Planet games hit from what I recall.

Why don't you post it

I don't want to support Bethesda but i'll buy his game

Nah, I tried to give TEW1 a fair shot, thought it was barely mediocre until the end, at which point it turned complete garbage.

This is the actual state of modern horror games, it's kind of depressing.

>Middle aged white guy with beard

Wow never seen this character before

Id take him any fucking day of the week now that i've seen the forced diversity quota of today.

Whats going on here and why is it arousing?

He's hispanic, like a Spaniard. His last name is Castellanos

TEW was supposed to be closer to RE4 with a bigger emphasis on the horror atmosphere, not a full on horror game

It was marketed non-stop as survival horror, please stop making excuses for someone else.

Is original worth playing? Last gameplay I saw of it was a fire puzzle boss fight that looked really lame because of how much the player was abusing the AI

Fuck no. It's a resident evil 4 wannabe just way way worse. Everything in it is so awful and boring and just not fun.
Having said that I believe you could pick up a used copy on the PS4 for like 10 bucks now, so up to you.

First one was a great and widely misunderstood piece of art. But it was a pretty shit game at that.
I don't think the sequel will follow the same pattern, considering mixed reception and the fact that the jap mastermind is no longer involved.

It has good and bad bits. But you'll get more out of it if you're into action. If you expect full blown survival horror you'll get very little of it here, but what you get is quite nice. TEW has a bit of an identity crisis. It doesn't know if it wants to be horror or action.

thanks anons
I was hoping it was more classic survival horror so I think I'll pass