hatemail thread
Hatemail thread
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
people on USFIV PC are autistic
>mule twinker invades me at SL 8 in the forest
>full twink set and literally two Quelaag's Furyswords
>two Quelaag's Furyswords
>gets mad when I bait him
Mind over twinks, kiddo.
>dark souls
thank you for the hearty laugh
not exactly hatemail but
oh my
ive played mostly on PC so i never really got alot of hate mail
usually ingame chat
I didn't took a photo of my response but it was something like "The most dangerous lvl 25 i've ever seen" and he suggested that i should fuck myself.
I sent him an american loli emoticon shrugging.
pretty much ive dealt with this shit for over a decade
people calling me a hacker/cheater
feels good man
I got that when i got gud at cs:go then got bored and fucked off plus hackers are a thing that exist for some reason
The guy under him infuriates me, has that faggot never heard of a demo?
>you have been kicked from the game reason: hacking
not that user but
the story in the game is utter shit so when i play i make my own story up in a autistic way
Nothing better than getting hacks called on you
I remember when I still played TF2 I got a real good handle on quickscoping and would destroy scouts, rocket jumping soldiers, etc. Even if I wasn't called out, it was an amazing satisfaction landing a flick, and seeing them go spectate to watch my ass
>when someone joins spectators
>and a few am radio stations
you may have won the game of GTA but you have lost the game of life
Have you lads ever sent out hatemail yourselves? What over?
Post the one with "the weak have no voice" in it
post it
Dark Souls hatemail was the only good thing to ever come from GFWL.
One time to piss off a child on PS4, speaking of, why is PSN filled with Spics and Children?
was playing last night with a non prime friend and someone on the other team got so fucking salty that we were winning he turned on aimbot (instant deagle headshot whenever you peeked), and would turn if off again when they secured a lead
You can't even get prime until you sink like 50 hours into csgo either, and why the fuck would you if thats what you have to deal with
That's fucking great
this picture is hilarious
mind if I repost it?
cool thank you
I was invited to one of these groups for DotA2 once. Something like "fuckers who use op heroes". Wish I had saved it
>Zone: Underground
My heart skipped a beat because I used to have that same Dante picture as my profile pic, and I'd also send a bunch of hatemail in my Dark Souls days.
I'll give you a webm for context, joined one of those mario 64 online servers and started punching people and camping stars for like 30 minutes until a few people got pissed off. Said nothing but one guy deduced I was the one doing it.
>Why can't you just play to have fun? Do you seriously just enjoy killing people instead of doing the levels?
>yes i play pvp only
>Please grow up.
t. super mario 64 online discord user
how many A presses was that KO?
Legit how is this funny? It's the zany type of comment made by your classnate when yoy're like 13. School shooter tier, almost.
Thanks Lori :)
Can't post the image as I'm at work, but the other day I was playing Rocket League on PS4, and this happened
>Opponents are absolutely trash
>One of em's username is something like "BestRLplayerever" or some shit, I honestly don't fully remember
>Win 5-0
>Say in chat "Best player ever, huh? Sure kiddo, sure."
>He starts messaging me with this
"Fucking 1v1 me bitch, I'll kick ur ass"
and "ur a pussy"
>Decide to 1v1 him
>End up winning 8-1
>He claims I'm hacking
>Tell him there's no way to even hack on PS4
>He actually sends me a death threat
I reported him, hopefully he got permabanned, cause that would be gold.
are you the stream sniper?
He seems genuinely upset. You can hear him seething.
>send hate mail
>get comm's ban for three months
>quit and go to PC
>can send all the hate mail I want without any punishment
Console cucks lmfao
Oh the anger is what made you laugh, rather than the joke itself. You're right. I do laugh whenever I get hatemail regardless of the joke.
>sending hatemail
>he doesn't shit talk
What're you some mute autist? get with the bantz faggot.
>getting angry is bantz
it's actually not gg
Reminder that World of Tanks had its cross team chat removed because it was almost exclusively used to hurl insults at people.
> :)
That guy was SEETHING
>team up on someone with low HP and stagekill them
>send them "Good Fight!"
>Wow! Wow! Wow!
Mad as fuck
A Turkroach called me a son of a bitch the other day for invading in ds3. I asked what I did and he never responded.
anyone here plays dead by daylight? it's a fucking goldmine
what motivates a man to send insults to another guy after the video game match is over?
I just don't get it.
What geimu?
WHOA it's like i stepped back to 2008 all over again
I actually don't remember the name, but it was some russian version of hotline miami.
>saving hatemail
whenever someone calls me a hacker a direct their attention to my 13 year steam badge and proceed to watch them cry like little girls.
I only ever get messages from salty Russians in Hearthstone these days.
For a while I used to play fatigue decks and rope every single turn, turning a 10 minute game into one that took about half an hour,
that got plenty of hate.
Just anger for their inability to win said game.
Bloodbath Kavkaz
My friend tried getting me into DbD, got bored out of it eventually
But fucking hell every time whenever I went killer, someone would salt. And not only am I pretty trash, but I wasn't even doing anything. Trapping the hook and then doing a very far patrol was what I had done, always giving people a chance but not fucking myself over
>play trapper
>hook someone on the basement
>drop 3 traps there
>enjoy the salt
bonus points if you do this to a streamer.
thats hot
>Sup Forums thinks any kind of negative confrontation whether said jokingly or seriously = "OMG THE GUY IS SEETHING WITH RAGE LOLLL WHY DOES HE HAVE EMOTIONS LOL"
The autistic have problems with reading emotions.
t. buttblasted player that's always seething and sends :) to try and hide it
>Beat someone in a fighting game
>They get mad and call you out for "spamming" or "being a scrub"
Fighting game salt is the best because they literally have no excuses they can make. If they're being beat by a "scrub" move then they're worse than a scrub because they can't find a way to beat it. They just got outplayed and are assmad about it.
ITT shit you can't post anymore because you'll be banned thanks to SJW culture
You are retarded.
whatever you say, kid :)
Let the meme begin.
thats something that I don't understand
people in online games just CAN'T fucking admit that the other player is good, they go out of their way to make it clear that they themselves suck major ass just
Almost all of those super old accounts I see get purchased by cheaters to look legit.
Haha, funny dog eat a pepsi :)
ah shit I was going to post that one gud one
Wow, really? I haven't played the game in ages.
It's a pride thing. I've had people tell me they were "too good" and expecting to fight other "good" players that's why they lost to me.
what's seething?
I was playing with fusion rifles at Destiny 2 beta and they were pretty OP and this dude sends me something like "u a noob because you are playing with fusions " or someshit and he tells me 1v1 at Destiny 1. They score is 8-5 and I am losing then when the heavy ammo spawns he goes to the heavy nearest at me waiting to ambush me with his super. Hunters have a super that cancels other supers so I cancel him and take the ammo and then his and after sometime he ragequits.Then he says "i forgot to tell that you shouldn't take heavy " and be started saying autistic things and he left.
underage btfo
Sup Forumsirgins think that if you call someone a name online, that means you are shaking with anger in real life as you are typing
Someone who's cringing at the reminder of the hatemail he himself has sent and is trying to cover it up
Retard doesn't even know that it would have been better to just not mention it
>absolutely crush other team
>gg wp
>no re
Why else would you call someone a name online?
>Kill a short sword shitter in ds3
>Send "Get a better weapon"
Easiest way to get hatemail
unless you have anger issues very few people actually get mad at games. if i message you "ur a fag lol" im not punching my wall and throwing shit