Divinity: Original Sin 2

So close... yet so far...
How're you holding up?

Other urls found in this thread:


Larian are going to post another spotlight soon, r-right?

MC, Beast, Fane, Elfwaifu best combo.
You can't deny it.

While I'm excited for the game, I legitimately cannot tell if these threads are shilling or just elaborate shitposting anymore.

Swap Sebille for Ifan

>sausage fest
No thanks

I played through the alpha several times, but I have no idea where the dwarf companion is
is he in ?

Possibly some people can't wait for release and vent steam by shitposting/discussing game here. Nah what am I saying, that's a ridiculous idea.

>Thread about video game

What even

we should move to vg at some point

3 more days until another shit Larian game filled with
>Shitty cliche story
>Boring one dimensional characters
>Retarded meme lol so randumb humor
>Dialogue so bad Chris Chan would blush
>you won't read this line you fucking faggot
>slow as molasses
>constant shilling
>outdated turn-based "combat"
>same reused graphics
>quests locked behind characters to make the game "longer"


New Vegas threads don't have to, why should we?

Seriously fuck off with that. People are legit excited for a game. It ain't shilling in the slightest

The latter. This method has become really popular lately, there's a guy who does the same with DBFZ.

Nope. Nor him neither Fane. Alpha had not been updated a long time, and Larian said they would not update it anymore since spring I believe.

Dwarf and undead companion weren't in Early Access, they'll get unlocked on release.
This, apparently most of Sup Forums is too dim to distinguish between people being hyped for a game and people shilling it anymore.

Thanks user, I missed you from the last thread.

This looks kinda cool, I've never played the first, is it more of the same because I might pick the first one up, I'd be playing solo though

it's 100% shilling


>making threads about videogames on a board dedicated to videogames is considered shitposting
Fuck off retard

Is Sebille based on school shooters?
I get that vibe from her.
>All the other kids with the pumped up kiks

>outdated turn based combat
>shills a RTwP game

>hair on skeleton

ifan mc scoundrel, red prince warfare/poly, lohse enchanter, what else bois?

>not updating a demo a few weeks in
well no problem, I'll catch them in release

>keep best companions for the full game
excellent marketing move LS

>no circus music

Losing it.

invest in a noose

Don't even get that Eder fag anyways. I bought Pillars, I enjoyed Pillars, now I'm looking forward to Divinity. Never understood what drove people to a fandom so rabid they refused to move on.

Now this is the Divinity thread i know.

>skeleton with dyke haircut
can't wait to kill it




I actually like these guys, but they are making it hard for me.

He can not believe that someone on Sup Forums can truly enjoy playing a game. It's rather exotic you know.
I think she's between Reaper and Shadow the Edgehog on the edge scale.

it's false flag shilling. it's a tactic they use to get people to defend their product


EDT getting the game on the 13th?

shill pls go.no one wants
to play this after the first game.

Fuck off fags, you all know I'm talking about the way these threads are worded and not the existence of Divinity threads themselves.

See I like the game and enjoy discussing it, but these threads reek of shilling. Stop being willfully dense.

this is a false flag thread

>tfw getting the game on 14th

Only if MC is a lizard.

It can happen though. Also I would probably glue my hair on my skull if I would become undead for some reason. Gotta stay pretty.

the last few threads have been filled with false flaggers who are bitter about people being excited for a game

You're both complete fucking retards, kill yourselves.

That's a corpse, not a skeleton. It's part of the spooky species, but not the same race.

> shill shill shill shill shill
Fuck off, not him but i like go into divinity thread often to talk while waiting for the game.
If you hate seeing people talking about game that much then fuck off please


becaus eof you i will buy it :3

Of course, Sybille or whatever her name is and Ifan are still missing.

I fucking hate this game. I bought it three days ago and I have 31 hours. I expect that tomorrow it will be 41 hours. pls send help.

But skeletons are corpses too. Get off tour pale horse, you privileged polished bones male.

i said please, don't make me said it twice user

Likely tomorrow and Wednesday. Gotta build up the hype somehow.

>I'm talking about the way these threads are worded and not the existence of Divinity threads themselves.
too much enthusiasm? not enough layers of patented 2014 irony?

It's one thing to discuss a game, it's another thing to make several threads a day with the same "Are you ready for CRPG GOTY 2017? Here's a list of all the official video links, and a list of places you can preorder! Get hype, only three more days! How are you coping with the wait?"

For like, two straight weeks now.

>swapping OP needle for a fucking Ifan

Hahaha, right. Next you'll tell me living bodies are skeletons too.

and just like that 2 out of 3 posts are not discussing the game but instead arguing about shilling and not shilling

good job lads

>friend was hyped as fuck for more ever since we finished DOS earlier this year (in February, i think?)
>i bought the game for myself earlier this week
>friend messages me just now asking me to wait two more weeks because he can't afford it even though he's been supposedly "looking forward to it" since February
>offer to buy it for him
>he refuses because he doesn't want pity handouts or feeling indebted
>have to sit on my ass for two weeks

Where can I get this bad boy for cheaper than 45 Gaben bux other than hitting up KAT for the GOG rip? I want to support the devs but not 45 bux.

This. Every thread is filled with promo materials and circlejerking about a product and how people preordered it. Its reddit incarnate. I could give it the benefit of doubt for a couple of days but its been weeks with the same posts, same images, same "Oh man I am so hype" posts etc. People need to be absolute retards no to realize those threads exist for marketing purposes.

Obsidian wins again bby.

I managed to forcedly stop after 60. Kind of.
OP must contain "what went wrong" or "Why is this overrated" according to rules of Sup Forums

>discussing the game that's not even out

Just do a solo campaign first.

The first act is out, obsidiot.

>tfw you will soon be playing the most complex and deep turned based system ever
into my mouth araragaghag

Have your friend come over and co-op in person. This isn't an internet friend you're dedicating this effort to right?

>there are people who unironically believe any company in the world has any interest in marketing a multiplayer game to this backwater cesspit

Or maybe this is how normies talk.
Maybe you need to just go outside.

>you will never have shills for your game

On a scale from 1 to Rabid Impregnation, how much do you want to fuck this lizard?

fuck him, play solo

>stop liking what I don't like
Typical Sup Forums.

Or maybe cum guzzling normalfags should just fuck off.

I'm not into scaly.

How new are you that you've never seen a launch week on Sup Forums, this happens with every single game worth playing.

It's pretty obvious they're shilling, considering how much Sup Forums shit on the first game. Suddenly there's a billion threads about the sequel and how it's amazing and perfect and could do no wrong.

Should I really play as a origin character in my first time playthrough?

Reminder that OS2 will be the great game of th generation and there is nothing that consolefags can do about it ehehehahaha

I love lizards to death, but I wouldn't. I just love them from aesthetics.
Would breed demons with Lohse though.

is it sufficient enough to use 2 hander frontliner in the second game? I tried sword and board in the first game but damn it was mostly useless

>Not wanting to fuck qt lizards

If you're a fun hating fag maybe.

Yes the unfinished version of 20% of the game is out, this truly warrants multiple threads on it a day.

Its on their list of forums they follow from what we have seen and having someone to shit out several posts here is not exactly time-consuming.

>its just normal go outside lmao
Fuck off and go watch the avengers or something. You are the reason the industry is so dumbed down and shit right now.

>Sup Forums thinks Zone of The Enders 1 is mediocre garbage
>Sup Forums thinks ZOE The Second Runner is one of the greatest action games of all time

It's almost like Sup Forums can have differing opinions on a sequel.

>a thread talking about a video game thats about to release is now shitposting

Really speaks to the state of this fucking board. Maybe we should interject some whinging about niggers or sjws or something so you faggots can feel more at home.

I want to play as a dual-wield human knight, so yes I probably am.

Yes you need to be a retard no to its literally just extra free content. You can still pick whatever class and build you want regardless of whether you are playing origin or generic character.

good work showing those shills who's boss user, can't wait to see you in the bannerlord threads when that's about to come out too

Next you gonna say Sup Forums is not one person

Hide and report the thread then faggot. Why even engage if you're so sure no one is here because they like the series. You'd never convince an actual shill to not shill, and you believe no one but shills are here so you're not going to convince misinformed people to shy away from the evil shills.

>game comes out in 3 days
>wonder why there's multiple threads
>stop liking what I don't like
epic tbqh

Sup Forums shits on all games that existed, exist and will exist. Spiteful people that lost all joy in life because of unhealthy living and immediate reward syndrome can only fill the hole inside by collectively hating on everything.

Nice goalpost moving.

I donĀ“t think a shill would say things like fuck off to someone.

Don't use logic on the mentally handicapped.

I'm not really a Sup Forums regular, but I specifically came to Sup Forums to see if there were any threads about this game.
If you think it's a shill thread that's fine, but what's the point of deliberately seeking out what you think are shill threads, just so you can say "It's a shill thread?"
Wouldn't your time be better spent commenting on something you like?
Let's assume it's a shill thread, what's the harm? At the least it's entertaining. At the worst they're shilling a piece of shit. But someone as smert as you who can see through shills with your eggsray vision wouldn't be dumb enough to fall for that, right?
Let's assume I'm a shill, (Why not? you already have.) I don't want you to be the game, I officially endorse you taking the money that you could have spent on this wonderful game, and shoving it up your ass, so far you can taste it.
You have now been officially told by Larian studios to go and fuck yourself and spend your money somewhere else, or kill yourself.

Inside every living body there is a spoopy skeleton just waiting to burst out.