We need a protagonist

>we need a protagonist

>say no more

i don't think average man looks this disturbing

>we need a quick rundown

Average man isn't a model wearing makeup in an airbrushed image

shoulda posted a 30 something white dude with scruff on his face.

We need a Covert OP!

I have come to the conclusion that Sup Forums spends more time outraged and whipping themselves into a fury over nothing than the SJWs. Every thread that isn't outright about FUCKING LIBERALS descends into FUCKING LIBERALS eventually. If you think we're better than tumblr or twitter then you're kidding yourself.

As you were.

do you feel guilty now, white male gamers?

>we need our western character to be more progressive
>say no more familia

>we need a shit thread

>say no more

lol ur right dude just ignore the sjws theyll go away there is no left wing agenda at all

war is peace drumpf is hitler ANTIFA achieves peace through violence. tune in to CNN comrade.

Sorry OP, he's not diverse enough. We had to cut funding to your game.

Just like real life.

Hell yeah man posting about it on boards.Sup Forums.org/v/ is really going to solve the problem! Why attempt to do anything about it when you can just participate in a circlejerk on the video game section of a chinese cartoon imageboard?

not everyone spends their time exclusively on Sup Forums.org like you mr shill

furthermore, people are free to post as they wish on Sup Forums. it is our culture. if you dont like it, go to reddit for a left wing safe space.

And here's the rest of the cast

Lol nobody cares about these

You sure did a great job of proving him exactly right

Wow it's almost like the white male is superior in pretty much every aspect.

wtf she is president now gamergate lost now

You're the one crying about how no one wants to talk about political bullshit that's been spewed out 8 billion times on a fucking video game board

Wow, real life psychosis.

LMAO google is redpilled as fuck

Better than a nigger tranny

>no one

pol threads are at least 10 times faster than any other thread on this board

you don't control the narrative here kike

not an argument

that's a mix of latino, arab and western european

>its real

>deary diary
>today google was not a faggot

These threads make me hate the "progressive" left more and more each day. It's Sup Forums that converts you into a Sup Forumstard.


>This is meant to be normality
The left really needs to clean their house

you first

>not an argument
True. It was an observation.

is there anything sadder than internet Freuds? no

>all those white male protagonists when they could have just as easily have been queer black women
I feel so fucking ashamed of my own race.

Fuck off Sup Forums no one wants to discuss politics here go back to your containment board you insufferable child

Which game has an exclusively black women with afros cast? Sounds kinda fun.
Oh wait there is none. Great comic though, very informative nonetheless.

There is, actually.


so angry. seething, some might say.

we will win every election as long as you keep doubling down on your repugnant behavior. I should be thanking you really; video games are actually child's play in the bigger picture, you just chose them as your hill to die on.


Even the Google AI is repulsed.

But then nobody would be left

>complaining about black people in FUCKING FIFA
We are reaching levels of retardation that shouldn't even be possible

And not ONE of them is light blonde with blue eyes! Where is my representation, huh?

Name a shooter with a black female protagonist

Bonus points for afro

If white women are demanding more protagonists of color, why don't they buy the games that feature diverse main characters? Pic related.
Why do they keep buying games that have a white male protag, then complain that the MC is a white male protag?


>Sup Forums is actually defending black people and getting offended over the use of the word "nigger"

How do we fix Sup Forums?

the image is simply shining a spotlight on how Western gamedevs overwhelmingly decided to use niggers as the face of their showcases this E3, idiot. They're obviously trying to make some sort of "lol #Resist" statement in the wake of evil KKKonald KKKrumpf's victory at the behest of whitey.


Uhh user you aren't supposed to question the memes


Why do these bait threads always get replies?

Im pretty sure i play the wrong games, because i know not a single one of them.
Whats the best game with a male protag?

To be fair given your example, the game also needs to be good.

>Generalizing this hard
Most of those don't even have the same haircut. I guess personality is a foreign concept as well.
Not a fair comparison at all with "sassy black woman with an afro that don't need no man".

so now it's changed from "pretty different looking white guys" to "afro black woman" and you're completely fine with that


>Western gamedevs overwhelmingly decided to use niggers as the face of their showcases this E3, idiot
Too bad the showcase of FIFA on this E3 was Ronaldo, who is certainly not a nigger despite being from Portugal. But of course you picked the split-second where a black man appears so you can have a meme collage to make, didn't you?

>he watches sports at E3

try reddit

>ONLY white people can have different nationalities of the same skin tone

>get proven wrong
>'hurr durr riddit'
like pottery

Round up everyone, including you and me, and open fire.

reminder that the devs never want to make the generic white male with short dark hair

nobody fucking cares about separating blacks out from each other because they're 95% nigger retards that have accomplished nothing worth noting

what will that accomplish? the west will start moving away from forced diversity eventually as White people start reclaiming their countries and culture

Let me guess, American?

African culture can be interesting, however people rarely go beyond "american black" wich basically means 1 race: BantĂș and 1 culture: Urban American

Every thread /leftypol/ makes only creates more racists and bigots, its actually having the opposite effect they intended. They should fuck off to reddit.

These threads would cease to exist if you guys didnt reply. Theyd get bored of making fake replies to themselves and give up.

it's good they exist. turns more people towards White nationalism

crime culture