fuck off
Literally /ourguy/
*recreational outrage*
personally have never said the N word, yes, never ever used that term as a spoken word in any way as a hinge in a conversation, racial slur etc.
When he uses it in such a flippant way, it is obviously in his every day vocabulary as a derogatory racial slur.
He apologised shortly afterwards as he was aware again he was also on live = making money from his stream.
It is absolutely not the first time this waste if space has profited from using racial slurs.
This is why it is important to make every one aware of his actions are not OK. Millions of younger generations still watch his channel and will be educated to use terms such as these in a casual manner and think nothing of the ramifications of their actions.
A casual racist is far more dangerous than a neo-nazi.
And no, it is important to 'blow this story out of proportion' as i have mentioned, it is a long, long line of terms, and jokes he has used in the past which is culminating in to evidence he is pretty much a casual bigoted asshole.
Stale pasta. Fuck off nigger.
NIGGER haha!
wtf i like TB now
pewdiepei is a fucking nazi scum. fuck him
It's funny how Idupz is "cool" enough to get away with using the word regularly.
wtf TB is redpilled now?
fuck off to Sup Forums retard
>has given up basically everything
>just catches squirrels in his backyard for fun now
living the dream
Ask him if traps are gay.
Some white people get a free pass for saying the word, Louis C.K. comes to mind too. I don't know why though.
Wait, so using racial slurs is ok, but making a joke about traps isn't?
Hes a nationalist? so are most americanos
what of it soyboy?
Traps aren't gay. It's a default position that should be assumed.
Transphobia is the new racism. Racism is a problem we have worked through, transphobia isn't.
Sup Forums is the moderate politics board on Sup Forums.
The rest of Sup Forums left Sup Forums because we think they're not radical enough.
If you don't like it, you should go back to Nobody here likes jews, niggers or muslims.
only in your xenophobic wet dreams
But user, he's already here~
What a fucking nigger
Traps aren't trannies, though
But you are, most of you believe you are the best, ignore everything your military does, pretend you're the ultimate good guys etc etc
You're all nationalists soyboy
Honestly he only has himself to blame here
With how the media has been looking for any reason to call him out and allowing that little slip up, whatd he expect
Did you just say that? Holy shit, and on top of that you used the word "tranny". Which is even worse than nigger to trans people.
They're not. They're feminine looking guys in girls clothes, not guys who cut off their dicks. If anything, they're transvestites.
This is sad. It always seemed to me you call someone a n****r, you get terminated, lose all your sponsers, etc. regardless of job/career. It was the most understood verbal line you never crossed. Up until '08 I don't think I'd heard that word spoken by a fellow white person outside of movies and Michael Richards stand up. I expected some whitelash against President Obama, but I was shocked at how many people I knew went straight up KKK racist or said highly questionable things. Most of my friends get the side eye from me now, along with a few relatives. The fact that Pewdie Pie's racist insult is even up for debate is pathetic.
iderbz uses the word with context, not in fits of anger. who gives two nigger shits tho
Yep. Get mad over some small bullshit and try not to think about the real issues going on.
He'll find some way of pissing you off within a week or so, he tends to be somewhat inconsistent on the cuck spectrum.
That said, I at the very least respect him for not being scared to air his opinion. He doesn't pander to anybody and generally does what he thinks is right.
this is pasta shit but only faggots have never heard white people say nigger casually.
As a straight white cis female please sit down and allow me to tell you why disliking traps is transphobic despite all evidence against it. Fucking shitlord.
Was he banned for that specific comment?
stop playing video games
Yeah, i checked thread and nearly every comment after was attacking him for that until he eventually was banned.
How do we get rid of neogaf?
Fuck off and shill your site elsewhere cripplekike.