Are you ready?

Are you ready?

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Marketing kino's back on the menu, lads.

FFFFFUCKING FINALLY. RELEASE XC2 release date already!

Well shit, I guess the leakfag was right.


45 minutes long?! This will be good

>45 minutes long
Nice. Hopefully they'll focus more on Switch, I'm fucking tired of the 3DS.
Also, give me actual reasons to buy a Switch that aren't ports of Wii U games I played already.

Oh shit Noire-chan was right!
XC2 release hopefully

Oh fuck man it's 45 minutes long i'm excited.

So it's here when the announce the surprise 3DS game

The Wii port

>45 minutes
well that might have some original content I hope

When was the last time we had a nice, beefy direct?

>longer than E3

>NMH Collection
God if only

They'll probably talk about metroid 2 for a little bit because it comes out this friday? Hopefully we see the Zelda DLC and XC2 get a firm release date.



Forgot how long it was, but the previous regular one was in April.

>45 mins
This is literally longer than their E3


>& 3DS
Maybe now the faggots that keep saying the Switch is going to replace the 3DS will shut up already.

>new details about super mario odyssey


I swear to God, we better get a fucking XX localization announcement.


Punch out

>European time

That's for Europe. It's September 13th for USA.

>neogaf was right

user, that's the 13th in the US.

Based Nintendo ready to absolutely crush the "competition" even more than they already do

thats probably the season pass

screencap this

That's in Europe, in the US it's 9/13


>new line of Super Mario Odyssey amiibos

The last time we had a 45 minute direct was more than a year ago. I hope some big bombs are dropped.

But why? The original wasn't even that good and this port doesn't fix any of things wrong with it. Why would you want to give capcom money for this scummy cashgrab?

>45 minutes


Actually, the plural is just "amiibo"

There better be some Animal Crossing. I need my fix.

you screencap

I know I'm wishing for a lot here, but I hope the Kamiya tease about W102 wasn't just a red herring and will lead to something during this Direct.

Mobile game bruh

Odyssey gets a series of DLC worlds. The game will be complete without them, but this is like star world shit, so Sup Forums is gonna complain.

Japanese direct is 50 minutes long, 5 longer than the western directs.

>hey, pokken is coming out again remember that?
>gold/silver VC
>short ultra sun/moon trailer
>second zelda DLC
>announcing future content updates for splatoon and arms
>xenoblade 2
>fire emblem warriors
>15 minutes of odyssey

I really doubt we'll get Pokemon or Animal Crossing news. Those games are E3 tier announcements.


3 of them are locked behind amiibo

So, what's been leaked so far?


The mobile game

Some of it had to be censore I mean "localized"

>in the coming months
so just more shit on already announced titles? at this point if people are still on the fence after the dozens of hours of information and footage of Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade 2 another 45 minutes won't do anything. hopefully there'll be a surprise announcement.

Probably some JP exclusive titty game announcement. (Nothing wrong with that btw)

They won't show anything about Pokémon on Switch before USUM is out even if they could.

Probably a few 3DS third party games

Pokemon stuff is almost never announced at E3. Only news I can think of in recent memory were megas in XY.

Drown me in switch games, you cunts.

>New Platinum game directed by Kamiya
>New Trauma Center game
>Super Mario Odyssey amiibo
>LA Noire Switch Edition
>Skyrim Switch Edition
>Breath of the Wild DLC
>Direct ends with a Fire Emblem Switch trailer

Likely some ports as well as updates

>only 12 months in the year

Uhm. Nintenbabs?

I'd say:
- pokken hype building, probably with a new character reveal, and more gameplay even though everybody know the game.Maybe it will finally uses the pokemon amiibos too.
- xeno2 gameplay, to damage control the horrible gamescon event
- mario gets either the grey or dino stage shown, and a new mind control monster.
- Zelda DLC gameplay.
- fire emblem mouso gameplay and character reveal
- for 3DS probably some dlc, and indi games ports + a new trailer for pokemon umus
Overall all this can probably fill the direct.
In a perfect world, we should be expecting stuff like web browser, virtual console and paid online details for hte switch, as well as a reveal for animal crossing on phones. But it doesn't seem likely.


senran kagura tit physics is due for late this year, no?

>20 minutes of this shit total will most likely be amiibo related

>Russian interference and treason
>A prank
Times sure have changed.

Shut up World shill.

I have a feeling its going to be like the home designer game . . .

The Switch titles were, but I feel they only did that because of USM backlash. The announcement of the Switch games was so short and weird.

Eric xD.

>- xeno2 gameplay, to damage control the horrible gamescon event
The fuck are you on about? The gameplay demonstration at Gamescom was great, much better than E3.

>mfw Bayo 1+2, Bayo 3, W101+102, VJ 1+2, VJ3 all Switch exclusives

>End of direct

Megas weren't announced at E3, they were announced in August. I remember because it was at that moment when Pokemon was irredeemably ruined for me.

Because it's fun, and a game I can easily sink a few hundred more hours on for my Switch. It's not rocket science. More Monster Hunter is better than no Monster Hunter.

Guess we'll get to see that one remaining 3DS Kirby game we haven't seen anything of yet.

hopefully they show skyrim and smash 4 port


fuck off

>literally 5 minutes to defeat normal monsters of your level
>super attacks do jack shit
It was horrible.



>Why would you want to give capcom money for this scummy cashgrab
Yeah, why would people want to buy World?

>MFW this is actually what happens.

>- xeno2 gameplay, to damage control the horrible gamescon event

>it's not a new game nor a Switch port of 4, but just a bunch of pics of Sakurai's vacation

>He believe the nothing burger

they haven't announced the FFXV port officially, right? Or is it for 2018?

It would've been announced at E3 retard.

>45 minutes long
Are you ready for a 10 minute "Behind The Scenes with Yoshi's Arts and Farts Adventure" segment.

They said enemy HP was buffed in order to showcase the battle system at the demonstration.

Ill watch it.

They announced that Switch cant handle it

Who gives a shit about that? You wanna play a bad game on a weaker console?

>Expecting Nintendo to follow the rules.

Well, with the Switch being region-free, I don't have much of a problem with that.

Fuck the "Western World", though. We are so fucking "progressive" that we aren't allowed to have fun in video games the way we want to anymore.
If they gave fictional characters rights equal to humans, that's one thing, but as long as they don't do that, this is fucking retarded.

Is it finally time for them to give a release date for Pikmin 4?

The game couldn't be handled on the PS4.

You're right. They announced faries.

Sounds like Fallout 4 is real after all.

I have no face. Because it's not happening

>mfw switch won't get half the # of games the 3ds has
need proof? 3ds has far less games than nds. wii-u has far less games than the wii.

But you've already played it twice on the 3DS. I won't stop you, but this is such a cashgrab whose entire purpose is to milk the Switch fanbase before ditching it for MHW.


Ok, anons. That one announcement that you dream of. What is it?

Okami HD
LA Noire
Xenoblade Release Date
A Look at SMT
No More Heroes Port
Bayonetta Port
Wonderful 102


I think trigger will first release HD version of wonderfull 101, bayo1 and 2 before announcing 3.