Bethesda ruined muh Fallout forever!

>Bethesda ruined muh Fallout forever!
>m-muh lore
>muh inconsistencies

>Master is so smart, yet after years he couldn't figure out that muties are sterile
>GECK is literal honest to god magic that can turn irradiated dry wasteland into habitable land
>talking plants
>talking Deathclaws
>even more talking furry Deathclaws in Tactics because why not
>Ghouls being able to survive without food, water or air established by picrelated
>FEV makes mutants, but also kills mutants in 2 because?..
>president wants to wipe the muties off the face of the planet and considers a mutie everyone who ever contacted with wasteland even though Enclave staff is doing that on daily basis
>people who left V13 with original Vault Dweller somehow turn into retarded tribals just after 80 years
>Necropolis is a shanty town even through in every video and map it supposed to be a huge metropolis

People sure love to blame Bethesda for "ruining Fallout", a series that sold like shit even by standards of late 90s and killed not only their creators but also the publisher.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_memoirs

There's a difference between pulp novel fiction, laced with a subtle satire, and consistent writing and the shit Bethesda does.

Arroyo wasn't made of just the descendants of the vault

Great argument, retard.

All that effort and disingenuous argument, and then you finish with a sentence that equates popularity with quality. A true Bethesda fan if I ever saw one, bravo.

>>Master is so smart, yet after years he couldn't figure out that muties are sterile
Don't really see the inconsistency of this? I mean when you provide him with the hardfacts of it he outright denies it and accuses you of lying, so even if he did do research in that area its kind of explicitly shown to you that he doesn't want to believe it anyway.

>>GECK is literal honest to god magic that can turn irradiated dry wasteland into habitable land
In Fallout 3. In Fallout 2, that's just what the tribals think. Fallout Bible explains that it was basically a very intricate instruction manual and gardening kit, with lots of useful information and starter tools for wasteland agriculture. However it's left vague intentionally.

>talking plants

non-canon joke.

>talking Deathclaws
Yes this was dumb and it was massively criticized upon release. The developers later massively regretted it themselves and did their best to erase them from the canon.

>>Ghouls being able to survive without food, water or air established by picrelated
Again, a joke. A shitty joke, but a joke nonetheless. Also is it ever stated how long he was in there?

>>FEV makes mutants, but also kills mutants in 2 because?..

Because the Enclave had spent literal years attempting to reverse engineer it. The purpose of FEV originally as a project in the old world was to spread it across the American population and alter their genetics,if I recall. You can see how this connects together?

>>president wants to wipe the muties off the face of the planet and considers a mutie everyone who ever contacted with wasteland even though Enclave staff is doing that on daily basis

Not people who came into contact with the Wasteland, people who were born in it and as such have some harmless minor background radiation mutation.



Who the fuck cares about lore except autismos? Bethesda Fallouts are worse because the writing is shit.

>people who left V13 with original Vault Dweller somehow turn into retarded tribals just after 80 years
This was an intentional effort by the Vault Dweller. He wanted to create a simplistic survivalist community sheltered from technology. The memoirs state this. Arroyo was also made up of not just Vault Dwellers either. Considering the region where Arroyo is, which is known for being heavily tribal, it's not that unlikely that a bunch of tribals joined an already by-the-basics survivalist community and naturally affected the culture of it.

>>Necropolis is a shanty town even through in every video and map it supposed to be a huge metropolis
? I wasn't aware we were exploring all of necropolis, just the parts that had people in it. Most of the map is under the ground in tunnels anyway, and the parts that arent' are old world buildings. I don't know if you've ever been to a large american city, but not every single building is a skyscraper and especially on the outskirts there's a lot of singlestory buildings.

Fallout 1 is almost perfect, besides some stats being useless. It seems like the only reason big guns are in the game is so super mutants have something to shoot for instance. Fallout 2 is when things started going downhill IMO., the writing is dogshit, and pop-culture references are everywhere, like a fucking talking rat named brain that wants to take over the world. You can really see the impact off all of the orginal F1 designers getting fired for F2 and replaced with talentless leftist nu-males. It's horrible.

>faggots complain about karma in f3 with le water beggar
>but in f2 if you kill kids out in the wastes
>suddenly every town know you've killed them and you get blocked out from half of the quests and followers, because they magically know you're a bad dude

Fallout didn't kill Interplay or Black Isle. Brian Fargo being a dipshit did.

>super smart scientist breeds super people
>after years and years he couldn't find out that things he's breeding are unable to breed
So smart!
>In Fallout 2, that's just what the tribals think.
Yet Vault city used it to create a thriving community out of nothing. Muh agriculture manual sure helps a lot for growing plants in irradiaged by Gecko's waste desert, huh?
>non-canon joke.
So the whole Broken Hills area is not canon? Come on.
>The developers later massively regretted it themselves and did their best to erase them from the canon.
Regretted so much that they added them AGAIN in Tactics. Smart.
>just a prank bro
Great rebuttal, retard. It's a thing. It's canon. It's Black Isle's doing. Learn to live with that.

He's literally just expressing an opinion that Black Isle at the time had better writers than Bethesda currently employs for the games they put out. You're the one flinging shit like a sperg

>Master's master plan is to locate V13 to secure pure unaffected by radiation people for FEV experiments
>bad ending cutscene shows super muties kill everyone in V13

>Talking Deathclaws
Shut your mouth, Obsidiot

oh look a bethesdrone.
please end your pathetic life OP.

To be fair, most good game directors are terrible at running companies.

I mean David Bravik pretty much passed on a cut of what later became hotmail back in the 90s because he was too busy working on diablo 1 and didn't want to give his friend one of the spare offices.

>Regretted so much that they added them AGAIN in Tactics

that was a different programing company who made that game


nice try faggot

I don't mind the talking deathclaw thing. They
were already genetically engineered monsters with higher intelligence than the average animal and the master said that FEV could give thing psychic powers and higher intelligence just like it did for him.

Talking rats that spew pop-culture references on the other hand...

God bless you, OP

>Yet Vault city used it to create a thriving community out of nothing
The Vault opened almost 200 years before the city you see, youd think they had managed to create a thriving community in that time, especially with the tech in geck
Also, can you even say when Gecko started leaking? It might have been recent, theres Modok with big farms not far away from there

that's fine OP, you can enjoy the shittier games if you really want to.

>muh ethics of post nuclear world
>villages are GOOD
>raiders are BAD
>bad mutants are BAD
Wow, he sure explored that concept well.

Master is clearly insane, it isn't really that hard to miss.

Still there's a difference between tasteful over the top pop culture referencing writing, and the "le nuclear fifties meme" that Bethesda keeps forcing. But I don't think you can see it.

Yes yes Fallout 1 & 2 are shit. Also Fallout New Vegas is shit as well. By the way I enjoyed Fallout 3™ and Fallout 4™ so much I will certainly buy an extra copy of those just in case.

did you even play the damn game? Please kys faggot.

in F2 you could of been slaves and nobody but NCR would give a shit.

Don't shit talk Goris faggot.

What are you talking about? He never got a chance to do what he described in that quote.

post any dialogue from a betthesda game that compares to this

imagine just walking up to the master and saying he should kill himself because he's a meanie and he actually does, thats fallout 3

>So smart!
If scientists are so smart, why haven't they cured cancer yet? Checkmate real life.

> Muh agriculture manual sure helps a lot for growing plants in irradiaged by Gecko's waste desert, huh?

Well let's take a look at what Vault City has. Adobe buildings, some grass and a few trees. Yeah, real magic technology there. A true garden of eden if I've ever seen one. It's not like a codex of information on how to create adobe buildings or some basic agricultural starter tools could also achieve that. Either way, there's no canonical definition on what the GECK actually does (Which was done on purpose) until Fallout 3, where it is made into a literal magic box. This isn't a legitimate talking point. There's also the fact that Vault City was constructed before the Gouls moved into Gecko and the power plant began to leak radiation into the ground. You did play the game didn't you?

>So the whole Broken Hills area is not canon? Come on.

Was the whole Broken Hills area made up of talking plants? Come on.

>Regretted so much that they added them AGAIN in Tactics. Smart.
Different developers in a shitty spin-off game that is quite literally non-canon outside of major events.

> It's a thing. It's canon
I know you're stupid, so you can't be bothered to do any research or just flat out can't read, but the Fallout Bible and all the forum posts discussing this stuff by the developers from Black Isle exist out there right for you to read.

I realize you're trying to do the same tearing apart of the game like people do to Fallout 3, user, but it's just not working.

Literally Father from FO4, but with more options.

>imagine just walking up to the master and saying he should kill himself because he's a meanie
Telling master to kill himself because his logic is flawed sure is different!

The text color changes if you click on the thumb.

Not that his plan was flawed, but literally and entirely failed and pointless.

you don't even tell him to kill himself, you just tell him that he's wrong, show him proof of that wrongness, and the guy shows remorse for being a crazy motherfucker.

>Telling master to kill himself because his logic is flawed sure is different!
Did you even watch the video? At no point does the character tell the Master to kill himself

>salvers put identification tattoos on their fucking foreheads instead of somewhere easily concealable

>lol I completely forgot that humans need to breed, teehee, better kill myself lmao xD
Wow, what an amazing piece of writing! Gee, I wonder why both games failed so hard when Baldur's Gate was selling millions of copies.

Isnt that the point? The slavers are proud what they are and also makes leaving the guild almost impossible


The PC doesn't tell the master to kill himself because his logic is flawed, he reveals to him information that despite his best denial, objectively proves that the future he's trying to create is deadend and all for nothing. The Master himself did everything for a greater utilitarian goal of the Unity, and justifies all the attrocities as such. Him killing himself is a decision he makes not only to wipe out his creations, but to also kill himself (who is a twisted abomination that exists only for a purpose which has now been revealed as fruitless) out of a sense of obligation and guilt for the terrible things he's done.

It's not like Fallout 3 where the PC literally tells the badguy to blow himself up and tricks him into doing it.

does it hurt being this stupid?

Once a slaver always a slaver, you can't get second regrets and try to run from them. If you ever betray them you're still marked for life. Your only option is to stick with them for life.

Hey, it does!

Truth hurts, I know.

While nice bait it is, the dialog and the BOS study imply that Master made the mutant able to breed, but apparently the radiation from the wasteland made them infertile in time

not interested in talking about realism in a serie w/ talking mutants

>have no argument so posts shitty cropped porn

and what better way to ensure that your men stick with you in a risky and controversial buisness that requires loyalty and dedication. There's also tribalistic pride. Once you're in the game, you never leave.

>makes super human race
>forgets about effects of radiation on his new race
>it's a post-nuclear world with radiation everywhere
Is Master the dumbest video game villain of all time?


I hope everyone is saging this (you) thirsty faggot

Radiation didn't make them sterile retard. Besides most of the background radiation in the world was gone by the time the master came to be, only Bethesda put rads in the water and fucking everywhere.

Did you actually fucking play the game? The sterility was a product of exposure to the Wasteland and the evolution of their mutation as they continued to exist, hence why he overlooked it: it was a recent development.

That's what happens when you send literal retards to do your job.

For what it's worth i wouldn't thibk my radiation mutated giant radiation freaks reproductive system solely would be affected by radiation as well.

President from 2. "Oh look, an ancient pre-war oil tanker is approaching our location. But it's got an IFF transmitter so it must be one of ours. Lets not deploy Horrigan or a squad of soldiers to greet it and double check it's not something malicious.

I thought it was their hyperactive immune systems and cellular regeneration that was preventing ovulation and impregnation. Even then, couldn't he had just established a breeder caste contained modified Vaults to use as baby fodder for intelligent mutants? Seems like he let the emotional impact of knowing his master race would never be self sufficient take to much of a toll on his psyche. The Children of the Cathedral showed he could attract and make use of human servants.

>Besides most of the background radiation in the world was gone by the time the master came to be
Vic's wife died from radiation poisoning by drinking unfiltered water. V13 water chip was also used to purify water. There's a shitton of blackground radiation and nuclear waste (Klamat caves, Gun Runners) in BI Fallout world.

Do a better job at not fucking up a franchise Todd. One step is to understand you're either bringing original creators on board at minimum for advising the whole project or to simply say it's a different game.

See this is the problem with IP and frankly an issue with capitalism as a whole is capitalism turns creative content to shit. Just look what happened to KOTOR 2. Not having asshole MBA business execs trying to push creators around is the reason why some games are so good, and why even good games get marred sometimes.

What Bethesda did to Fallout is like what happened to World War Z. By the end of it It pretty much was WWZ in name only. Some people tried to say hey it was a fun movie well no it is shit particularly compared to the book. Also while I didn't mind it too much you kids should know people hitched about Fallout Tactics relentlessly when it came out. You will notice everybody says Fallout 1 and 2 Not Tactics even today. That is because Tactics introduced a lot of that dumb shit like recruiting Deathclaws, linear gameplay, no real RPG element, Brotherhood of Steel being completely 100% different than the original etc.

If you want something that feels like the original two games try Wasteland. Some of Fallout's original team worked on it. Bethesda just made a different game is all. It isn't Fallout so much as Dragonage with radiation.

Why are there even "presidents" in this world? Who elects them? What's their function when there isn't even a national government?

Sarevok comes good second

What's everyone's problem with the talking deathclaws? It's honestly no stupider than anything else in F1/2. Goris was a bro. Earlier Fallout was more post-apocalyptic fantasy anyway, not strictly sci-fi.

Go back to NMA, retard.

Because the Enclave is a remnant of the pre-war American government. Anyone who isn't Enclave and calls themselves President is probably just invoking the old world for their own reasons.

>tfw you're not some literal infant who's butthurt about his favorite games being objectively terrible, so you don't feel the need to create threads on Sup Forums to attack better, more beloved games.

>What Bethesda did to Fallout is like what happened to World War Z
WWZ was also turned into successful multi-billion franchise loved by everyone out of shitty "cult classic" for autists?

Might be, I dont remember it so clearly
Also Master clearly wanted to oversee everything, only he and Lou were completely aware of their proceedings, so there were chance for fuckups

The FEV made all the people and animals it was used on immune to radiation.
The FEV itself, however, is what causes sterility because it considers chromosomes damaged cells and in repairing them he renders them infertile.
The Master learnt about the FEV by dumping animals and people into it and killing plenty of test subjects before he finally understood how much exposure a human would need to become a super mutant and even then he took a while to figure out that DNA that had been damaged by radiation was creating deficient supermutants. He learnt pretty much everything by experience, unlike the Brotherhood or the Vault Dweller who figured out their sterility thanks to the archives and dissections.

Contaminated water isn't a form of background radiation. Background radiation is just the general amount of AIRBORN Radon. The amount of radiation in water sources would vary based on location and exposure to the surface at the time the nukes dropped. Hence why places unradiated water exist despite not having access to a water purification system.

Literally none of these even come close to the metric assfucking Fallout 4 recieved. Fuck off, retard. Holy shit imagine spending all the time writing this fucking drivel out. Fallout 4 is dogshit. Deal with it.

Yeah. Brad Pitt starred in it.

Vic's wife drank contaminated water.

The water chip pulled water from deep underground, similar to how the ghouls in Necropolis used the vault water chip to draw water. It could filter radiation but that wasn't why it was necessary.

There is barely any radiation in F1 and F2 except for the Glow and Klamath Caves were full of pre-war toxic waste barrels.

>Contaminated water isn't a form of background radiation.
>only Bethesda put rads in the water

Iirc the Vault Dweller was alone. I don't recall him taking anybody with him after he was exiled. Besides it's not like 80 years later things stay intact although honestly people still bitched about the tribal thing, and rightly so. It got really annoying in some places.

The Fallout 2 manual has a section written by the protag of the first game.'s_memoirs

>I found a few wretched souls, a small group of Vault dwellers, who upon hearing of what happened to me, had decided to leave the Vault and join my side. They knew little of the outside world, and would have died if it were not for my assistance.

you realize that Interplay was a mainstream game publisher at the time, and that Fallout 1 was a commercial success, right?

Fuck off Todd. Go be drunk somewhere else.

Man, you really take your time searching for this.

Still, we all know that Fallout 3 was your first one (and the only one till 4)

>was a commercial success
It sold like trash. FO2 sold 100k copies in first month when games like Baldur's Gate was pulling 1.2mil. It's laughable.
Why else do you think they tried to turn the series into other genres, just for fun?

>numale leftist
Part of what made F2 so retarded was a minstrel tier poltard sort of portrayal of tribals. It isn't really funny or interesting and makes the first part of the game unbearably fucking annoying. Having poltard tier tribal dialogue didn't help it either.

Although to be fair a lot of what people complain about started in either F2 or Tactics, both of which were complained about non-stop even back then. The whole tone just became too stupidly goofy at times but somehow most of it at least ultimately worked with 2. Like I personally thought the entire New Vegas thing was fucking dumb. It was entertaining just clearly not so much Fallout tier.

Also to understand this better Fallout was pretty much the reincarnation of Wasteland. Fallout 2 started becoming something else. Tactics was considered completely separate from the first two. There was also this incredibly shitty console game called Brotherhood of Steel that was so fucking terrible I doubt most people even heard of it.

was it ever explained why deathclaws are the only fev mutants that arent sterile

I don't really care about autistic nitpicking of individual quests and shit but the major thing that's bothered me about Fallout 4 is finding things like Psycho and Jet in old world ruins with these items specifically referred to by name in old world terminals. It just seems like such a glaring world building error that I'm surprised nobody brought up during the development of Fallout 4. It would be like if ghouls or muties were referenced in books/terminals not touched since before the bombs fell, if anything they should have just referenced real life drugs which I know was the original intention I believe with Fallout 3, but was censored. Which seems odd considering the amount of drug references used in other games, GTA as an obvious example

The writing in Beth's games are absolute garbage. They design some pretty worlds though. Unfortunately an RPG kinda needs good writing. I guess that's why Fallout 4 wasn't an RPG, maybe they knew it.

Well they are the only reptilian subject exposed to the Virus, maybe it has something to do with that.

Yet ironically hotmail is completely obscure with idk how they even make money whereas Diablo became one of the hottest IPs out there.

So the problem is business executives don't really contribute anything of value. They're not the creators. They're content creators as much as streamers are that is to say, they're using somebody else's work to make money. They're also fucking notoriously terrible at managing artwork hence why the term "executive meddling" even exists and creates a mutated content cut abomination with lots of shitty DLC for a buggy as hell game because their thinking is "how many units can I sell" not "how to create a better more enjoyable game."

The irony is that the real money making titles all spawned from games that had heart and soul poured into them, something fundamentally lacking in most games because now it's just a job for people working under a corporate boss. And the boss doesn't even give a shit because it's not his fucking company he probably just got hired on from another company or worst being CEO of dog food company or fruit importation and so knows little to nothing about the product he sells, nor does he care to learn, and by the time it really starts to show how the hype was nothing but hype he's either churning out another "product" or has already bailed for another company.

What I just described is also the biggest factor into why EA is so terrible. I find it funny retards keep bitching about feminists or whatever when clearly it is the nature of our corporate capitalism that is responsible for virtually everything we hate. Sadly it also is why games get published atm but frankly those earlier studios are what made awesome shit.

Just look at the models for these things ingame and imagine a human being before humanity has fallen shoving a fucking Psycho syringe into their arm, it doesn't make sense

Not really but humans and reptiles have different reproductive systems. Bethesda implied FEV shrinks genitalia until nothing exists, Black Isle simply said it makes them infertile. It could have something to do with the masculinisation of females when exposed to it, making them unfit to carry young, but reptiles lay eggs so that's hardly an issue.

Its a military drug that increases pain tolerance right before an assault on a target. It's probably more likely it was injected into the hip or rump like an epipen, not the arm.

In Fallout ZAX explicitly states the reason for infertility is that the virus recognizes gametes as incomplete and therefore damaged cells, and replaces them with healthy whole ones.

Maybe Deathclaws, like some lizards, can reproduce through asexual Parthenogenesis, but that wouldn't explain the presence of males or breeding pairs in the species throughout the series.

>m-muh todd boogeyman

It would greatly help if studios could be smaller like they used to be. Unfortunately the demand for graphics and normies making up a large percentage of sales figures makes this impossible.

We can only hope more tools exist in the future to streamline game development and give power back to small teams.

in fallout 2 you find out that supermutants can breed,if you talk to markus after going to the Cats Paw in New Reno

>all these people desperately trying to make Fallout 1&2 seem different from 3
The devs are on record saying they liked Bethesda's direction with the series in Fallout 3, it's no better or worse than 1 and 2.

And no matter how hard you kick and scream, the old team just doesn't want to work together anymore, Bethesda is the best we're ever going to get, we just have to sit around and wait for them to run out of bad ideas to test on the series.

>The devs are on record saying they liked Bethesda's direction with the series in Fallout 3

James Cameron is also on record saying he liked the direction Terminator Genisys was taking the series.

Avellone said that Marcus was just joking

In other words

>trying to change the subject

What's wrong with Genisys you dickhead? It's a little campy but after 3 and Salvation it's a goddamn god send and had some neat ideas

I, for one, welcome our Bethesda overlords. Out of all games they released since Morrowind, FO4 takes the least mods to be actually fun to play.