Objective : Run

>Objective : Run

>Objective: Get respect

He's in the room! GET 'IM!

>Objective : Survive

>Thracia 776
>Manster Escape Arc
>Objective: Escape
>5 missions in a row.

Fuck me, that was intense.

>"If you want to help, go talk to the idiot wearing sunglasses"
>Objective updated: Talk to the idiot wearing sunglasses

>Objective: Subjective

>Objective: Confront the reality that everyone you loved is dead and their memories are all you have

>Objective: Fun

>Objective: ???

>some boss that's clearly designed to be unbeatable appears
>Objective ???
>reflecting the panic of the characters

>Objective: Make it stop

Objective: Die

>Objective: MAKE US WHOLE

>Objective: ##$@$!##$$#%$!~$$^$^&%$^$%$%#%##$%@#$...............................................

Objective: Kill Everyone

Wait, are the pictures supposed to be different?

>quest: survive for 30 minutes

>Objective: Buy the DLC to continue the adventure!

Came to post this.

>Objective: Hold them off

>Objective: Purge

>Objective: Sacrifice as many as possible.

I'm hungover lads

>Objective: Buy

>Objective: Drink water

>Objective: Escort the VIP through hostile territory

Ha, I just finished that quest in a playthrough

>Objective: Hide

>Objective: spend amount of gold/money