how would you stop the bot farming in PUBG?
Remove trading.
You don't start getting survivor xp until the first circle has shrunk.
That would mean the bots will have either died from blue zone, or from AFK hunters well before they get any credits and it barely affects everyone else.
Introduce a second dome (a red one) that is effectively one circle behind the blue one. It would instantly kill everyone it touched and void all your survivor XP gathered up until then.
This would also fix the faggots just chugging healing items in some irrelevant corner of the map until the 5th or 6th circle finally kills them.
They're only doing it cause there are no first person stats yet. I think once stats roll out people will stop.
remove micro transactions
>give points for kills and top 10 places only
The best idea in theory.
But let's be real here, this thing generates revenue so there's no chance in hell they will actually implement this.
oh well back to AFKing
Most of them are just disconnects from the shitty game load times.
Id say top 50 if fair.
They don't need to do those things to retain or continue to grow their fanbase so they won't. it is shitty but this is the world we live in.
Specifically Steam Marketplace trading. Nothing wrong with trading if you keep it internal to the game, that way there is no monetary incentive to farming items, unless you want to go through other methods of payment which is always very risky.
>This is PC fags most popular game
Don't get why everyone is shitting on the graphics so much. Sure it's not great looking but it's serviceable.
Now the animations on the other hand could use some serious improvements.
>Graphics make the game
>Ps4 pro couldn't run it
Implement a strict AFK timer that will auto-kill anyone who doesn't move a certain distance in a set time. This will also serve to keep people moving and stop faggots from cockroaching.
The jumping in this game is absolutely fucked. I wish they had some sort of parkouring system where you would auto grab ledges that you can easily hop over or hang onto.
Would make it interesting in more urban areas if you can get on rooftops.
>keep people moving
>stop cockroaching
That's exactly what the zone is for, though.
Most of this game is about cockroaching and sneaking.
I can easily get top 5 if I just keep ahead of the first few circles and camp a house, then just crawl through the final circles
Nice game
what mode is this? i solely play 3rd person solo and there are literally well under ten people whenever i do this. personally, there aren't enough, and i only get 1-2 kills because people pretend to be AFK. then the real fun part begins when you fight it out. it's kind of like a battle royale within itself
>What is cover
>not jumping out a few seconds in advance and grabbing the first gun you can find, then going back to kill all the wannabe AFK farmers before they even hit the ground
something you wouldn't need if bullets existed
Plus, by ignoring it, more actual players will survive longer due to the amount of inactive players, so it has the added effect of making people think they're better at the game than they are.
Back to overwatch for you.
they said on plebbit theyre making an announcement about it soon so
Wanna buy the game but afraid of appeal wearing off after few months and devs running away with the money.
they have Microsoft backing them now with a ton more money so i doubt that will happen
the appeal wears off the moment you boot the game up.
not really related but i cbf to make a new thread
stop playing the piece of shit.
nobody is gonna farm a dead game. simple really.
no SSD, but going to get one
i had 24 minutes in the game and bought absolver instead.
just as shit but the fightans sick
this tbqh.... how is this shit popular, is it the same phenomenon as minecraft?
>normal weather
>almost never find a sniper or proper scope
>nothing but sks, kars, and 8x scopes spawn
i can see it already
i'll take it. get gud
it is a fun game with many possibilities that remains fun with your friends if you are not busy complaining about irrelevant graphical issues or minor bugs that have not effected me in 200 hours of gameplay
hope so
idk, saw a video of pewdiepie playing it and it seemed pretty fun how you think of your next move and choose when to attack and shit.
thinking of absolver too but heard it gets pretty boring after 10-20 hours or so. Don't know if it's worth the money.
Christ those graphics are horrible and its running on ue4.
If they didn't improve the netcode what are they even doing?
I've played this game for 40 hours and I have never seen anything like this.
And I always drop with the afks in order to farm them but the most kill I've got from afks ever is 6.
making new loot boxes
It's so popular even robots from russia play it.
from an expert of this matter, most of the time dropping early does not worth UNLESS you are dropping inside a city or there is a car in near vicinity.
>2d fog.
But why? This is 2017. I thought that consoles were holding back graphics.
Fucking CERN can't run this shit with anything remotely resembling a stable framerate!
Fuck it makes me salty, cos it has the beginnings of a fairly fun game.
Remove loot boxes
framerate stability isn't an issue in pubg and anything decent like a 1060 6gb maxes the game at 1440p 120fps
the game stutters from loading which is not related to graphics processing but hey we're on Sup Forums where the average person has the knowledge of a six year old
Any decent rig with a recent framerate will run it fine
That shouldn't be your only complaint. The game looks and runs like garbage.
>how would you stop the bot farming in PUBG?
i bet 50% of those players are bots
>thinking that cover had anything to do with his hits not regging
>what is goalposts?
>guys 1 million players
>most popular game on steam!
>bots? n-no there are no bots
>proof? you just making shit up
Can't wait to find out half of the player base is bots
thats what makes it so popular, the game looks like shit so you can have a low bar for entry. This way, russian eight year olds can play it on their soviet era computer
xbox one x version is being developed simultaneously
are you trolling? they've been talking about adding vaulting and climbing for a while now. they've even showed demo vids of it
a large percentage of concurrent players are bots, absolutely nobody is disputing that, why are you framing it as if people are?
Why would you stop it?
Faggots will always find a way to fuck with game mechanics
Players get no rewards if they don't get at least one kill. There, solved.
We don't.
Burn, CuckS:GOyim.
Burn, Dotards.
> Stan still
> Enemy serpentine to avoid fire
> Get fucked
Lol... you suck
Might be net code or something but the pop in kills my smoothness, and so does firing a weapon. It's like it struggles to load the muzzle flash or some shit.
But yeah fps will sit at 60ish then tank for a second every now and then.
Had people here saying there are no bots literally yesterday
Try turning down effect quality
>people actually trying to defend this
Hey user!
Will do hombre.
If I switch to a SSD, will I load in instantly, and have all the buildings loaded before I land?
Right now I'm loading in about 40-20 seconds into the island prep mode, and then when I land at a drop site, if it's really early it wont load until 10-30 seconds after I dropped, or if it's later it'll load almost immediately as soon as I hit the ground.
>durr netcode
you need an SSD to play this gmae. PUBG does not run at a low framerate, it is loading an 8kmx8km map in realtime
if you don't have SSD 16gb ram is required, if you do have SSD 12gb ram is required on 7 or 8 on windows 8+, if you have a 5400 rpm hard drive then uninstall all games and kill yourself
>implying he should be moving while firing
>implying there was any available cover anyway
>implying his target shouldn't be dead as fuck after 1 second of being pegged with an m4 like that
so, should I just wait for the plane to eject, me fall with the bots and kill them all?
Who the fuck has less than a 7200rpm HDD in this day?
If you look at it frame by frame, he actually misses all his shots before the guy goes behind the tree. There is only one that looked like it could have hit.
That's specifically for flashes apparently killing your framerate
Decrease shadows and foliage for biggest fps gains
yes. if you're looking for free points, this is the easiest way to farm points.
>stand still in open field
>don't even bother to crouch
>miss fucking everything due to ass recoil control
>get put down like the miserable creature you are
acquire proficiency
Like 75% of people on laptops and tons of others
do the bullets travel slow in this game or something? he clearly should have hit the guy about 10 times
the only benefit to SSD's vs HDD's is the time it takes to load things off your drives. the buildings shouldn't be assets that are being loaded, and besides they should all be loaded by the time you get off spawn island. the textures on the buildings, and all gun models or player models are things that would need to be loaded from memory though. basically, your processor should be managing drawing new buildings or terrain as you get into sight range, but right now there's a bug where people's buildings just never load anyway so who the fuck knows whats going on at this point.
I have an SSD, quad core i5 processor and 16 gb ram, and i've never had issues with buildings taking a long time to load, though occasionally individual buildings have failed to load altogether and I could see through all the walls.
>playing vidya on a laptop at home
not really makign your argument. He should've hit at least 4 times before the guy turned around
PUBG has issues with this that I have experienced myself, they aren't replacing the entire ballistics model for no reason.
We'll I have 16gb ram, on win 10.
And an ssd.
So really not sure why it is so shit.
Weirdly, which is why I think it isn't my pc, my mate who now lives in Aussie has exactly the same specs as me and it runs fine for him.
Ah well, I'll wait for a while and pick it back up some other time when I can be fucked figuring out if I just have a fucked piece of hardware somewhere in the mix.
they do, but in that case his hits just didn't reg. he should have killed that guy before the dude even turned around but this game is shit.
>this looks bad graphically
>the only benefit to SSD's vs HDD's is the time it takes to load things off your drives. the buildings shouldn't be assets that are being loaded, and besides they should all be loaded by the time you get off spawn island. the textures on the buildings, and all gun models or player models are things that would need to be loaded from memory though. basically, your processor should be managing drawing new buildings or terrain as you get into sight range, but right now there's a bug where people's buildings just never load anyway so who the fuck knows whats going on at this point.
Just to be clear, this person has no idea what he's talking about. "The buildings shouldn't be assets that are being loaded" yes they just magically appear without ever being loaded!
Pubg REQUIRES SSD PERIOD. *REQUIRES* it. This guy has NO clue what he's talking about. Do not take advice from people who don't understand how computers and applications work
>gun is on auto
What the fuck?
I know it's a nit pick but I don't like the animation in PUBG, it's too rough. I know they're an indie dev but it's sorta my wishful thinking of a BR game with the fluid animations of MGSV.
>no autodrop from plane, if you don't leave you don't get bp
>no bp from placement til top 60, kill pts and hit pts still count before
>being afk in 2 matches in a row leads to 30 minute cd
it's all about inconvience
what video card?...
compared to stuff like wildlands it honestly looks like utter trash m8. pubg looks alright but not really good
engaging someone near a cover while you haven't any
Nice scrubing
Does anyone know where I can actually get something that will automate the farm for me?