what did he mean by this?
will this have consequences for gaming content going forward, seeing as pdp is the face of gaming with appearances at conan etc?
I think it's safe to say that his career on youtube is pretty much finished.
Oh no, not Sean famalam
dude's a prick who gives a shit
got a big head after making money off of kids on youtube and now he thinks his opinion matters more than anyonne else's, then when people shit on him he plays the victim and cries
>san fran faggot
Go to if you want eceleb cancer
He's got 50m subs, he can film himself eating a sandwich everyday and still have the raw amount of mindless viewers to still make millions
I can't believe there are people on this board who are unironically liberal
Didn't he just get in trouble for ranting about the jews
This is going to backfire because every DMCA he submits would be violating the penalty of perjury.
It opens the door for Pewdie to actually sue him.
I just keep liking him more and more. The content him makes is pure shit, but at least he can hopefully influence the dumb kids who follow him in a positive direction.
"Nah it's fine. It was just a heated moment in gaming"
I also feel kinda sad how someone's vocabulary is limited to saying nigger as an insult.
i don't believe pewdiepie is racist
i don't believe jontron is racist either
nigger is just a word
people from san francisco are virtue signaling asshole jealous their shitty progressive stuff isn't as popular as someone who has the freedom that say whatever they want and i hope that city gets hit by an even bigger fucking tornado than the current one
i made a thread about videogames and it went nowhere but sure, pewdiepie said nigger, that is an incredibly interessing thing to talk about, let's talk about that
what the fuck do politics have to do with it?
lots of people started sucking his dick when he became pewdiepie uncensored, but he's always been an asshole
go back 2 years ago and anyone on here would give you shit for liking pewdiepie. quit thinking he's some kind of hero of free speech
>with a hard R
He went way too far this time. I literally covered my mouth with my hand when it happened, and then I broke 3 of my fidget spinners and drank 4 gluten free pumpkin spice soy lattes trying to calm down.
The only people who'll get hit are youtubers.
The whole gas the jews thing caused the first big wave of advertisers pulling out of a lot of youtube content. If the mainstream media bigs this up as much as they did then, it'll only get worse.
Going forward, youtubers without outside income like selling merch, or patreon are gonna suffer.
Please tell me more about your political beliefs.
Also, what's wrong with being liberal?
explain pls i cant into law or is there something about Sean that im missing
Free speech comes with responsibility. Simple as that. He's in his right to yell nigger angrily at someone over a game, but no one should be surprised when people give him shit (or just barely, seeing as most big YT folks are just riding the fence and not actually saying anything).
It's pretty goddamn pathetic how much damage a single fucking word apparently does if that is the case. Get a grip you soft fuckers, saying nigger nowadays for me is just like saying fuck when you're a kid, it's just like calling someone a cunt, you say it because they WILL get offended because they are boring idiots who can't take someone saying something that they don't like. Virtue signaling fucking trash idiots making news posts about it make me sicker than actual KKK racists.
Well when you are famous everything matters lol, Hulk Hogan got crucified when he said nigger too, it comes with the job
>be faggot white
>hear another whitey say nigger
>cry about it
>muh slavery
>muh oppression
>muh feefees
>muh black friends
>yeah, i might be white, but the word still hurts and has power!1
>i cant believe he say that! he racis! i fucking hate white people!
>im white too, but im not like the other whites... ;)
fucking wypipo
yep, even as a racist ass white guy, i will 100% agree it's reprimand-able and you probably should keep your fucking mouth shut on stream, especially if you have that much publicity.
if he's allowed to say nigger, then everyone else is allowed to get offended by it. i'm not, but i'm not going to sit here and pretend it's not morally bankrupt to some degree to shout nigger as a direct insult
He said neger (nigger in swedish) on an older video but appererently racism wasn't as important to leftist at that time.
Fuck doesn't have the same history as nigger though. Vastly different things.
He's in a no lose situation really. He might lose some fans, but he'll gain more redpilled ones. Youtube and Twitch can't really do anything to him. He's like Notch, he now has the freedom to just be himself.
exactly. if somebody said something like fuck white people and people gave him shit for it, they're totally justified to crucify his ass. sure some people will try and defend him, but we see the same thing happening now with pewdiepie saying nigger.
people gotta understand the word nigger is associated with niggers so if you say nigger when you're angry you're basically calling a nigger a nigger and that's bound to get some people mad.
if you can't wrap your head around that, you're fucking psycho
Every DMCA requires someone to admit that the request they're filing infringes on their copyright.
Pewdie's videos are his own works, therefore are under his copyright.
Since it's openly stated by Sean to be fine to make videos and monetize them, he's essentially lying for every DMCA he submits.
If Pewdie wanted, he could take this to a higher court and get charges pressed against the dev.
>youtube losing last bits of relevant content
Time to adjust the bitrate of 1080p videos from equivalent of 720p to 480p to save on traffic I guess.
Are we now pretending that "nigger" is a forbidden word? I remember seeing a louis Cuck.K stand up show where is said nigger countless of times because it was contextualized. The context being some guy made him a nice coffee and he thought to himself "that nigger made me a good coffee"
Context. Scream nigger at a guy that is annoying isn't racist, a guy that is playing a online game with you and you don't even know if he is black or not. Not even the enemy character is black.
Kinda like calling someone else "faggot". It isn't because that person is gay. You called him a faggot because he is a fucking idiot. Using pejorative terms to offend someone just for the same of being offensive
I don't really find this to be that interesting beyond how much butthurt is getting radiated out of places like NeoGaf. Whenever a "controversy" like this happens I like to go there and see what the cucked side has to say about it, I'm always 100% glad I never caught their brain cancer.
I like how "redpilled" is now synonymous with "dellusional", the complete opposite of its original meaning.
Guys, please help me. We need to destroy him.
>what did he mean by this?
Nigger is a pretty tame "insult" in Europe. We don't call them black people but instead "Neger" here in Germany and Sweden is probably similar. It's not really an insult.
GG2 when?
ugh I can't believe he said the n-word, I'm literally shaking right now.
Nigger is still a no no word in public. How often do you see it used in the work place in place of something like fuck? Sure its used freely on the internet but I aint risking my job to be edgy when everyone knows exactly who I am.
You don't want to see it, it's pretty disgusting. I'll be reporting as many links in this thread as I can. Think about who else could be reading this thread.
if you yell nigger while you're upset then you're using nigger in a negative context
say white genocide as a joke and nobody gets mad, yell about white genocide and people will get mad. like you said, context matters. you have to understand the parallel
It won't effect anything.
He'll continue chugging along like everyone else who the vocal minority screams about, because the actual masses who tune into these people do really not give an absolute shit.
The media, old and new, just want to see the Titanic sink. But it won't happen until the day he himself shuts his channel down.
he was in the wrong. If the first insult you go to is nigger in your head somewhere you must think blacks are lesser. If you dont think so you also use nigger in regular vocabulary.
>ever liking pewdie
You have to be 18 to use this site you dumb cunts
>Scream nigger at a guy that is annoying isn't racist
If the first word that comes to mind to insult someone is a word with a long history of belittling a specific group of people, then yeah you kind of are.
>yah bros look how edgy I am
Considering he got away with holocaust joke libs can just cry harder.
retard alert
>1 million people actually bought a walking simulator when they literally could have explored outside
Literally the H3H3 case that just happened and finished protects pewdiepie monetizing that video.
They ended up making it that Youtube will realistically need to revamp their DMCA system
you're all fucking niggers
Apparently libshits hate PewDiePie now they're even writing slander articles on BuzzFeed. The headlines read: "Man rages and calls someone the n Word". Imagine being so desperate for news that you would write about this.
Go browse Sup Forums or whatever hugbox you come from not going to discuss politics on a video game board
what do you call 2 niggers fucking?
>neogaf think they're relevant
All words have a history though, we don't use swear words because of the history we apply them to the situations to exclaim our distaste with the situation.
In portugal the pejorative term for black people is actually the equivalent to "black" (preto).
The tame, accepted term for black is actually "negro" (similar to nigger)
For a foreign, nigger doesn't sound like a huge offense. It sounds even less as a offense when we know the context and the context being, he was mad at a guy, not even a black guy, and he said a racial slur.
Well, he's one of the key catalysts of the adpocalypse, so I wouldn't say it won't affect anything.
It definitely won't affect him though. The guy's set for life at this point, and he's not one of those crazies who buys mansions and lambos in spades too.
Disney dropped his ass. But of course it doesn't matter because the current generation of kids/teens are growing up realizing that those types of remarks are OK to say.
What the fuck is up with these posts, why are they so long?
Do you have to write an essay to talk about whether a nigger should be called a nigger or something less problematic?
Dumb fucking e-celeb cucks with reddit spacing and tumblr vocabulary, kill yourselfs.
they made one game and it was average walking simulator, nothing valuable was lost
This. Not gonna lie, former Pidipie voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Pidipie crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
It's absolutely beyond pathetic that this is an issue with virtue signalling fucktards. Imagine being so butthurt about a fucking word that you publish articles about someone just saying it.
These are the cunts who give that word power, while simultaneously making "nazi" lose all meaning by overusing it on anyone who disagrees with them.
>"people" losing their shit over a word
>two thousand and seventeen anno domino
staph oppressing me white male i going to fuck your wife with muh dick
>Guy says word most people would consider wrong to say in public
Sup Forums isn't real life guys.
They could have left us alone
most interesting ive seen 3 black youtubers make some comment along the lines of "i really dont give a shit calm down"
meanwhile, whitey is outraged on behalf of the blacks, jesus christ
i never went around using the n word, i was just raised in a good way but these people freaking out over a word just makes me wanna call them all niggers
stop giving that fucking word so much power, make white people make it lame how we always do
yeah and the soulless sock puppets who made him look like shit got their pennies taken for illegally disclosing that information.
It's 2017 everyone is sometype of nigger
Canadians are maple niggers
Mexicans are taco niggers
Indians are poo Niggers
Scottish are Kilt Niggers
Dutch are Windmill Niggers
Germans are Chocolate Niggers
and Brazilians are regular niggers.
the guy he called that had a black avatar and tried to kill his friend before dying just to spite them
I know I'm just being a contrarian faggot, but I like him more now after all the flack he has caught, despite the fact that I fucking loathe his annoying fucking voice and obnoxious act.
>In public
This is what happens when you eat too many red pills and are rich and can do pretty much anything you want.
Do they even watch game streams?
Huhuhu le smart condescending frogman post
link please
He must have brain damage to not have known that saying nigger would just trigger all the sjws to go on the attack.
you realize by condemning pewds you are making him look more enticing right? forbidden fruit and all that.
Dont forget Filipinos the niggers of the sea
the dude in that forum post thinks he's real cool with that lisa simpson avatar. what an absolute beta
I always wondered what the Sup Forums version of that would be.
>Women get paid the same as men for work they do
>Muh rascist, muhsogynst, women get 23% less and that isn't fair
I guess blue pilled people are unironically caked in delusion
It's not like it's the first time he said nigger on the stream.
If he survived "Kill all jews" he will probably survive this. Even if he didn't, why would he care when he has a stupid amount of money?
What are americans?
>Steals his wallet at the end
Kek, niggers are all the same
Nords are snow niggers
The only way to actually damage him would be if faggot millennials didn't let the internet raise their children but that actually requires good judgement so they dug their own hole on this one.
The fuck even was the context of this? Is there a story that goes along with this?
You are using nigger in a negative context, but you aren't using it as a racial slur to a black person. Like calling someone a cunt or a fag.
Context is important. It wasn't the happiest thing for him to yell while angry, but screaming a racial slur when the context is: mad at a player in a online game - that doesn't make you racist.
You can't control what you are going to yell when you are angry. It is impulsive.
Nothing in this whole ordeal implies that pewdiepie is racist. He was mad at a non black player and he screamed "fucking nigger"
Like you would scream "fucking faggot" when you are angry at someone that is annoying. Does that make you homophobe?
Context is important.
why do you care what an eceleb says?
Go back to where you came from
>he's one of the key catalysts of the adpocalypse
I didn't know Pewpew was teaching people how to behead people for your god and monotizing it.