Other urls found in this thread:
Don't forget hosts need to have the newest Sup Forums host version to properly use the chat. There are 2 different versions.
Don't forget to FORWARD PORTS to allow an actual connection.
Which .NET fw does SM64O use, don't tell me it's fucking 4.7
How good upload do you need to properly host in this? I've some 11Mbps available (Finland).
>go on twitch
>Super Mario 64
>find a Super Mario 64 online stream
>ask for the game code from the streamer
>say racist shit in the streamer's server
>they don't know who it is
pretty sure it's either 4.5 or 4.6
that should be enough for a few people. specify your location if you host because that won't be playable for people in the states or au.
Where them hosts at?
well the Sup Forums sm640 v2 doesn't werk
I'm probably gonna do a testrun with some more local friends first to see how it works, and later share here.
I'll host if you figure out :^)
Why post a thread if you aren't going to host you nigger
I got both Sup Forums SM64O tools and neither are opening or doing anything. Mario 64 opens and runs just fine. What did i do wrong.
Can anyone check if this works?
port 7123
Tried to port forward, need to see if its working or not.
Did you replace the official release's sm64o.exe with the Sup Forums 2.0 or 1.0?
Hosting from Sweden
because i want to join a server nigger.
didnt work for me
UK Host:
Newfat here. i'm in as luigi. can someone meet me at the castle entrance?
"you have been disconnected"
not him but oh shit nigger I'm stupid, I forgot to download the original folder
Southern Europe: : 8000
Forgot to save my port settings, should work now
Which star are you fags doing?
I just want this to be updated so we can actually collaborate on hundred coin stars or red coins.
and when i say central I mean balkan so everyone closer than francecucks and such should be ok
got in and it worked for 5 seconds
How do I chat with people at 's server? Someone keeps saying hi but if I don't do something I'll end looking as an asshole.
does it work now? seems like it got paused for some reason, I see like 3 people running around
Sorry router restarted:
New IP:
Gotta get the Sup Forums version from the pastebin, try version 2.
in the SM64O window there's a small textbox above the "Chat" window, type message there and press Chat
Canada Shit 8 player slots:
I dunno how many in but we got some. does this tool show player count?
The .exe file doesn't open. The fuck am I doing wrong.
You need this first
Then download the Sup Forums version v2 and replace the .exe
Alright, just replaced the exe and worked. Thanks for the help guys.
what are all these extra options like Prop Hunt and Boss Rush? are they actually playable?
>You madmen added a chat function
really laggy
Who here /PVPONLY/?
Join the official discord, find a server, mute yourself, and set out to kill as many players as possible.
>loading zone entries
>the main castle entrance
>the mural to the secret slide
>the volcano before "elevator tour in the volcano"
>the slider puzzle on lethal lava land
>the king bob-omb boss fight
so what, punching someone actually does damage?
Yes! This is truly the Dark Souls of Mario 64 now.
Oh christ, I know what I'll be doing tonight.
do you have to be in a specific mode to do damage? I can't seem to hurt anyone else but they can hurt me
yea you gotta git gud
just edit the fucking pastebin or add instructions to the op, every thread the same question pops up multiple times
So connections aren't version specific?
Balkanfag host here, fucking power went out, gonna go kill some gypsies to went. Hopefully it comes back in like 10 minutes
Nope. Earlier I tried to get into a server without having any of the 2 Sup Forums versions and I saw text showing up.
this is so fucking pathetic
the official discord is full of screaming yurpoors that don't know how to forward ports.
Sup Forums version is a botnet do not download
only the host and players can text with v1. v2 is so players can actually talk to players and is required for hosts.
Proof? And what should I do if I've already run it? Am I safe just by deleting it or would my computer already be infected?
Can confirm, it just installed 20gb of dolphin porn on my pc.
Who is in charge of the pastebin?
It should mention port forwarding (it can be very easy through your router settings)
friendly reminder to type in
"thank you from project64"
as the code for when the popup appears.
Stop believing random anons you goddamn newfag
Better safe than sorry. Trust but verify and all that.
I want an asian gf
I'd squirtle on her chest
alright, that's the last straw, give me the link
do you need an empty save file?
Mariotehplumber is that you?
thanks i keep crashing on the intro so will try a save with 1 star next
No. Use a save file with one star to skip the intro.
both of the Sup Forums versions don't seem to actually do anything when i execute them. do i need to restart my pc after instaling mono?
You are a true MVP, thanks for the code.
You need to put them into the original's folder.
It needs the other stuff to run. You just place the Sup Forums version where the original exe is.
Any South American server? I cant play with all this lag
Anyways I'm one too. Just host, faggot.
So is all the characters flickering back and forth all over the place just how it always looks, or is the server I'm on bad?
The more lag you have, the more all over the place other players look.
Any way to reduce lag on my end? The network connection number is at 5 already.
Ill host if you want horrible lag. This fucking country has abysmal internet conections
Do I have to forward my ports to do it? Can I play LAN?
Port 8000.
Hosting from BR.
Thank you based UMA
testing US East server
port 8000
It doesnt seem to work man
Does anyone have a EU server?
not working for me.
Give me a sec, gonna DMZ that shit.
Started getting a bunch of unhandled exception errors. It was working up until now.
ok try now
Try this
Port 8000
Still getting errors.
Yours is working.
Working but everybody is frozen on my end
Can someone tell me how to get this shit working? Everytime I try connecting to someone it just freezes on a white screen whenever I load a save.
>Can someone tell me how to get this shit working? Everytime I try connecting to someone it just freezes on a white screen whenever I load a save.
I was just about to post this too
Change the rom size to 8 MB (emulator settings)
Keep getting a .net framework error 20 seconds after clicking connect.
not working for me either
How do you chat?
I'm still trying to get this working, I collected a star and restarted to see if that affects it, made sure the port is open. I'm using the newest Sup Forums client for hosting.
Thanks man, that did it.
On P64 1.6:
>Options > Settings...
>Unmark "Hide Advanced Settings"
>Go to "ROM Settings"
>Change "Memory Size" to 8MB
Try again after following the steps.
Let me try then
8 players BR