Someone explain this headline to me. It's like an SAT question or some shit.
Zelda : Skyrim :: Mario : _________
A.) Call of Duty
B.) Dishonored
C.) Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing
D.) Mario
Someone explain this headline to me. It's like an SAT question or some shit.
Zelda : Skyrim :: Mario : _________
A.) Call of Duty
B.) Dishonored
C.) Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing
D.) Mario
Skyrim and Dishonored are shit
This is the first time I will have ever posted this unironically.
What did they mean by this?
They're being dishonest there.
People still remember dishonored?
It was such a mediocre game through and through.
E.) Dark Souls
But what is dark souls of Nintendo?
E.) Sonic 06
>be me
>walk into game stop like 5 years ago
>see at least 50 dishonored cases on the shelf
>game stop literally bursting at the seems with dishonored
>pick up copy for >$5
> play game for hour or 2
>literally remove game and break disc
I can't stand dishonored it might be the worst game bethesda has ever made
>most popular Bethesda game, also most overrated
>One of Bethesda's best games (even though they just published it) but didn't get nearly as much hype
So maybe they're saying Mario is the better game that won't get the credit it deserves.
>literally remove game and break disc
mature lol
bethesda didn't make dishonored
What the fuck does this mean.
I'm going to make my best guess.
He's comparing it game style wise, like Skyrim and BOTW are huge open world games, and Dishonored is more of a linear level based game like Odyssey?
Is that it, do I win.
Mario 64
What the fuck does it mean to be a Dishonored? Is it a stealth game where you can do whatever you want?
>Nobody picked D
Come on niggers it's his literal name.
> it might be the worst game bethesda has ever made
This shit needs to stop
Is this the Dark Souls of video game comparisons?
You're dating yourself, they removed the analogy questions from the SAT 12 years ago.
>mfw Nintendo
welp looks like people at toys r us will get busy once nintendo releases their new toys for these kids
Are they saying Mario Odyssey will have debilitating core problems that will be fixed in a sequel?
thats insulting to both nintendo titles
Dark Souls is to game journalism as this this comparison is to this thread.
>Dark Souls is to game journalism as this this comparison is to this thread.
i watched the whole gif, do i get a medal?
But the biggest question is... what is the Dark Souls of game journalism?
Reviewing Cuphead.
So what's the Cuphead of Dark Souls?
Don't worry Dipper, I'll bang your sister for you.
Yeah the title makes no sense. BotW and Skyrim, sure. Mario and fucking dishonored? How? It's like saying "If Arms is Nintendo's Street Fighter, Splatoon is it Call of Duty" or "If Star fox is Nintendo's Star Wars then Mario Kart is it's Forza". They figured it'd me easier to just use games as references to get more clicks.
I hope no one finds out that I'm an adult posting on a website where the average user is 14 years old.
I told you that the x360/ps3 gen killed video games.
Games like uncharted, skyrim, ac, arkham or tw3 are the new standards.
>It's like saying "If Arms is Nintendo's Street Fighter, Splatoon is it Call of Duty" or "If Star fox is Nintendo's Star Wars then Mario Kart is it's Forza".
Those make somewhat sense.
I still don't understand the Odyssey/Dishonored shit
Really activates my almonds
>literally remove game and break disc
>what is the Cuphead of Dark Souls?
Using DEX instead of STR.
>that fucking gif
Breath of the Wild was a bland open empty field haphazardly thrown together while Mario Odyssey is an actual game with craft and care put into its design.
>Dishonored is someone's GOTY
Now I understand
But where is Hey, Boo
But there are comparisons to be made there. There is no sense to comparing Mario and a game about clandestine assassinations using voodoo powers.
why not, i don't know, TRY READING THE FUCKING ARTICLE
its there
But that still makes barely any fucking sense.
You can't just compare any game which gives you abilities to traverse a level to Dishonored.
why not? if it's comparable, why can't you compare it?
I've always wondered what hentai the original part of the gif was from. The bit where the girl is getting fingered.
This game is literally the dark souls of being nintendo's dishonored
Everyone knows Dishonored invented multiple solutions to objectives.
Even with the clarification given in the article, it's still a retarded fucking headline and a stupid comparison. Are we going to start calling every game where you have powers and move around a map, manipulating things, Dishonored-likes?
>bringing in something the quoted passage didn't even mention
jesus christ you guys really are this thick
I feel like it should be a federal mandate that video game reviewers that try to make analogies to other video games in the first fucking sentence should be fucking hanged. What the fuck is this even supposed to mean.
Because it's not enough for this kind of analogy. Every video game gives you tools to traverse its stages.
Is this a compliment or an insult? Dishonored was mediocre and boring.
>look at me I'm being contrarian!
Don't spend it all in one place.
Oh it's one of those situations where someone has played four games in their entire life and they don't know there are other games besides those.
You get a tattoo of the word newfag on your forehead
did they call it a dishonored like? did they call botw a skyrim-like?
no, they said that odyssey is to dishonored as botw is to skyrim. in the quoted passage, they make it clear that the comparison relates to the type and scale of freedom within the game environment in both cases. are you really so dumb you can't understand that?
>no Todd posting yet
but not every video game gives you tools comparable to those in dishonored.
use your fucking brain
Regardless of the actual truth of that statement, are you so vapid you think that's even worth stating, let alone mentioning in the title of the article? This is either plain clickbait or a really pathetic attempt to garner 'gamer cred' from people who don't actually play games.
>not every video game gives you tools comparable to those in Dishonored
Yes, this is where the analogy really falls flat.
Remember when Mario 64 aped Dishonored by having you jump most of the time, but then gave you the new traversal mechanic of the winged cap? That's a lot of freedom to traverse the map.
If anything, Mario 64 was the Dishonored of Nintendo's Skyrim Souls.
moonlight lady
If its supposed to be positive he should have used witcher 3
>Metroid Prime 4 hands-on: If Breath of the Wild is Nintendo's Skyrim, and Mario Odyssey is Nintendo's Dishonored, then this is its DOOM (2016)
How is that contrarian? Skyrim isn't a good game.
can't wait to see Nintendo's answer to Dark Souls
it's just an attention-grabbing and accessible comparison supposed to draw your attention to something new about the game in question. you're the one who was too dense to understand that so your use of the word 'pathetic' is pretty laughable.
cappy can possess people and be used to warp from place to place. it has you thinking about the game environment in a similar way to that in dishonored. the winged cap is the ability to fucking fly you moron, it's different.
Yet I tried my damnedest to be as silly as possible. Guess I have no future as a games journalist.
>if it's comparable, why can't you compare it?
But there aren't. Just because they share minimal similarities doesn't make them comparable. You can't compare an orange and an orange colored jet pack in any other way than that they're both orange (unless you wanna stretch it and sound stupid). A game with minimal similarities to another game doesn't make it comparable to that game. Why do you think "Dark souls of blabla" is a meme? Just because a game is hard doesn't make it Dark Souls and just because Cappy gives you the ability to "cheat" your way through an open level doesn't make it Dishonored. Also, wouldn't BotW be "Nintendo's first immersive sim"?
>If anything, Mario 64 was the Dishonored of Nintendo's Skyrim Souls.
No no no, Dishonored is the Nintendo of Dark Souls
Skyrim Mario.
it is the very definition of "good." no more, and no less. its not a good rpg, yes, but as game it is a solid 6 or 7 out of 10 purely because of the elder scrolls forumula it shits on
But it isn't*
probably meant emergent, mixed style gameplay, but I'm not sure it applies to this Mario, I'm not up to speed about it.
It still doesn't make sense.
>You have multiple solution
You had them already in SMB1. Either jump over/under Bowser and use the axe or throw a bunch of fireballs in his face.
>You can get powerups from enemies that make the game play differently so it's like Dishonored
Kuribo's shoe
Lakitu cloud
Magic carpet
Using enemy powers to tackle obstacles in a Mario level is not a new concept. It's not a concept native to Dishonored. This comparison is meaningless.
Hagane, Super Ghouls n Ghosts, Sumer Mario Bros 2 Lost levels...
>Just because they share minimal similarities doesn't make them comparable
any similarity can serve as a point of comparison.
>ou can't compare an orange and an orange colored jet pack in any other way than that they're both orange
so they're comparable.
>A game with minimal similarities to another game doesn't make it comparable to that game
yes, it does.
>Why do you think "Dark souls of blabla" is a meme?
because it became one after being overused in a way which trivialised the comparison.
>ust because Cappy gives you the ability to "cheat" your way through an open level doesn't make it Dishonored.
no one said odyssey 'is' dishonored. they said that 'if botw is skyrim, odyssey is dishonored'. it's two parallel comparisons made to illuminate a transformation.
want to know why Sup Forums doesn't get employed in journalism, despite their oh-so-strong opinions? this shit right here.
If it's such a great comparison then why did they change the headline?
>You can get powerups from enemies that make the game play differently
where the fuck did anyone say this?
when you want to come up with an argument, write it down, then see if it addresses the original quoted passage. this doesn't. so don't fucking post it.
Are you alright?
did i say it was a great comparison?
>why did they change the headline?
probably because it's a shit headline.
ITT David Houghton defends his stupid Mario article, Sup Forums laughs
This must be the dark souls of game analogies
If BotW is Switch's Skyrim, then what does that make the Switch version of Skyrim?
bethesda's botw
could you imagine bethesda trying to make a game about general fuckeries and movement like botw
Zelda: Skyrim :: Mario : GOTY
So... Skyrim?
>any similarity can serve as a point of comparison.
Yes, but if you take it too far you sound like an idiot. If I said: "Man, this Ferrari sure is like fried chicken hamburger with soy sauce and a side order of fries dipped in sour cream", people wouldn't get it. And if people don't get/can't link the comparison being made, it's a stupid comparison. That comparison that I wrote could mean anything. Sure it's legit as anything CAN be compared but it's not "valid" because of how idiotic it is.
>because it became one after being overused in a way which trivialised the comparison.
No. Because it's stupid. Just because a game is hard doesn't make it dark souls. Sure they CAN be compared but people will rightfully call you out on your stupidity for actively comparing two things that have almost NO things in common. Only an idiot would compare Sonic with Wolfenstein. Sure, they're both games with graphics, but saying Sonic is the Wolfenstein of platformers makes no sense.
>it's two parallel comparisons made to illuminate a transformation.
Yes, I know, but the comparison is STUPID. That's the problem. It's foolish and nonsensical. I never said it WAS Dishonored, just like the guy how compared Crash with Dark Souls never said it WAS Dark Souls but the comparisons don't fit. There are MANY things to compare Skyrim and BotW. Mario and Dishonored don't have any aside from VERY minor similarities Hence comparing the two as a whole doesn't work. PARTS of them can be compared however.
>want to know why Sup Forums doesn't get employed in journalism
The one who don't understand here is YOU. Sup Forums has nothing against "employed journalism"(usually). But when the journalist that are employed suck at writing and playing, then people rightfully have an issue. Not all game journalists are terrible, you know. This guy says MO is "Nintendo's first Immersive sim" when that's BotW if anything. And the fact that he has BotW in the article too makes it an even weirder thing to say.
I knew everyone who ever used the term immersive sim and defended Arkane's garbage was fucking retarded, but that's just ridiculous.
>it's not britney and kfed
it's a fact though, you dumb shit eating fanatical brand worshipper.