Jim Sterling calls out Pewdiepie

No rest for the wicked. Yaaaas Jim, slay. Tell it like it is.

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>jim RESISTerling
glad im not a fat fuck

Just have heart attack and die already you fat retarded cunt

Stay mad, Sterling fanboy.

If I was king chink e-celeb posting would be the highest bannable offense
higher than CP


Why does Jim upset so many people? Is it the politics, the politics that he never puts in his videos? because his industry critiques are always on-point

>Is it the politics, the politics that he never puts in his videos?
Maybe you should watch them before you comment on them.

I don't think he has ever said fuck drumpft and fuck white people #defendDACA in a video

I lost respect for this guy when some furfag commented about how he fucked his dog irl on his fallout 4 review, and jim replied being totally cool with it. He's okay with molesting a dog but saying nigger warrants this video. Just what?

Why don't people realize that pewdiepie is rich and bored and just doing this shit for edgy shock value like a teenager now and the more they react like this and 'call him out' the more he's going to keep doing it

>jim sterling and TB will die in your lifetime

>I lost respect for this guy
You had respect for him?

TB will conquer his cancer using only his own sense of self-righteousness.


why are britshits consistently the most cancerous people? why can't they leave my fucking country alone. GO AWAY GO AWAY BRITKIKES

Jim just looks and sounds like British Chris Chan
why do people take this moron seriously?

Please tell me this is an edit.

I'm lying, I always hated him and that moment just disgusted me more. I don't get why people like him are successful. People literally donate to this guy in patreon for no reason

the worst vidya e-celebs are from the uk.

Who are they and why do they matter?

Because your country keeps consuming their media? Supply and demand, it's our fault and not theirs.

This guy is a fucking idiot.

i don't think pewdiepie's fans give a fuck.

See for yourself twitter.com/xnoxaeterna

There´s being left-leaning and there´s being an obnoxious fuckhead who injects his politcal beliefs into everything and will not accept different opinions.
You make videos about video games, stop lecturing people about politics, fatso.

And no person in their right mind would marry this fucking horrid creature he calls his wife
(she literally cucks him as well, I´m not kidding). I don´t think I´ve seen a more stereotypical SJW in my entire life. We can only hope these two will never reproduce.

>"good boys"
>just assholes trying to kill off another celeb

Not our fault you burgers eat our leftovers up. We don't want them either but since you made them so famous you can keep them and piss off. Your kind only listen cos of the accents, otherwise you'd know how retarded they sound.

>we live in a reality where Totalbiscuit called out the retarded journalists for their barbaric cultist behavior and being drama queens
to be fair pretty sure he's only doing that because his fans hate him after the trap incident

there's 320,000,000 people in the usa who also speak english, well that's not entirely true anymore. even getting a tiny fraction of those people to watch your shit sets you up. it's easier to be successful in the usa than their kiked out country because you have a wider audience to reach. brits are cancer

Christ, just how much can that thing bench?

This is like a really bad episode of a sitcom, watching characters noone cares about tearing each other's throats or doing something really stupid just for recognition.

>feminst retweets Arnold Schwarzenegger (a man who cheated on his wife) simply because he "totally pwnz GLLRJURMGGPF"

fucking tribalists man

make sure to thumbs-down the video. new form of slacktivism.

>devs being such SJWs they are abusing copyright laws
Is Firewatch atleast getting negative vote bombed on Steam?

Also have a video from a lawyer about this

Do people still watch this faggot? He should've stuck to just yelling at EA for being evil. But ever since like ~2013 or so, he went full SJW bitching about people using big meanie words like "bitch"

Pewds said nigger. Everyone says nigger in video games. Get over it.

Jesus fucking christ, she is a living embarrasment.

Why is Jim wearing make up in this pic?

>loud, fat feminist
As if it's something to be proud of

You all get circumcised and are literally controlled by jews. You had a jew speaking at your presidents swearing in. America is big and also lowest common denominator. Any garbage can be successful there, which is why you get dregs like john oliver. People actually demand quality in the UK. That's why shit like the big bang theory doesn't get popular here

>Is Firewatch atleast getting negative vote bombed on Steam?


Anyone have a screenshot?

Jim is BASED for calling out BoTW paid shills and Sup Forumsdditor's mascot, Pewdiepie.


Don't you diss him. He's helping to raise his wifes son. He's a real man, unlike you.

Are you mentioned by a character in Undertale? NO, I didn't thinks so. Opinion discarded

>We've come full circle and the people are serious about the "internet tough guy" act again

are there any photos of Sterling and his "wife" together?
She just looks like Jim in drag.

poor jim

What a fucking waste of space. SJW holocaust when?

>post yfw you're not jim sterlin

I don't really understand how people can take this guy seriously. He's the most neckbearded tinfoil looking motherfucker I've ever seen. Granted I fucking hate pewdiepie but someone please tell me how this guy is somehow our "authority", our "voice"? Outside of memes and "internet cred" would any of you guys ever fucking actually talk to this guy or even want to if you ran into him in real life?


from what little (which is very) politics jim actually shares his videos its pretty clear i don't share a ton of his political beliefs.

but he is for holding people accountable for the own actions and calling people/companies out for their bullshit (which is sadly rare in the "industry") which i am aboslutly for.

plus the jimquisition is really fucking entertaining. I watch pretty much every one. I don't have to agree with every stance of an artist to enjoy their art.

thats because they are 14 year old edge lord nihilists

holocaust isn't even necessary, because SJWs literally fail at the one objective measure of success in life, which is to pass on your genes and have kids. They'll all be gone after a generation.

Isn't that B.J. Blazkowicz?

Niggers steal. It's a sad fact. If you're in a walmart, you do need to be aware that, as a nigger, you *are* a potential burglar. Don't be creepy.


no, nobody would, because he's "that guy"

>anti-SJW mantra is spawned from reddit mascots like h3h3 and idubbz
>neo-Sup Forums thinks nigger is hilarious
>neo-Sup Forums hates jim for having an opinion that differs from paid metacritic scores
>neo-Sup Forums claims to not be full of r*dditors
Really 7/10's my "open world perfection" - kotakus


They have complete control over the higher education system and major companies like google.

holy autism, this guy needs to kill himself

Stop shilling your videos here you fat fuck

Based Cybershell

why are you so angry? stop being an angry jack.

That's the jews. Not their SJW useful idiots like Anita and Jim Sterling

Fuck off you newfag. Cybershell is based.

Pretty funny that Sterling dresses like this minus the fedora and gamers think it's badass

Lost what little respect I had for this cunt when he became the sock puppet for in one of his earlier jimquisitions back when he was still with the escapist.

That shit was so bad, it might as well have been written by McIntosh himself. Sad it isn't up anymore, but it was basically the standard 'good looking male protags are power fantasies, while the depiction of hot women in video games totally harms women irl' shebang.

Shit I knew he only said to push their agenda, considering he claims to be bisexual and pro all sorts of degeneracy himself.

hence why I don't understand why anyone takes this guy seriously, sarcasm/tongue-in-cheek or not

being afraid of the word nigger is an american thing right? we blurt it out a bunch in Australia and it means nothing.


This, I'm still not quite sure this isn't the case.

he's wearing a top hat adorned with a mini leather corset while holding a plastic scepter at a podium decorated with weird obscure plastic toys in front of a green screened flag reminiscent of classic retro dictator imagery from a cheesy C&C cutscene...

I mean......................come on guys

They can't fathom the fact that the word nigger holds little to no meaning for most people outside of the US.

For most people it's just a regular swearword used by black people in rap music at this point.


He's right btw.
>waaaaaaa but he's a cringy ugly fat fuck waaaaaaaaa

>How I lost all respect for Jim in 140 characters or less
>inb4 why have any to begin with

As long as he keeps his sociopolitical views out of his videos, I enjoy his content, but he has gone overboard quite a few times.

The point he's making in the video is pretty fair. Advertisers are already wary of Youtube and when someone as big as PDP says nigger on a live stream, it's only gonna make things worse for everyone.

>tfw I actually really like cybershell
fuck you, user

he's that crazy guy in a group of people who is really vocal and makes a lot of good points but all of them are lost due to how he presents himself, and also being way too overly specific about certain details to the point where it scares everyone away who might think about wanting to take his side, and so his contempt grows, and grows, and grows