What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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It's not actually a game.

It wasnt an RTS against the harsh fire-season and remoteness/inaccessiblity of the wilderness.

Fucking fund it. Planes 2 at least did that right.

Shut up before I DMCA you

Anti-escapist message draped as escapism aren't going to gel with everyone. We all know that we have to get back to real life eventually but I can just have some discovering aliens and shit first?

You can only get so much out of a bland walking simulator that doesn't even have any horror elements to it.

More like the devs announced they would DMCA Pewdiepie because he said "nigger" and some people on the internet don't like SJWs

Turns out, walking sim devs are easily triggered. A shocking revelation.

The most desperate virtue signalling I've ever seen.

So how long until steam reviews get disabled or something?
I doubt Valve wants them to be the place to throw tantrums

Valve is a champion of free speech. They don't censor.

They just censored that god game in malaysia

Good call, dota 2 still has mixed reviews thanks to you fuckers. Might as well disable it whenever I feel like it, too lazy right now

Does the normal anti-SJW crowd care enough about Pewdiepie to review bomb Firewatch because of this? It's probably just his tween fans getting defensive.

Who gives a shit either way?


This is clearly not the forum for it
After all, what the author thinks should have no impact on your view of the game.
It would be akin to hating a game you like just because you hate the author of the game.

>DMCAing a guy that got 5.7 million views for one of your games

Brilliant business decision for any future titles

im confused, what gives them the right to DMCA his video? its under fair use. just because he used a word you don't like doesnt mean you can hold his content hostage

It's what happens when a developer decides to commit career suicide.

>make a game
>give out basically no information before it's released
>the trailers and dev interviews give off the impression that there's some greater mystery behind the story
>game comes out
>still pushes for that slightly mysterious behind the shadows government involvement through the story
>gets near to the end of the game
>bait and switch the player with some forced emotional moment that you don't care about
>"lol it was just a dead kid the entire time"
>game ends

Fuck the cucks who made this piece of shit.

>you should compromise your views for financial benefit
how jew of you

That sounds badass

welcome to sjw """""logic"""""

Is that it? I don't really care for this e-celeb drama

i bet they lost sales because of that video

pewdiepie literally finished the "game" in less than 3 hours

it is called red herring user
the game is about escapism

because they feel they have a moral obligation according to their tweets

learn english lol


As you can see: The general public (as always) stands with the brave and honorable social-justice indie dev. Make sure to send positive reviews about this game their way.

he is modern pop star

SJWs dare tread into the realm of the sleeping giant. (vidya)

walking simulators are boring even if the story is somewhat interesting

it should be a movie instead

a moral obligation to what? how is it moral to use the DMCA system, one that everyone knows is broken, against someone for accidentally calling someone a word? it's not *their* content.

How was it Very Positive to begin with? It is utterly shit even as a "narrative" "game"

I already gave them a shitty review

theyre just going to get fucked by pewdiepie, lets plays are fair use and this will set a precedent hopefully


You guys are worse than SJWs

>one commonly used word gave him a coverage in dozens of different media, all of them pointing to his YT channel
>for free

This guy is fucking marketing genius

So we should be loving this game we never played right now?

No, the Malaysian government banned Steam, so they had to remove it from Malaysian Steam in order to do business there.


No real mystery, just a shitty on-rail story

really? I've always thought pewdiepie was the worst cancer on youtube (though recently this isn't even true and that's without having seen pewdiepie since those 2d bike game times) but this is retarded

You shouldn't have any opinion on a game you've never played dipshit

Great game, makes me sad that the devs are stupid

Nothing went wrong. It's a casual 5/10 game that will please some and disappoint others.

This reviews are a referendum on the game.

I've seen my friend play it on twitch (I don't call twitch streamers friends he's my friend IRL too) and it seemed like a fun game to play once. I don't think people are criticizing the game (very positive) but the recent actions of the dev (mixed)

Has this game any horror elements?

Well he didn't accidentally say it, but no their decision to try and abuse a law for internet brownie points makes them raging faggots and their tweet can actually be used as evidence if Pewdiepie decides to sue them for actively trying to harm his buisiness in which there are many laws that criminalise this.

You cant rely on quality art direction to be the saving grace for your game.

Notice that Kotaku and Inquisitr in particular are trying to create the idea that there is a "movement" against Pewdiepie that other developers should be joining in to virtue signal.

it's hardly a fucking game to begin with you fucking nigger

who the FUCK says unironically that firewatch is a good game on Sup Forums? it's literally just gone home in a forest. fucking KILL YOURSELF SJW shill NIGGER

That is not the point of reviews
The more you do that, the more likely you make it that Valve will counter-act

>posting reddit screen caps it now fully accepted on Sup Forums

Sad times.

They lied and said there was some cool spooky mystery in the woods, when actually it was just some guy who you never meet or see was a terrible parent and let his kid that you also never meet or see, die

is this Sup Forums's doing?

Well then why would I ever buy any product if I'm not allowed an opinion on it before purchase. I'd be indifferent to it and not care to spend my money on it.

abusing DMCA

As much as I like SJW developers getting their shit pushed in, this will hurt us in the long run, steam is already changing the way reviews work and Im sure this sort of thing will only accelerate their efforts to stop "punishing reviews"

>it's another steamfags think review bombing does anything episode
pathetic they did it with almost every game thats has controversy or denvo and it does nothing.

top kek

Don't be a wiseass. No one likes them.

Valve will only piss people off by counteracting.
Let the people's voices be heard, censoring them only tells them that they won and you have no arguments against them.

Actually it kinda is the point of reviews. When I buy games I don't go out googling for bad word of mouth but if I see recent reviews much lower than I expected then I know something's up. Often a warning of shitty microtransactions or lack of updates.

Not sure if retarded. You can't leave a steam review unless you own the game.

You cant rate games you havent buy on steam you dense mother fucker retard.


Worked for GTAV

Counteract how? There's no rule about having to buy the game to leave a review. Those people are well within their rights to post them.

daily reminder that the firewatch faggot will get his ass reamed in court for dmcaing over his feefees and without actual legal reasons.

i hope the devs gets fucked, they look like cowards and faggots with those tweets

Then why are you guys shitting on this game if you don't own it?

>There's no rule about having to buy the game to leave a review.

why do you have to play the game to shit on the devs actions in the real world?

Valve risks here more than just some customers
I doubt their partners are going to be very happy that reviews can be used a soapbox to bomb reviews because of something tangent like this


>their partners


You don't have to like the dev, but trashing their work without even playing it is borderline retarded.

everyone should byt this game, and ask for a refund at 15 minutes and post the review , it would wokr, because everytime we ask for a refund, they loses the money they had to pay to valve.

That's the funny thing, that's what makes it also so baffling.
This guy had nothing to do with pewdiepie apart from pewdiepie playing his game some time ago.
Pewds says nigger, and this guy who has no investment, nothing on the line no reason to do what he's done, yet he still spergs out.
Was he trying to boost sales for his games?
Is he mentally retarded? I mean, the only people who think that people who play games are blue haired dykes and nu-male faggots are idiots. They're real audience is the kind of person who would either have a giggle that pewdiepie said a naughty word or shake their head at his stupidity but move on.
Rally fascinating to me, just how badly this cuck misjudged the field.

kys shill

Bitch, people destroyed GTA 5's review because of them fucking over the modding community. If Valve didn't do anything then, what the fuck makes you think they'll do something now that some shitty little indie game is getting shat on because he threatened to abuse DMCA?

Then why didn't Valve block and delete reviews when people started review bombing GTA V over modding?

So I should be a dumbass?

Walking simulator with a dev who thinks it's ok to abuse copyright laws

Should honestly lose his copyrights for being such a faggot

What the fuck? Is this a game or an audiobook?

>I doubt their partners are going to be very happy that reviews can be used a soapbox to bomb reviews because of something tangent like this
Their partners can't really do anything about it because the review system is functioning as intended.
If people get upset with you because of some action you take, either stop taking said action, reverse it, or deal with the consequences.
PDP has to deal with the consequences of saying nigger, Camp Santo or whatever their name is has to deal with the consequences of pissing off PDP's fanbase.

I'm shitting on this game because i played it even though I do not own it.

retarded sjw being retarded as usual. back to tumblr

>There's no rule about having to buy the game to leave a review
You actually need to own the game and play for at least 5 minutes in order to post a review

Every publisher

Explain how I'm a shill.
I haven't said anything about the game because I'VE NEVER FUCKING PLAYED IT.
You haven't either. Stop pretending you have to fit in.

People on Sup Forums use Tumblr AND reddit. Hate to burst your bubble.

Maybe. It could be the dozens of virtue signaling tweets the guys made or the fact that he announced openly that he wants to file false DMCA which is technically illegal.

No one would have cared of he hadent of said a thing like everyone else on the planet but he jumped instantly at the opportunity to win sjw brownie points.

The only publisher that would ever take action is EA, maybe Ubisoft, and they both have their own digital distribution platforms on PC.

>People on Sup Forums use Tumblr AND reddit
no, just you

Who is this cum storage unit?

Except Valve's customer suppor has been abhorrent for years and they've received complaints for it from european authorities so recently they've been stepping up (refund, curators, wishlist sharing, activity feed etc.) and they're totally fine with having the appearance of a neutral platform that can bomb certain games and praise others. Valve sells them all anyway, it doesn't matter to them, the overall industry grows each year and Valve has a dominant market share.

i just bought the game cause the dev is a very good person

but i cant believe this line is actually in the game