I bought this stupid $15 pack for the Necromancer because of how many hours I spent playing the D2 Necromancer when I...

I bought this stupid $15 pack for the Necromancer because of how many hours I spent playing the D2 Necromancer when I should've been doing homework/studying.

All I have to say is, what the fuck is this thing? Did they just make up abilities that they thought would be cool? This thing doesn't play like a Necromancer at all and whoever decided that 6 second summons were a good idea needs to go fuck themselves. I played to be a summoner. I have to spam the shit out of essence builders and then spam mages. I feel like a factory worker doing a boring repetitive job.

If you haven't purchased this pack and you're expecting anything that remotely resembles a Necromancer, save your money and go back to D2 or PoE where they have an actual Necromancer.

>Go to the forums
>Blizzdrones shilling and defending the shit out of it
Big surprise

I guess the extra stash tabs and poorly done pixelated wings are nice though.

>Don't powerlevel
I didn't. I'm leveling one up through rifts and learning the abilities as I go. This thing isn't fun to play at all.

Other urls found in this thread:


It was stated in threads before the Necromancer was released that it would be nothing like a D2 Necromancer, or a traditional Necromancer in any way.
This is all your fault, OP.

>This is all your fault, OP

I know. Oh well, I fully expect some kind of $15 Druid pack or $9.99 Mercenary pack in the next couple of years. It wouldn't surprise me.

Welcome to everything bad about diablo 3. Wizard is just a gunship, so is demon hunter. Monk is just different elements of regular attacks and a giant bell, for some reason. Witch doctor is gay and barbarian does nothing but spin. Everything about D3, outside of the general concept of the gameplay, is just terrible.

get refund takes 2 min

>Wizard is just a gunship
What does that even mean?

Aren't there strict limits on refunds?

It's $15. I'm just a fool departed with a small amount of change. I'll keep it in the slim hopes that they'll some day revamp it or make it somewhat resemble a Necromancer.

>all the blizzdrones bought it at release
>anybody who cares at all has long since bought and played through with necro already
This is a reverse-shill thread to try and pick up last minute sales.

The utter contrarian nature of this board is being used against it. This is the most genius advertisement strategy I've seen on the site, damn good job Blizzard.

One single issue though...this.

Just refund that shit negroes.

>babbys first word problem
What does a gunship do, user?

What's a wizard """supposed""" to play like? lol

o why am i laffin

>This is a reverse-shill thread to try and pick up last minute sales.
>The utter contrarian nature of this board is being used against it. This is the most genius advertisement strategy I've seen on the site, damn good job Blizzard
It scares me that you actually believe this. Yes, all 6 of you in here as unique posters, go buy it now! They definitely didn't already make millions off of this for the nostalgia alone.

>what else floats

Your business strategies are becoming self aware.

We are reaching the advertisement singularity already.

Come on though dude, I'm complimenting you, unless you're just the mindless peon (haha orcs) who is typing it out, which is much more likely the case.

So... did they mean to leave the skeleton models in the state they are? There's no way those things are finished. They look like fucking garbage.

In old diablo games, sorceress could alter the field and cast novas and walls and etc. All wizard does is shoot laser beams and missiles.

The D3 team only consists of a few people according to rumors. They couldn't give less of a fuck about D3. They put more effort into WoW's mobile apps for the class hall than they do into D3.

and? D3 Wizard has Frost Nova too FYI

t. dabbing underage redditor

Is RoS worth it?

For a little while but it gets really fucking boring quick. Loot 2.0 is a huge improvement but you basically just run Grifts over and over and get all your gear from that fucking awful cube.

>Hit 70
>Run endless normal rifts farming deaths breaths
>Gamble shards with Kadala
>Upgrade yellows with the cube
>After you're geared out from the cube, farm grifts endlessly hoping for a small % upgrade so you can do slightly higher grifts
>Do this over and over until you can do high GRs

You couldn't figure out it would be shit by playing the other classes?

OK, some faggot keeps bitching at me for playing campaign

This. Some classes have fun specs if you do that "play it your way" bullshit but you won't get past GR40 unless you play the meta build.

The only reason to play the campaign is if you speed run it for XP while leveling or to get random achievements in the game. Even while leveling, rifts on Master+ are far more efficient.

Plus, the campaign is fucking stupid. No thought was put into the story and one of the main characters is killed by butterfly magic for... reasons.

is D3 still always-online mode on pc.Any chance of going offline single player so it can get cracked and played for free?

Path of exile

Skill tree is too autistic

Go play PoE witch class...
Thank me later...

From what I gather it does play like a necromancer.....from Guild Wars. Minion Bombs and all that shit

Thanks for the thread. I yesterday read the Necromancer came out a while ago and was checking the store for the price but hadn't bought it yet. Seems I dodged a bullet by being too lazy to buy it right away.

Follow a build then and do it

not an argument.

Make a necromancer in Path of Exile if you haven't already.

>Path of Exile

no thanks.

PoE necromancer is even better than D2. About 15 permanent summons and like several dozens timed. Best summoner I've ever played.

>still no nekomancer to manage a swarm of cats
Video games are dead, I tell you.

I haven't even played since season 8 or 9, so before necro got released but barely any class or build has nice and fluid gameplay before you get your gear going.

I personally had a lot of fun with an energy twister wiz with delsere's set.

what about crusader?

any fucking character with dominating blow is a better necromancer than the d3 necromancer

at least they have a base duration of 20 seconds instead of 6

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>being this mad about 15 (fifteen) US dollars ($)
Get a job

The only fun D3 Necromancer build is Inarius Corpse Explosion.

Druid is rumored to be announced at Blizzcon 2017.

not really

sick barneyfag-tier response bro
you sure convinced me

this. i'm at 60 GR as whirlwind barb and it was fun getting to that point but now it feels so fucking repetitive.

WHY THE FUCK cant you automatically pick up deaths breath like gold? it really ruins the flow

Well of course it doesn't play like the D2 necro, not sure why you were expecting that. It wouldn't have fit in with the faster paced rift gameplay that D3 endgame is centered on. If you wanted a D2 necro, why not just play D2?


DO elaborate



And even then you'r just a shitty Monk.

>Go to the forums
>Paid Blizzard employees deleting honest posts and defending the game
Most WoW players figured out the official forums ages ago. The moment someone gives a detailed explanation of why a new feature or poor decision is bad, they are magically down-voted, before a Mods swoops in ten minutes later to delete the thread.

>diablo 3 for €12
stop me brehs

literally anytime someone calls him out for something (like being an enormous fucking nuisance that puts the entirety of the brony bullshit to shame) his immediate response is almost always "not really" and he continues on his autistic journey to immortality

if this whole thread and every other thread haven't done the trick yet, you're beyond hope.
throw away your fucking money, encourage shitty games. congratulations and fuck you

no it isn't

You need RoS too, it's mandatory not optional, so price that in too. There is literally no content in it similar to D2.


RoS fixed it

it improved it. not the same thing
and they charged their customers for the privilege

a lot of builds sound cool but are boring as fuck

the demon hunter's multishot build is very fun because of how OP it is at speedruns. The raekor barb build is fun because it has a minimum of actual strategy in it. Most other builds are just "run here press 2 and then do that" rinse and repeat till you can do grift 85

You could've done the most basic of research and known about this but you didn't.

You could have voted with your wallet but you actually contributed to the problem.

You are the cancer that is killing video games.

Fuck. You.

God I love the look of that set

better than d3 in literally every aspect


I'd actually like to play the Necromancer but not for 15 shekels. Does this shit ever go on sale?

>recently released blizzshit going on sale anytime soon

sure except fun

play path of exile.

You vastly overestimate your importance and how many people even read these threads.

sounds like poe. play outside the meta and your character is shit

>Did they just make up abilities that they thought would be cool?
That is typically how it works.

Ducks eat aquatic plants...

very small rocks

you just have to make a build that isn't shit
how is that relevant to 'meta' ?

>Being stupid enough to give modern Blizzard (Activision Blizzard) your money

Dumb fucking cunt, you actually just spend 15 fucking dollars on one character in a Diablo game?

what are you talking about, poe you can clear all content with literal meme builds


> paying money for blizzard game

You deserve it, you retard

>Being stupid enough to give modern Blizzard (Activision Blizzard) your money
Came here to post this desu senpai

>did they just make up abilities they thought would be cool

Yeah... It's a video game.

Why did they even bother, the game is fucking dead, make D4 already and maybe they can save this series.

because $$ ?

>making money on a dead game