Pretty PC of you, Steam

Pretty PC of you, Steam.

Other urls found in this thread:

>This review has been banned
How do you ban a review? You can ban the reviewer but not the review.

>How do you ban a review?
By making it invisible to anyone but the reviewer. Also, the reviewer doesn't get banned, it would be retarded to ban someone from Steam for their political views, however retarded they might be, but it doesn't mean Valve is willing to put up with you spewing your toxic Sup Forums bullshit.

I wonder (((who))) could be behind this

Nigger lover

How is it realistic? Nobody in Europe is fighting back.

I wish they would remove anything that isn't a review in general.

tip tip

70% of european people aren't even aware they are being slowly cooked alive.

i thought you said "PC" as in "personal computer" and not "politically correct" at first

I dare say that reviewer got btfo

>I wish they would remove anything that isn't a review in general.
This is why there is a "funny" button.
But people should be able to say what they want, you fucking book burner.

>t. american

Steam reviews have never once helped me make a purchasing decision in the history of the platform.

>How is it realistic? Nobody in Europe is fighting back.

Valve must pay for not respecting you're freedoms of speech

Nope, swampgerman.

>hurr durr i'm the center of the universe, if something doesn't apply to me, then it's irrelevant

stop spoiling my setting with your irl bullshit

Um, no, sweetie, that's not how freedom of speech works. You're free to say whatever you want, anywhere you want, but when you do so on a privately owned platform like a forum, the owner is also free to ban your retarded ass for saying something he doesn't like. If you don't agree with the forum owner's behavior, how about you go express yourself somewhere else?

quick, everyone post this on the_donald! steam cannot get away with this!

>stupid AnCap believing Corporatocracy is not a bad thing

I'm not anti free speech or anything ridiculous like that.
The review section is worthless when such an extreme amount of people speak in meme faggotry that doesn't address the game in the slightest.

why americans act like they are white? usa is negroid country

>Worthless troll review
>Omg why is it bad fucking PC sjw cucklibreddits
I don't know about others, but I want reviews to be reviews, not shitty jokes.

Your an kike

>Nobody in Europe is fighting back.
t. amerifat


t.56% fighting back


>this triggered by someone offering their two cents
Do not understand how internet forums work?

Merkel is a god tier video gamer world leader

from wikipedia
>Freedom of speech is the right to articulate one's opinions and ideas without fear of government retaliation or censorship, or societal sanction. The term freedom of expression is sometimes used synonymously, but includes any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used.

>Freedom of expression is recognized as a human right under article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and recognized in international human rights law in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Article 19 of the UDHR states that "everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference" and "everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice".

your corporate kikeplay has no power here, faggot

its illegal to speak the truth goy

>switch edition
>playing on a ps4 controller

Better her than MEGAman

>can't even type english properly

That picture has been confirmed fake for a long time it was done by a lib to make winners look bad. Its truely pathetic that he would put that much time into a ruse, haha but I guess it worked. Even if it were real who cares thats a tasty looking meme cake and people are just jealous, Trump won btw.

I mean, when you've got the raw numbers and a country that's literally almost the size of all of Europe, it's pretty hard to tell.
The US being sub-60% white would still be upwards of 180 million white people, which would be more than Britain, France, Spain, and all of Scandanavia combined.

>confirmed; ps4 controller is best controller

Look at how hard her nipple got playing that game!

It's actually two things hooked up in the cabinet.
German fag told me so when this fist came up.

nigs make up like 15% only. its the spics that are taking over

Shut up europoor faggot, at least we're not a islam caphiliate

M8, you are free to speak whatever you want by using whatever form of media you want, but please do so via your own privately owned platform, because when you do so on a platform whose owner does not want your faggot ass speaking via his platform, he can ban you just for shits and giggles, not only for your political views or expression of those views. In other words: nobody owes you anything, you are not entitled to using Valve's forums in whatever ways you like, only in those ways that Valve agrees with.

well lads


Nigs make up 12% actually.
But yea, it's the spics that should worry Sup Forums.

When will you idiots learn that you have no fucking rights. You only have "rights" as long as you keep your head down and behave yourself according to what they deem and acceptable.

spics aren't niggers and have neandertal dna and are hence human. spics have never given me trouble in my entire life.

They've made it illegal to fight back, try posting a right leaning political view on EU social media and the police literally come to your door.

>highest murder rates in america are in majority black cities
>majority of murder is black on black
>racist to make the logical connection
murrika in a nutshell


More people died on 9/11 than from all the Islamic terror in Europe since 9/11.

>Free of speech
>a thing

You are a nigger and latino infested shithole run by liberals how is that better than Europe?

I know you burgers are delusional but your country is as garbage as Europe.

Ahh yes, all those spic countries sure aren't Africa-tier shitholes.
You've convinced me user, I should let my gf get fucked by a spic right now.

Inb4 this gets used to censor actual negative criticism of games, I can see this happening because Valve has a problem with mass review changes even if a developer fucks up the game somehow.

>compare refugees to vermin

do you think they ran a train on that qt?
*not listed in picture
>Girl tasered for refusing to have shower

>Girl tackled and arm broken for dropping piece of cake... then arrests her

>Arrested for farting in class

>Arrested for drawing on desk

>Arrested for texting in class

Si amigo! Nosotros somos puros Americanos! Viva America!


> run by liberals
Ran by jews.
Liberals don't run anything, they are just useful idiots.

You know it nigga

Another fake.

Don't act like a dumb asshole and people won't treat you like one. This has been pretty core to all societies since the beginning. Only recently have we had the combination of widespread emotional retardation and widespread access to information/communications that makes possible the kind of complaining OP is engaging in.

sasuga, Eurokek

>UK is European

who even benefits from protecting migrants?

This always cracks me up.

>This is why there is a "funny" button.
you mean a button that does nothing? There's still no way to filter out "funny" reviews

Yah, I bet. Sup Forums is in no way a ugly beta male infested shithole. Not like beta males only get to reproduce when traditional values and monogamy is stricktly enforced. Right?

Latinos and Niggers are Christian so they're better by default.

>say something exclusively designed to be offensive for fun
>get the expected reaction
>wooow slippery slope to censorship
You guys must have awful lives to sit around manufacturing every possible way you can leap headfirst into victimhood.

>implying it's not just because of the shitshow that is Brexit
If it quacks like a duck and looks like a duck it doesn't matter if you call it a goose

Let's not pretend that everyone on Sup Forums (and most of reddit/tumblr, etc.) isn't a beta.
Or a woman, which is arguably worse.

i'm divided on spics. i live in the north so the only ones here are migrants. for the most part they don't commit a lot of crime but they do piss me off because they don't know english and clog up the banks every fucking friday trying to cash their apple picking checks. they also usually stink

spics are a major crime source in the southwest though.

>tu qoque

>tfw poor Sup Forumstards got their eceleb shit deleted and now they have to all crowd into this thread

>i live in the north so the only ones here are migrants.
Wew, you must not live in New England.
Fucking Puerto Ricans and other islanders as far as the eye can see, and they're literally slightly more literate niggers.

The bankers that loan money to the European governments to pay for the colonists gibs

At the very least, she'll have like a 25% chance to spawn a perfectly white looking child and a 100% chance to have a child with straight hair.

And it'd still be a spic raised by another spic that would work with niggers to ruin the country.
Like they did with literally every South American country.

I'm converting to Islam in the hopes that I may one day behead you

>it's good to have a culture that deems it acceptable to push discussion out of the public square and into echochambers

just so you know you faggots. GG never stopped. It was just cencored on Sup Forums by the triggerd janitors. Even so everyone is already áware of it, there are still a fucktons of idiots who didn't listen when shit hit the fan. Take your time, gg stays forever. Mostly on 8 c h dot you know the adress, fags.

How is that disproving what they said? Free speech protects you from the government only, it does not extend one inch further than that.

t. 56% upset

I fucking can't stand Ricans. They've taken over all the formerly polish neighborhoods in Philly and Camden and turned them into utter shitholes.

>There's repercussions for making xenophobic troll jokes
How horrible

A privately owned forum isn't the "public square."

Lay down the tinfoil

They single-handedly turned Springfield, Chicopee, and Holyoke into fucking hellscapes.
Even worse than the niggers.

The country is already lost because of retards like you who blame the minorities instead of the actual culprits. Divide and conquer is an ancient strategy.