Is that how it feels to have your daughter being defiled?

Is that how it feels to have your daughter being defiled?

Yup have fun raising your daughter's child

I'm trying to explain Yakuza to my friend and he insists it's just a GTA clone thematically. How do I BTFO of him?

Tell him the daughter you raised since the beginning of the series through several games, becomes a slut and pregnant in Yakuza 6

>How do I BTFO of him?
>blow the fuck out of him
it souns like you know what you need to do

What happened to Haruka in the end? Did she married her totally lovely boyfriend and leave Kiryu?

>Quits being an idol and gets teen pregnant by some asshole
I might madder at Y6 than Usagi Drop

Since this appears to be the yakuza thread I guess I'll ask here. I can't get the timing down for the batting cages at all. Like I'll always hit them but they go left.

she became a whore

>GTA clone
>no cars
Does he even know what gta stands for?

Wait, was she really the mother?

How did that happen?

Not just an asshole, a chinese. Theres no greater dishonor, japs would rather have their daughters fucked by nignogs.

This is Yakuza.
Only drama and bittersweet endings allowed

I legit want to know user. Like what happened to her in the end? Did she still stay with Kiryu and raising the child with Kiryu help or what?

>kiryu gets cucked into raising her even though her father tried to kill him and her mother exploited him
>kiryu endures countless cuts, bruises and gunshots to protect her
>she publicly shames him by becoming an idol slut
>breeds with a chinese
Name a greater villain than haruka.

how would i know about this Soap opera shit

Then don't fucking answer it retard


Kiryu literally fucked off because he cant bear the shame anymore. Haruka stays at the orphanage to teach the other kids how to be sluts.

It feels like she was born a woman, user. Do you also complain about water being wet?

So she just went back to the orphanage and Kiryu gone exile? The ending is not a happy one then. Interesting


I think you are hitting late in your swing.

At least she is cute.

Tell him to play one so he can see its nothing at all like GTA

I can't see her as cute anymore, i'm... sorry!

Don't forget that she announces to the world that Kiryu was a yakuza too


She looks hideous now in the OP pic. She still look cute in 5. What happened? How many years in game story since 5?

huh.. well at least I have an excuse not to play Yakuza series..

Yeah I finally figured out you're supposed to hit when their hand starts tense. Just don't even look at the ball

we cherrypicking or nah?

That one is a chink not moon. I know because i am a chink.

>post butt ugly asian

i guess not

Are you cute though

You can stop any time.

By Burger standard? No Asian is good looking.

I haven't played or looked into Y6. Is there really some kind of actual character assassination of Haruka, or is it just Sup Forums's spergs getting mad that their loli-bait character fucked someone who isn't their avatar Kiryu?

you're really pissing me off

She did fucked some chat when she was 19y.

stop what, telling the truth?


I know that she was getting raped and have a child. I still don't know what happened to her in the end. But this user answer it for me

They ruined her for fun since its her last game anyways.

>ruined her
What does that mean? What, without using terms like "whore" or "purity", is the issue with a character growing up and having sex?

How much she keeps shitting on Kiryu bothers me more than all that stuff.

>This is the caliber of posting on Sup Forums now
lol u tk him 2da bar|?

Yes, my daughteru cannot have sex with anyone other than me(Kiryu) REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

yes it's called not being married first

Holy shit what century do you live in?

She is getting raped though. It was not her fault. Oh wait you are one of those guy huh

There's a difference between her being pure and her getting caught up in Yakuza bullshit when Kiryu has nearly died several times to stop her from getting involved with said bullshit

It makes absolutely no sense for Kiryu and Haruka to have a story past 2, he should have just stayed with Kaoru and Haruka should've just married a doctor like Makoto did

Haruka pretty much gets knocked up in a one night stand by some chink who didn't exist in the series before 6.

She literally fuck off in the beginning of 6 for no reason so that Kiryu can save her again. Shit girl


So? It's a gritty crime drama. Bad shit happens to people. Also, mentioning the fact that a character didn't exist before their introduction to the story is a meaningless complaint. New characters have been introduced in every Yakuza.

I don't have a problem with Haruka becoming a mother, it's really more like she should have been smarter than to get involved with, well, a fucking gangster.

But Kiryu is totally a GOOD GUY user!!

>gritty crime drama
dont forget its also japanese so its shit

well her mother was a whore so it genetically makes sense

But you can't keep giving people happy endings and then straight away fuck them over in the next game

The writers of the Yakuza games have absolutely no restraint and need to realize that if you're shitting on characters for the sake of making another game, you should just not write that character in. The bullshit they've done to force Kiryu into certain games in the series is frustrating. You want the best for him, but the bad things that happen to him make no sense from any kind of viewpoint.

Her being a mother isn't the problem, it's the fact that she's involved with things her kinda-sorta-dad wanted her to never be involved in. She's also done some stupid ass shit like outing her dad as a Yakuza

Purity has nothing to do with it. Through what she pulls at the end of 5 and what she does offscreen in 6 she irreparably ruins Kiryu's life. Mainly by being a complete moron, despite being characterized as being relatively mature for her age in earlier games, if they're going to have her fuck shit up they could've come up with better reasons/methods of doing it atleast.

Her getting knocked up could've actually been a chance to develop her character technically, though the writers do nothing with it. The baby is just there for random melodrama.

Well he is, in his own way, but even he probably wouldn't want someone to get involved with someone like him because it'll only end badly for them. That's the entire point why he fucks off and pretends to be dead, so that Haruka now has the chance to live a normal life.

Yakuza wouldn't have any problems inherently with non Jap asians. They'd probably have as much a beef with pure Japanese people seeing as how the organization was founded by and was initially for zainichi (koreans living in Japan who were discriminated against).

I'm honestly in a bad mood now that this has been brought up

Doesn't work in 6's story. Kiryu was only even involved because of Haruka's actions, not the other way around.

>Her being a mother isn't the problem, it's the fact that she's involved with things her kinda-sorta-dad wanted her to never be involved in.
What would that be?
Working in a soap-land?

>Her getting knocked up could've actually been a chance to develop her character technically, though the writers do nothing with it. The baby is just there for random melodrama.
Because she spends the majority of the game in a coma too, right?

Getting involved with criminal shitheads romantically

>daughter figure rebels against wishes of father figure
>bad writing
confirmed for never knowing a girl at any point in your entire life.

To be fair he did save her, but yeah she should have been smart enough to use protection. And get on with her life.
Wasn't the dude also not even an adult at the time?

By the time she does rebel she's a damn adult. That might fly for 15 year olds right in the middle of puberty.

This wouldn't have happened if Kiryu had sex with Haruka. Try to disagree, brainlets.

I mean, she probably would have been taken away from him if he did that, so I guess you're right.

Kiryu should have let Saejima did it in 4

Was making the father Chinese an attempt to force more drama by making the baby a filthy halfbreed?

Also what's with Japs and their weird superiority complex. Why do they hate other asians so much?

I don't see how anyone would even notice that the kid is half-chink.
Hell, the damn father has a japanese name and didn't even know who his own father was until much later.

Asian hate asian user. Chink hate both worst Korea and Japan. Korea hate both chink and moon.

Did Haruka secretly want it? Her face reveal it all.

No, it's because the series has been pandering more and more to the burgeoning Chinese video games market and they keep introducing more and more Chinese characters.


Unit 731

I think her behavior implied that she kinda' hadn't been put in that situation before, even with classmates.

She likely was so focused on raising the kids and being a sort of big sister figure to a dozen orphans that she just never thought of it.

When she first ends up there, she seems oblivious to it, but as the scene goes on, and you see Saejima working his damnedest to resist the urge to fuck this nubile young thing, she seems to pick up on the animalistic urges, and it somewhat influences her, sort of how a child may imitate other things the first time they see it or try it.

Afterwards, you can see her in the background of scenes, where she sort of fears him (justifiably so), but is also curious about him and how it made her feel.

i think im done reading this thread, i feel sick

I just checked into this thread after seeing this post and now I will stay.

You're relieved, user.

That's pretty tame, bro. She felt something, and she also knew what he did was wrong, as did Saejima.

It was an important thing for both of their characters: to humanize Saejima after being locked up for so long, and differentiate him from the other inmates, and then to introduce the concept that Haruka is getting older in real ways.

my nigga imma need you to dial it down

And people give Germany shit for all they have done.

why would you expect a happy ending in a series involving gangsters?

Yeah dude, the writers of the game where dudes punch and kick each other over supreme ownership of arcade-and-karaoke-town made a point to write the world's most subtle romance between a literal, actual child and a murderous prison inmate, and its effect on the young girl's blossoming sexuality.

Holy shit, seek help.

What make you think i expect a happy ending? Ok maybe i did expect it since japs usually like their happy ending.

Yakuza 1 and 2 had pretty hopeful endings

have you played 4 though? i don't agree with dude on his feelings about what haruka was thinking but saejima was definitely prime to smash that all to pieces for a moment before his moral fiber let him know

You make it seems like the genre will totally impact the ending tome. Are you literally never watch anything else? Even horror movie can have a happy ending

I didn't say Saejima isn't weirdo who hasn't seen a girl in over a decade, of course he wanted to fuck it. I'm more concerned by the dude who wrote several paragraphs on how the writers meant to imply that Haruka really wanted it and it ignited a fire in her loins that kept her coming back to Saejima to chase that forbidden feeling.

Someone post the irl gravure idol that looks like Haruka.

It's also a fucking video game, you don't want the character you've spent hundreds of hours on getting fucked over

Take off your shirt and fight him on top of the roof.

still need a name

>women are whores

You bet.

KEK say that to Kojima