What are the best videogames to learn japanese

what are the best videogames to learn japanese

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If your motivation for learnign a foreign language is exotic spank material, you need to rethink your life.

Probably anything with furigana.

What did she mean by this?

thanks anonymous-san I just shaved my head I decided to become a monk

>Today is the doll festival

Not a videogame, but yotsuba is a common starting point. There's reading guides to help beginners too. Other than that, get the common core 2K anki deck and memorize those. Also Tae Kim

Don't read Yotsuba first Op. She speaks in child-like/slangish text that's actually pretty hard to read for beginners. Shonen Jump mangas (Dragon Ball, One Piece) are unironically the better starting point.

Custom Robo or Ni No kuni.
Give this thread a read. A few games are mentioned
8ch dot net/v/res/13340546.html#13340835

Why are you guys trying to learn Japanese?
I can't see the point.

There are people who learn languages for fucking business, to talk with normies, or so they can brag about being fucking polyglots.

Learning a language to beat your meat is one of the purest motivations you can have. I think you should really branch out into general entertainment, but I did it for a single artist who never got translated and it was completely worth it.

Now there are dozens of artists I'm in love with that I would have either never encountered, or encountered on a massively reduced scale because only a couple of their works are translated. And then I've got games, TV, Japanese internet memes, it's by far the best decision I ever made.

Go read Doraemon like a lot people before you.

Playing to learn is pointless. Playing to get more comfortable with what you know is good, and any game works for it.

Games are fairly well suited for use as study material, though. Lots of short, simple sentences, voice acting, and you can pause everything.

They're not ideal, but they're pretty high up there. VNs and shit with furigana is better, but they're less of a hassle to read than seinen manga or novels.

My point is that reading as a whole is a bad way to learn new material, but good for reinforcing what you already know. It has nothing to do with games as a medium.

>>My point is that reading as a whole is a bad way to learn new material
Yeah, I don't really agree with this. It's bad from a reproduction standpoint, sure, but understanding sentence structure and the true meaning of words can only come from consuming real native content.

If you treat reading as completely passive, and just skip past anything you don't know, then maybe it'd be a bad way for you.

I'm eagerly awaiting the next Animal Crossing so I can have a reason to play a game in Japanese that actually forces you to read.

The original AC for GC basically taught me english from the ground up, so it'll be like revisiting old memories.

>but understanding sentence structure and the true meaning of words
This falls under "reinforcing what you already know".
>If you treat reading as completely passive, and just skip past anything you don't know
It's not about skipping past new things, it's that you're going to be more focused on understanding the game's story and you're not going to commit anything new to memory. I say this as someone who's read 30+ games in Japanese.

No, you say that as someone who is perpetually bad at learning.

Learning is one of the few things that I can say with confidence that I'm better than 99% of people at.


Go to Ehimekin
Meet all the porn artist that seem to all live and circle there.
Avoid Tokyo unless you want to lose all of your savings.

what you enjoy
Some people just don't like learning for the culture, or something else.


What are the best languages to learn; Arabic, French, Spanish, Dutch?

What do you want to learn?

One you have enough of a use for and interest in to stay motivated.

Open your eyes, you're not actually Asian, I listed the languages I want to learn.


my wife Isabelle is so cute

Learn them all.

You especially I'm sorry for mocking you
Oh the irony, it's me that need to open MY eyes, sorry. What are the best games to learn these languages, is what I mean to ask. Note to self: Don't post on Sup Forums after taking 2 melatonin pills.


>tfw understood both posts without the need of translate
I'm learning, lads

Holy shit why didn't I think of this
Sure hope Kobochan could be an easy read too

where can i find it?

You can't learn Japanese.

>I know over 300 kanji
Shit picture


I will not be subjected to your tyranny

How did you learn? By yourself or did you take lessons?

What do you think muse is actually supposed to mean?

Games aren't that great for learning useful Japanese because most use a lot of specific terminology.

But if you're determined then I find things like Monster Hunter for learning because of reoccurring vocab and kanji you need to know for doing quests, while text heavy games like JRPGs can turn into a chore.

I recommend light novels over everything though for recreational learning.

Kanji Logographs a shit, A SHIT!
Latin Alphabet is beautifully simple and easier to grasp.

Post some good light novels.


what pronoun would a guy in their 20s like myself use




Why not just learn a useful language like Chinese?


Where is that link from? DJT?

Anyone who takes lessons to learn a language is a fucking moron. It's useful to have a native speaker now and again to answer a question for you, but thanks to the internet, it's completely trivial to do a bit of give and take.

Lessons move at a glacial pace and don't teach you the important quality of learning a language, which is self-discipline. You can learn that by yourself easily, just make a schedule and stick to it. Tell yourself you have to do X every day, and try and get it done in the morning. You're going to take breaks, space something out over 5 hours or slack until an hour before bed, but as long as you never fall into the trap of saying "eh, I'll just skip it today because I'm busy", you'll get there in the end.

someone has to post the image now

>not この美しい俺様
Wow dude, you must have the self-esteem of a sea slug.

Thanks for this.
Also that board seems to be a lot better than Sup Forums.

depends entirely who you're speaking with and how you wanna be seen

You only don't need lessons if your goal is to never be able to actually use the language in any capacity outside of reading.

tl;dr says enough
>If you learn chinese, you'll be forced to interact with the Chinese.


You still don't need lessons for anything else, aside from maybe being a fucking linguistics teacher. If you want to develop a better speaking voice, a classroom with 10-100 other people and a single native is a completely meaningless setting, get in a fucking skype call with some Japanese normies and chat about the latest variety show.


You need consistant feedback on everything you do or you'll end up like the people on Sup Forums who can only put together an awkward sentence or two and read a childs manga.

If you don't go to class I can guarantee you that your Japanese is way worse than you think it is.

go away jackie chan ain't paying you shit for your classes so better go make fried dog you chink


At the very least, you should take classes for your first 2 years or so.

I was planning on learning grammar and vocab by reading one piece. Any idea where I can get the raws from?

Google "wan piisu raw"

There are countless websites specifically set up specifically for this purpose, and I can promise you the feedback you get from a native is worth a lot more than the feedback of your equally, or usually much more clueless classmates.

>Getting feedback from your classmates

Is this an American thing?

I did and got nothing useful back. I've also searched it in japanese and only found places to buy it.

Just buy it then? If you want them so bad and aren't willing to search online properly then pay the money and be done with it.

manga-zip dot net/archives/167751.html


I'm sure that my speaking and sentence composition ability is dreadful, because I have absolutely zero interest in that shit. Maybe in a decade I might feel like talking to someone, but until then, it's a completely meaningless ability, like knowing how to write every kanji. I can probably barely write kana at this point, it's been years, but it's a completely different area of the brain I never have need of. If I absolutely needed to write something down for a jap, I'd pull out my phone.

Even so, I'd never go to a classroom. A 1 on 1 setting with a tutor maybe, but I'd probably just find nips to talk to, for free and from the comfort of my own room.

I would but I'm a poorfag and also I don't know japanese yet so buying from and using a japanese site is difficult.
thanks a lot user

That was my point to begin with.

>You only don't need lessons if your goal is to never be able to actually use the language in any capacity outside of reading.

Nice looking grid user
>2 years in myself
>feel like I know nothing still as just about get through キノの旅 books
>meet other people who've been studying a similar amount of time who can speak pretty well but think that 俺 and 僕 look the same
It's kind of strange that the better you get at something, the more you realize how far you actually have to go.
Shit happened to me with music 'n all

But you still don't need lessons. You can ask pretty much anyone who has ever taken one, who were the kids that absolutely destroyed everyone else? They were the guys who were out talking to actual people instead of looking in textbooks or being too scared of asking the teacher a question. That's how you cultivate a good language ability, and you don't need a classroom to do it.

how's that handwriting, if you even care about it?

I need to do my fucking Anki too, thanks Sup Forums for reminding me

What are some older games to learn? I've seen some SNES ones that i can't remember the names of

It's funny, you can always spot someone who wasted 50k and 4 years of their life on a Japanese degree when they say shit like this. And the funny thing is, you probably aren't even that fluent even after paying some jews a million dollars to scream watashi wa baka gaijin at you

I can't even write in a coherent manner in english, my handwriting sucks so much that some years ago a teacher on school told me to kill myself



I want to learn to play cute cats.

cat's on the roof

And I can always spot someone who thinks thay're Japanese John Wayne because they read some online guides.

I did one here in Japan. You can't just go to class and you can't just fuck around outside and read in your room.

I know people who've been here for twenty years, got themselves a wife and still have shitty Japanese because nobody is teaching them and explaining their mistakes.

>>I did one here in Japan
You're ahead of most braindead classroom learners, but really not by much.

Going to class is worthless. Living in Japan is what's valuable, and if you can't see that, you're even stupider than your expat friends who never use Japanese because they married a fucking gaijin hunter who covers for them all day while they work at a company staffed by foreigners and only make friends with other worthless expats. They have shit Japanese because they want to have shit Japanese, they're fine with the bare minimum. For some reason, you think that going to a class is actually teaching you anything, instead of just sucking away your day because you're too lazy to self-study.

Self-study is important too.

>You can't just go to class and you can't just fuck around outside and read in your room

Take this opportunity to learn from someone who's been on both sides instead of carrying on this stupid crusade you're on.

I know you don't want to be told you have a glass ceiling but you do and it won't go away because you keep arguing as if you know any better.

I'm not going to take advice from someone who is delusional enough to think the thousands of dollars he spent somehow grants him access to some upper echelon of Japanese knowledge. What you're talking about is buyers remorse, a sunk cost fallacy, there is no merit to your words.

Tell yourself what you want, it's hurting nobody but yourself.

So don't go to school?

School is horrible for learning languages of any flavor (that applies to programming too), you need to self-study whether you go or not, so you may as well just not. The only thing of value is interaction with your teacher, and that can be gotten elsewhere both online and in real life.

>actually paying for nip classes
Why the fuck would you do that when the best fucking japanese teacher is free on youtube


Work and self interest.
Gonna ask why I want to learn to draw as well?

Post art right now, faggot

I'm phone posting, my art is in my computer while I'm wage slaving


>posts animal crossing
>exotic spank material
I think this says more about you than the OP user