> console exclusives are anti consumer
> Linux? Lol who cares bro just use windows like everyone else
console exclusives are anti consumer
Other urls found in this thread:
>expecting PCfats to have even a modicum of intelligence
Linux is for work.
>apt install steam
>doesn't run, google it
>need to enter some more commands because some crucial drivers or whatever aren't included
>into the trash it goes
>linux aka ACTUALLY NO GAEMS run on this
>implying windows is anti-consumer for anyone here, when we all pirated it
That's not how it works. If you're gonna bash Linux do it right.
>Linux? Lol who cares bro just use the OS with Directx so it works like console and game devs actually use it.
unreal is the only AAA game that used to include a linux compatible version. Of couse it used opengl.
Op is basically crying that game devs don't use opengl for every single game when windows and directx exists.
How about YOU be a game dev and use opengl for everything?
do you want me to make a webm of it not working?
fuck off
OP might know what a graphical driver is, but I bet that's the extent of it.
I love linux distros and would take them over windoze in a heartbeat, microsoft and their kernal are trash, but I understand where game devs are coming from.
>im too stupid to use my operating system: the post
nice windows alternative you got there
Linux is for fedora-wearing neckbeards.
>console exclusives are anti consumer
>package doesn't install the required dependencies
That's a fault of whoever put the package together, not the kernel or even the package manager itself.
>Not coding his own OS
Fuckin baby faggot, using ANY pre made thing EVER is for DUMB children
>use terminal to install steam
>have to google everything
>not just installing the way the user is meant to
It's funny how you keep getting dumber by falling on your head.
> download windows program installer
> next
> next
> next
> 10 search toolbars
> 2 viruses
> hard drive encrypted
>He didn't create his own cpu instruction set from scratch.
Why bother computing if you're not going to take control of your hardware?
>doesn't works
>Make a game for an OS that has like fifteen versions you'd have to bugcheck on
>Make a game for an OS like 95% of the average fucking person has
This isn't difficult
>consoles exclusives are anti consumer
>Why don't you like Steam? Muh wallet and Gaben man, c'mon! So what you bought a physical copy and all it came with is a code for Steam, you should suck Gabe's cock and shill for Steam for free like I do!
>thinking sudo apt-get is of equal difficulty as writing firmware
holy shit for a board dedicated to electronic media you guys sure don't know too much about electronics do you? stay mad with your privacy invading malware of an OS
>Make a game that doesn't work
>Blame the OS
Yeah sure.
>apt install steam
>just works
At least it works, can you say the same for yours or are you too busy frantically looking for a fix in old abandoned forums that requires you to type 50 lines of code and cross your fingers?
What a fucking faggot. He doesn't have his own silicon manufacturing facilities. He doesn't have his own 14nm transistor design
>Making a sandwich
>Don't toast my bread
>Sandwich becomes a soggy fucking mess because of this
>Have to go back and check what I did wrong
>hurr muh food analogy
As someone with a friend who both him and his brother work as programmers, you are hilariously stupid. Why do you think most windows programs come in either x32 or x64 flavors? Because they're tuned for THAT specific part of the OS.
I use linux since a long time ago, but seeing how lots of people here praise windows so much and bash linux, I decided to try it. To my realisation this "windows is good" thing is an elaborate troll; here are my reasons:
Just after finishing installing it I rebooted and noticed that it wrote over grub, thus forbidding me to boot my other OS's. Why would you even do that? Why doesn't it check if there are other OS's installed and let me choose?
After my first dissapontment I booted into my fresh windows install and tried to install drivers for my gpu, after 5 minutes trying to find a package manager and some googling I understood that windows doesn't work like that! You have to go to the website of the GPU manufacturer to download drivers! WHY????!!!! Linux had package managers since before I had hair in my penis, how can windows, an OS made by a fucking billionaire corporation, don't have a simple package manager? I fucking had to use "internet explorer" (a fucking excuse to a good browser) to get a real browser!
And it doesn't stop there! you have to look online for every program you want, all have different installers that make you agree to some obscure legal documents and try to install shitware like toolbars all over your computer! And that's not all, if you want to update most of these programs you can't fucking click somewhere to update them all, you have to update each of them manually, lots don't even have a way of updating them so you have to go to their site and download the new version!
Also you can't do fucking anything with the "command line", it doesn't bring any of the famous coreutils available on all Linux distros and even Mac OSX! The command line is a fucking joke only made to show that their excuse for an OS could be useful.
After raging for a few hours I understood your trolling Sup Forums and will stay away from that piece of crap you faggots love to rice
>install Linux
>"Why can't I play "game"?"
And Linux? It's not the year 2000 anymore.
Steam is literally in the Software Manager (Like windows Store but for Linux). You just need to click on install you double nigger. Always search in the Software Manager before trying to isntall manually, if you are a regular person you only need apps from the Software Manager.
Linux is the name of the kernel that Linus Torvalds developed starting in 1991. The operating system in which Linux is used is basically GNU with Linux added. To call the whole system “Linux” is both unfair and confusing. Please call the complete system GNU/Linux, both to give the GNU Project credit and to distinguish the whole system from the kernel alone.
Nice reddit spacing nigger.
Nobody cares about your shit sead gay OS for faggots
I have ADHD and can't read more than 2 sentences at a time unless it has reddit spacing.
Oh wow there are power tool brands I can only get at Home Depot like Ryobi how fucking anti consumer we should all go back to Russian Communism
Linux isn't competitive for mass consumption so it doesn't get proper support for the majority of games without pretending to be a Windows machine just to get them to run.
It is cumbersome. That isn't marketable.
>console exclusives are anti consumer
They're not. Exclusives are the only reason for consoles to exist. And if you remove consoles from the market then the variety of games will decrease and Steam will have an even greater stranglehold over the industry. People who complain about exclusives are extremely short-sighted.
>idtech 5 STILL isn't open source
>idtech 6 isn't even licenseable
Carmack is rolling in his grave
Does the PS4 use Linux, and if so, why can't devs just port the games to that platform?
It uses FreeBSD and a truckload of proprietary shit layered on top of it.
>not anti-consumer as fuck
Let me replace a broken part with a brand new part so I can make my Linux machine work again
oh wait
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Windows, is in fact, NSA/Windows, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, NSA plus Windows. Windows is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another expensive component of a fully functioning Spy system made useful by the NSA core-spyware, reverse shell utilities and vital keylogging components comprising a full botnet as defined by Gen. J. Clapper.
Many computer users run a modified version of the botnet system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of spyware which is widely used today is often called “Windows”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the NSA system, developed by the NSA. There really is a Windows, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Windows is the cover: the program in the system that hides the spying resources from the other programs that you run. The cover is an essential part of a botnet, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete botnet. Windows is normally used in combination with the NSA spyware: the whole system is basically botnet with Windows added, or NSA/Windows. All the so-called “Windows” versions are really versions of NSA/Windows.
Sorry, but what the fuck did you mean by this?
Steam is for consolefags in denial.
And what if they spy me? I have nothing to hide.
But steam is available on Windows, Linux and Apple.
I'm not sure what you are implying, you can install & play games that are supported or use wine on linux.
You forgot to emphasise that it is pronounced GNU slash Linux or GNU plus Linux you fucking poser.
>console war threads still aren't a bannable offense
When will mods start banning this reddit shit?
>implying mods weren't hired directly from reddit since the site's inception
>implying Sup Forums isn't reddit
>implying Sup Forums users don't also use reddit
Basically is now, when it was forced upon PC gamers in 2004 many, myself included, did not like it. The idea of having to run some chat client to play games that you paid for made no sense, and it still doesn't.
This and I still don't like it.
>1% Market share half of which are old ThinkPad
>Why don't they make games for us
it doesn't have Microsoft office or the adobe suite and thus is useless for the employed.
>Using Windows
>Any year past 2012
console exclusices are exclusive to a shitty hardware platform.
Wine, VMs with gpu passthrough, dualbooting, mulltiple boot drives, and switching Oses all are possible and free you fucking retard.
I just use the L I N U X system
Why should I use Linux when I'm gamer? Linux has no games.
Oh, wait, it has one
just use wine
>Release game on Linux
>Obese neckbeards pirate the game because I didn't give them the source code so they could mode in underaged furry sex or some shit
I hope you're not implying that windows games aren't pirated en masse
>use macOS
>get the best of both worlds
Linux users are more entitled, the piracy rate would be even higher. Once you factor in that no one uses Linux you're lucky if you sell 4 copies.
>based on a prestigious research pulled from my ass
Since when is Office neccessary for work? Either create a pdf with LaTeX or use Libre and save as an Office document, when people, who only use MS Office should be able to edit it.
no gaems and anti-consumer practices?
i used linux for a few months, and basically the experience fucking sucked. Now i realize i'm can't into anything coding and programing related, but everything i did just didn't work, or worked half the time. Zandronum worked, but the sound cut out for some reason, steam didn't work at all, "dedicated" recording software lacked basic functions like volume balancing, basically the only game i ended up playing was a tron clone.
>M-muh viruses
Any normal person can install an anti-virus, it's a small price for the convenience of everything working out of the box. Why would i use a system that requires me to write literal code just to make a game work when i can just use a system where the installer does it all for me, harder doesn't mean better, you just use linux since it jerks off your tiny programmer penis.
Keep sucking dick
heh yeah, did you have to make an algorithm to think up this insult for you?
> i'm can't into anything coding and programing related
why did you even bother installing linux then?
let me put it this way:
>im not knowledgeable enough to change my car's oil
>i am knowledgeable enough to change my cars oil
>wow that was easy, didn't cost me anything but a quart of oil, and saved me time going to the shop, also i learned something about how my system works!
you're just lazy, and that's fine, just dont bash the people who like more control
having a linux OS makes interacting with large clusters of information much easier due to its UNIX base, it makes it easier, not harder
if you dont even know how to write a "hello world" function in a simple language i have no idea why you would bother installing it unless you wanted to learn
linux is more like
>Get a car
>Have to assemble it screw by screw
>Constantly have to tweak small aspect's that don't work
More like
>car doesn't start
>go search various old forums describing your problem
>find 50 different answers
>finally find one that works
>replace the oil as instructed
>start car
>car works for a bit
>suddenly the pistons explode from the carter, closest one landed a mile away
what? no my dude, im sorry you missed my point, the point was that some people rather pay money to take their car to the shop to deal with everything, while others enjoy spending time on understanding how it works and being able to recognize quality in the system
again, you're just lazy and don't want to tinker with things, which again is completely fine, i do the same with other aspects of life, but don't knock a system that clearly isn't meant for what you need it for, it just makes you sound like an uninformed child
>windows is full of spyware, bloat, buggy updates, non-free software, 20 year old hacks, and hides most of the useful tools away
>Linux STILL can't compete with it in anywhere but server rooms
Does it strike anyone else as hilarious that Linux users can have such an elitist attitude about how shitty Windows is, yet every Linux distro combined accounts for about 3% of the desktop market share while every Windows version combined makes up NINETY PERCENT?
Even Windows XP accounts for 6% years after it has been deprecated and most organisations have been able to upgrade to at least W7.
Just because something is widely spread doesn't mean it is good.
Most people have shit taste, are more willing to stick with the familiar and are technically inept.
linux is a no cost freely editable operating system all the way down to the kernel level, and it has absolutely zero drm. even if it did have drm that would require closed source aspects which will never happen. linux will be always be the "network tv" of platforms getting the content long after its been in theaters/on cable, unless they're kickstarter titles. if you're willing to wait that long then great, otherwise you're stuck with windows.
reminder that linux is only free if your time is worthless
Oh I agree, popularity doesn't equal quality, but simultaneously you have to wonder why in a market where there are literally 3 options that one of them outnumbers the other two combined by 9 to 1; this isn't really a subjective playing field with thousands of options and no objective design standards. The FOSS communities are fragmented and terribly unproductive.
Has nobody in the last 40 years of OS design thought "hmm, maybe I should try and make an open source OS that even technically inept people can actually use? They are by far the majority after all, pandering to the tech-literate minority is satisfying but ultimately won't do a fucking thing for the paradigm I'm trying to push"?
>malformed rhetoric, not even a statement just a sentence fragment
>appeal to anonymous authority
nice argument kid, here's your (You)
>why in a market where there are literally 3 options that one of them outnumbers the other two combined by 9 to 1;
Because that one is preinstalled on 90% of computers you can buy and very few people care enough to change it?
I program for a living but I still stopped using Linux on my home computer after I added a new hard drive and it resulted in having no way to boot into a GUI until I manually edited fstab from the command line. On the allegedly most noob friendly distribution. How freetards can think it's even remotely usable for normies yet is beyond me.
linux will always be where it is and windows will always be where it is. linux or any other open source os will never break into the home/game market because like user said above there's no drm. even if you put denuvo on it you can edit the os on such a level it would defeat the purpose almost instantly. linux will always be at the mercy of devs who are kind enough to port their game over long after its made its money on windows and consoles.
I don't know if both can be even possible. If you want to make an OS for technically inept people then you have to hide features, which could possibly ruin the OS.
If normies can't be arsed to install Linux in the first place they certainly wouldn't bother installing some shitty Indian fork to bypass DRM
>can play all pc games
>can play maybe 10% max of pc games
hmm i wonder why people on a video gaming discussion board use windows over linux
>inb4 "j-just use wine!"
plenty of games don't work with wine either
PCs aren't consoles, if Steam gets too shitty that other services will thrive.
Why should the variety of games decrease once you remove consoles?
Install Solus
>unless you wanted to learn
This is why I want to try Linux out at some point, in a "learning by doing" sort of way. But I worry it'll just burn me out more than anything.
Windows 10 is the best OS on the market.
Linux is for application development. You can find and use Office alternatives anywhere
Actually the windows kernel is called the ntoskrnl, and the usermode portion is what's know as windows
Happy to help
Linux still has plenty of issues that make it bad for vidya and desktops. Unless somebody starts paying the upfront costs of fixing worse drivers, regressions, understaffed DE teams and tons of tiny, annoying, boring to fix bugs nobody's been bothering with for 10 years, it won't change.
That said, Windows is getting worse and worse with this as well - creators update broke a crapton of userspace, for example.
Release on Ubuntu, every other distro that wants to stay relevant will repackage it for you.